

2022-09-19 来源:小侦探旅游网

参考答案(Unit 1—8) Unit1 Key to Exercise Preview: 1 True or false 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10T Vocabulary 4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference 4. serious, serious, seriously 5. seriousness, seriously polluted 6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute 7. attention 8. attentively, attentive 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions. 1. on their own 2. show off 3. burst into 4. given rise to 5. brought about 6. to resort to 7. clinging to 8. give rise to 9. took advantage of 10. in vain, make, out of 4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text. 1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。 They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company. 2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。 Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own. 3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。 It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems. 4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。 He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison. 5. 他不久就爱上了这个村子。他决心和村民一起把这个地方变成一个花园。 He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers. 6. 我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。另外,我认为我们还必须采用严厉的法律措施。这不只是一个钱的问题。 We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of

money. 7. 当警察到达学校的时候,学生和老师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。 When the police arrive at the school, the students and the teachers were still in a daze. 8. 这个腐败的官员还在死死抓住他的权力不放。他拒绝靠边站。 This corrupt official was still clinging to his power. He refused to step aside. 9. 当那个人最后进入视界时,我发现他原来是我父亲。不知道他怎么在这大雪中找到这个地方的。那时候,我放声大哭起来。 When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father. I didn’t know how he managed to find this place in the blinding snow. At that moment, I burst into tears. 10. 她不时地偷偷朝他张望。 她发现自己第一次这样看一个年轻男子。 She glanced at him from time to time. It was the fir

st time in her life that she had found herself looking at a young like that. 5. Fill u in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 1 of 2 from 3 for 4 out 5 up 6 up 7 up for 8. out 9. with 10. of 11. of 12. of 13. up Grammar: 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of word(s in the brackets. 1. had overslept 2. had invited 3. was born, had left 4. had gone, told 5. had worked, were admitted 6. loved, had always been 7. was, had been 8. became, had read 9. returned, came 10. met, had once treated, said, was, had done, forgave, asked 3. Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word. 1. easy 2. beginning 3. But 4. suddenly 5. worried 6. If 7. master 8. number 9. habit 10. go 4 Translate the following sentences into English 1. 上大学之前,我没有想到大学生活如此丰富多彩。 Before I came to/ entered college, I had never thought life at college would be so rich and interesting. 2. 出生于20世纪90年代的中国大学生大多数是独生子女。 Most of the Chinese college students born in the 1990s are the only child of their families. 3.了解他的人都因为

他出色的工作而钦佩他。 All those who know him admire him for his hard work. 4. 我那天缺课了,因为我不知道课已提前到了周四。 I missed the class because I didn’t know it had moved up to Thursday. 5. 在某些国家,超重的人会受到一定的惩罚。 In some countries, those who are overweight will be punished one way or another. 6.在大火中失去家园的人们很快被安置到安全的地方。 Soon after the fire, those who had lost their homes were taken to a place of safety. 7. 再见面的时候,我们发现我们两人变化都很大。 When we met again, we found we both had changed a lot. 8. 以李教授为首的专家们很快就会来帮助农民解决问题。 A team of experts headed by Professor Li will soon come and help farmers solve their problems. 9.现在种着西红柿的那块地以往是荒地。 The field planted with tomatoes used to be wasteland. 10.我们老师叫我们读像矛盾、巴金那样大师们写的作品。 Our teacher told us to read books written by such masters as Mao Dun and Ba Jin. Unit 2 Vocabulary 4. Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to the words in bold type. 1. 一个男子突然站了起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。 2. 我们在他回家前把房间通通风吧。 3.她虽然八十好几了,但还能穿针引线。 4. 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人妖在我们这里浑水摸鱼。 5. 她清楚地知道,如果2把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。[head for:很可能遭受(不幸);会招致] 6.会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持的。 7. 正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多种方法。 (不必

墨守成规) 8. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被用石头活活砸死。 9. 我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿极了的年轻人在一家饭馆狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。 10.桌子上的食品如此诱人,我都流口水了。 3. Complete the sentences by

translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. is that we can’t find enough foreign markets 2. is that with democracy there is no harmonious society 3. is that we should give/ allow students more freedom 4. is not strong enough to send him to prison 5. reliable enough to be her husband 6. is not big enough to hold so many people 7. There doesn’t seem to be any different opinion 8. Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody 9. Because there didn’t seem to be any good reason at the time 10. because he was being followed at that time 11. my car is being repaired/fixed 12. I hear it is being criticized by many people 13 a good doctor, but he doesn’t know much about history 14. an excellent English professor, but she doesn’t know everything 15. we may be poor, but we are no beggars. 16. I shouldn’t have told her in such a hurry 17. I shouldn’t (have gone 18. we should have listened to them 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases 1. move in on, happened to 2. aware of 3. heard of 4. think twice 5. Because of, hand over 6. the other day, on duty 7. on the case, as to 8. in the first place 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions and adverbs. 1 on 2 into 3 up 4 forward to 5 down upon 6 up 7 up to 6 Translate the following sentence into English 1. 在我看来,这似乎不可能,但是其他所有人看起来都很有信心。 It seems impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. 2. 我们四下一望,没有一个仍然矗立的建筑物了。地震似乎把一切的摧毁了。 We looked around. There wasn’t a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. 3. ---他这些日子里似乎情绪很低落,不知道为什么。 He looks to be in a low spirits. I wonder why. ---我觉得那是因为他似乎学习上没有多少进步。他怕被同学瞧不起。 I think it is because he doesn’t

seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked upon by his classmates. 4. ---你在找什么,迪克?W What are you looking for, Dick? ---我好像把钥匙丢了。真烦人。 I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5. 如果你发现一个字在中间说不通,你就该查查字典。这是掌握意思的唯一办法。 If you find a word that doesn’t seem to make any sense in a sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That is the only way to learn to use a word. 6. 他们继续争吵了几个钟头,两人似乎谁也不愿听对方的话。我突然想起有人说

过:“讨论是知识的交流,而争吵是无知的交换。” They went on arguing for hours. Neither was willing to listen to the other. I suddenly remembered someone saying: “Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance.” 7. 那里的形式似乎非常复杂,政府已答应进行认真调查。 The situation there seems quite complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8. 我爷爷似乎正在好起来,但是他任然需要有人照顾。 My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9. 经济学家已经得出结论:危机似乎很快就要结束了,世界经济正在好转。 Economists have come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. World economy is looking up. 10.这次病后,我看了看我的银行账本。使我伤心的是,账上的余额几乎是零。我前三年存在银行的钱全花完了。 When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my sayings in the past three years were gone. 7. fill in each blank with the correct form of the appropriate word in the brackets. Ago and before: 1. 和过去式连用,不能和现在完成式连用 2. 说“现在的多长时间以前”用ago; 说“过去某时的多长时间以前”用

before。所以通常ago 用于过去式,before用于过去完成式中。 Eg. Two years ago, I left the company, which I had joined two years before. Grammar 3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word 1 type/ kind 2 lending 3 for 4 is 5 pay 6 opening 7 balance 8 store/keep/save/put 9 changes 10 withdraw 4 Translate the following sentence using one of the patterns listed in Grammar exercise 1-2 1. 你还是试一试别的方法吧。 You ought to try a different method. 2. 要不你再去和写作老师谈一谈? I think you ought to talk with our writing teacher about it. 3. 我们还是立即向警方报告这次失窃吧。 We ought to report the theft to the police immediately. 4. 你的父母身体不好,你多去看看他们吧。 You ought to see your parents more often now that they are not in good health. 5. 你不该对长辈那样大声嚷嚷。 You shouldn’t have shouted at the elders like that. 6. 这么重要的会议你是不该迟到的。 You shouldn’t have been late for such an important meeting. 7. 难道吉姆不是你的朋友吗?他提出要帮你,你是不该拒绝的。 Isn’t Jim your friend? You shouldn’t have turned down/ rejected his offer of help. 8. 作为一个大学生,你是不该把业余时间都花在网络游戏上。 As a college student, you shouldn’t have spent all your free time playing computer games. 9. 万一我这次失败了,我还会再试第二次的。 If I failed this time, I would try for the second time. 10. 要是地球继续变暖,

这些岛屿将不复存在。 If the global warming continued, these islands would disappear. 11. 我要是现在有一百万元,我一定会给父母买一套房子。 If I had a million yuan, I would buy my parents an apartment. 12. 要是我当选为学生会主席,我没准会组织一次钢琴比赛。 If I were elected president of the students’ union, I might

