

lis,te,niig fo fspes:resd e: l d' u5l.et+ : : i.' ; ; : : :AIt is convenient to reset the counter rvhen \\rou want to nlomorize Acertain point (For erample, u,hen vou r'vant to rcrvind the tape. to thenridu,av of tl.re tune, etc.).The tape counter inclicates the amor-rnt of tapc' travel as a nurnericalvalue based on the nr-rmber of revolutions of the tape hub.I Press DECKll2 to select the deck to be used.fl Press COUNTER RESET.To reset the tape counter while listening to or recordingfrom CDs or the radio:1. Irress DISPLAY.2. Press COUNTEIT ITESET u,hile the tape counter is being displavcd(displayed for approrimatclr- 5 scconcls).For your reference:oWhen the tuner or CD mode displav shot.s, the tape counter dis-plav will appear for about 1 second.olVhelL the tape is travelling in the rer.erse direction, the r\"alue dis-plaved on the tape counter rvill count don'n.After \"0t10 \" is reached, the displav l.iil snitch to \"999 \" and thencontinue counting dort'n.ffiffi {{: il*: E* d.EIf the forlr,ard sjde (tr) indicator ligirts:)) : The tape n iil be fast fontardecl.Press {{ or >> while the tape is in the stop mode.The tape r'r,ill be rew'ound If thc rcverse side ({) of the tape is selected:Thc reverse operation rvil1 t.rke p1ace.H igh-speed rewi nd/fast-forward :t....................................._t ''-4 C-Jt-tThe deck ren ind/fast-forn,arcl the tape rt,ith high-spced n,hen:oThe deck rct,inds from around the end of the tapeoThc deck fast-foru.ards from around the beginning of thc tapeWhile the high-speecl rel-indr'iast forn'arcl is activatecl, high speedrewind /iast-forward indicator flersires.When vou press {{ or }} t,hile the higl-r-speed rervirrd/fast-forn'ard is activatcd, the deck resumes the norrnal-speecl rervincl/fas t-fonvarcl.For your reference:oEacl.r decks'plav direction is stored in tlre system's memorv.mo oEl\\ I | /[!]o oc'qo;>oThe deck may sometimes make the higli-speed rer,r'ind/fast-.You can fast fonr.ard or reu,ind the tape n,hile vou are plaving orrecordir.rg a tape in another deck. Press DECK 1/2 to switch to thcforw'arrl fror.n arouncl the miclrt av of the tape.After above opera-tion, be sure to press DECK 1 /2 to sclect the deck in w'hich you areplavilrg a tape.norL plaving deck, and then press {{ or }}. WI