organize a piano competition. 5 Identify and correct the mistakes 1. No one knew what had happened/was happening there. / No one knows what is happening /has happened there. 2. My parents had a good reason to be angry with me. I shouldn’t have lied to them in the first place. 3. The new Prime Minister is well aware that his government is faced with a lot of problems. / The new Prime Minister is well aware of the problems his government is face with. 4. If you won the prize, what would you do you the money? 5. The guest was greeted with a bunch of flowers at the airport. 6. The teller was arguing with a young customer about something when the narrator entered the bank. 7. The narrator thought the bank’s policy was ridiculous. 8. It was understandable for her to be angry with me. / She had a good reason to be angry with me. 9. I shouldn’t have lied to her in the first place. 10. He had no choice but to do what he was told to. Unit 3 Vocabulary 1. 3 Translate the following expressions 1心中不高兴的纳税人 2. 一个不平等条约 3. 不为人知的捣蛋分子 4. 不幸的结果 5. 未曾预料到(出其不意)的访问 6. 可以预见的未来 7. 一个令人难忘的人物 8. 变化莫测的天气 9. 非饮用水 10. 在可以付得起的价位上 11. 难以描述的痛苦折磨 12. 由于可以理解的原因 13. 拓宽街道 14. 加深湖泊 15. 缩短文章 16. 重组政府 17. 重游故乡 18. 更换旧机器 4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets. 1. represent, represented 2. employer, unemployed, employees, reemployed 3. well-informed, information 4. informer, inform, authorities 5. complaints, complain, unemployment 6. insult 7. insulting, insult 8. representative 9. be insulted 2 Complete the following verb + noun collocations or expressions 1 mind (his own business 2 plant / grow / harvest / reap (the rice 3 dig / sink (a well 4. (catch fish / birds / crabs / mice/ a thief / a

cold / the meaning / the disease 5 till / improve / conserve (the soil 6 plough (the field 7 (condemn the enemy / the killings 8 (attract attention / interest / criticism 9 (gather flowers/ nuts / information /troops 4. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions and adverbs (1 in, of, with, at, with, about/of, to, of, on, to (2 of, for, from, till, on, after, against/from, in (3 to, in, of, of, for, to, for, in, to, (4 down, over, with (5 by, over, (6 along, with, across (7 around/ round, away, with (8 to, up, off, off, on 5 Translate the foll

owing sentences, using the link +predicative pattern 1. 祝英台虽然不愿意嫁给马家小少爷,但她不能不服从她父亲。她的心都碎了。 Zhu Yingtai had to (was forced to obey her father and marry the young master of the rich Ma family although she was extremely unwilling. She was heartbroken. 2. 那个人从来没见过这么大的一张钞票。他说:“这东西看着好,摸着也好,的确就是好。” The man had never seen such a large note. He said, “It looks good, feels good, and it is good.” 3. 树叶都变黄,变红,变紫了。看起来真是如天堂一样美。 Leaves had turned/got/gone/become yellow, red and purple, It really looked heavenly beautiful (beautiful like heaven. 4. 随着年纪越来越老,她开始容易感到疲惫。 As she grew older, she began to feel tired easily. 5. 他的话听起来很有说服力,但好听的理由并不等于好的理由,两者之间存在很大差别。 What he said sounded very convincing, but reasons that sound good do not always mean good sound reasons. There is a big difference between the two. 6. 他爱说话,他永远无法保持沉默,而他说的往往被证明是错的。 He likes to talk. He can never keep quiet, and what he says often proves (turns out to be incorrect. 7. 他在战斗中受了伤,流了很多血,变得十分虚弱,

他的领导强迫他留在医院到伤口痊愈为止。 He got wounded in battle, lost a lot of blood, and became very weak. His leaders ordered him to stay in the hospital until he was completely recovered ( healed. 8 他以为可以从我们手中滑过去;他们错了,他们休想干了坏事就溜走。 They thought they could slip through our fingers. They were wrong. They couldn’t get away with what they had done. 9. 长征的时候,红军需要越过大渡河,穿越草地,翻过雪山。 During the Long March, the Red Army had to get across the Dadu River, through the grassland and over the sown-covered mountains. 10. 你在哪里生活习惯了吗?你和同学相处的如何?我们给你寄的钱够你凑合着用吗? Are you used to the life there? How do you get along with your classmates? Can you get by with the money we send you? (Is the money we send you enough for you? 7 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate word or phrase in the brackets. 1 wish 2 hoping 3 hope, wish 4 wished 5 hope 6 can’t, can, won’t 7 should, would/could/might 8 happened/occurred, happen/occur 9 occurred, taken place/happened/occurred 10 happen, take place Grammar 3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word 1. trying 2 enough 3 brought 4 without 5 first 6 simple 7 any 8 times 9 in 10 only 4 Translate the following sentence using sentence patterns of unreal condition or as. 1. If you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you could have caught the train. 2. Your father would h

ave forgiven you if you had told him the truth. 3. If it hadn’t snowed heavily, I would have taken you along to yesterday’s party. 4. If there had been more rain in spring, the harvest would have been much better. 5. If they hadn’t

learned a lesson from their failure, they wouldn’t have achieved so much. 6. If my family hadn’t supported me, I wouldn’t have taken part in this contest. 7. Many people think that China’s Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world,. 8. As so often happens, misfortunes/troubles never come singly/alone. 9. As is often the case with many first-year college students, Jim finds it hard to adapt to the life at college. 10. As is reported, the president will visit five African countries next month. 5 Identify and correct the mistake(s 1. Supermarkets have sprung up everywhere in Beijing since the 1990s. 2. The old lady finds the shop filled with goods she has no use for. 3. If I had had time, I would have joined you for dinner yesterday. 4. The old couple told me that they had nothing to complain about. 5. My grandfather advised me to apply to Nanjing University for admission. (or: My grandfather suggested that I apply to Nanjing University for admission. 6. He went back to work as soon as he was back on his feet. 7. He said he would pass on the message to all his friends. 8. We might have finished our work by 5 pm if the manager had not interfered. 9. Any country will sooner or later fall behind if it fails to keep up with the times. 10. Maybe it is fate that brought my children back to our hometown. Unit 4 Vocabulary 2 Complete the following verb + noun collocation or expression 1. fit the (description; lock; theory 2. (make; receive; have; get; answer a telephone call 3.(make; have; arrange; keep; break an appointment 4. risk (failure; life; health 5. affect the (health; future; economy; result; decision 6. raise (hell; hands; eyes; a finger; voice; glass; wages; prices; hope; issue 7. save (time; money; trouble; life; face; country 8. wave (a gun; arms; hand; flag; cloth 9. (do harm 10 bite (one’ lip;

one’s nails; none’s tongue 11. (take; seize; miss; gives; have; get chances 12. cover (a table; one’s body; somebody; ground; field; anger; all subjects; all expenses; many miles; pages 5 Rewrite the following sentence using the words or expressions in the brackets. 1. He did not fit the description of a great scholar. For one thing, he was half naked. For another, he slept by the roadside of a busy city, hardly a setting for a philosopher. 2. I wish I knew how they learned about this secret missile. 3. Her face suggested a ripened apple, and she was otherwise very strong except for the loss of both her leg. 4. They made an appointment in a restaurant that evening, where the waiter quickly slipped a note into the spy’s hand concerning he secret message. 5. We waited for almost one hour and the food we ordered still di

d not come. I decided to raise the devil with the management. 6. The government has promised that it will not hesitate to punish those who deal in cheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution. 7. Had the authorities aggressed with the plan, it would have brought a lot of problem. Luckily, it was turned down and no harm had been done. 8. We must make sure that the nuclear power stations are absolutely safe. We can’t take chances. 9. I think we should mind our own business. But I will check on him anyway. 6 Translate the following sentences into English 1. 他们别想当然地以为我们会接受他们的条件,把我们当傻瓜。我们不那么容易上当。 Don’t let them take it for granted that we will accept their conditions/terms. We are no fools, and we won’t be so easily taken in. 2. 我们只花了三年时间就使我们的村民收入增加了一倍. It took us only three years to double

the income of our villagers. 3. 他们要是不收回他们的话并道歉,我要给他大闹一场. If they do not take back their remarks and apologize, I am going to raise the devil with them. 4. 我们提出的这个问题很复杂,有很多东西需要考虑.但是我们得碰碰运气吧. The problem we raised is complicated. Many things have to be taken into consideration. But we have to take our chances. 5. 这孩子像他爹,对一切都好奇. 给他一个玩具,他立刻就拆开. The boy takes after his father/Dad. He is full of curiosity. Give him a toy, and he will immediately take it apart. 6.你一定要确保他们带你去见他们的经理,告诉他们,事情很重要,很可能关系到我们的投资计划.你必须见他本人. You must sure that they take you to the manager. Tell them that it’s very important and may affect our investment plan, and therefore you must see him in person. 7. 他们告诉乘客说,天已晴朗了,飞机估计半小时以后起飞. They told the passengers that the sky had cleared up and the plane was about to take off in half an hour. 8. 我建议你落实一下你们逮捕的那个人和描绘的犯人是否相符. I suggest you go and check if the man you have arrested fit the description of the wanted man. 9. 你意思是假如我们采取这一步,就可能影响我们两国的关系吗? Do you mean that it will affect the relationship of our two countries if we take this step? 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate word or phrase in the brackets. 1 except, except for 2 effect, affect 3. ordinary, common 4. cause, cause, course 5. used to 6. hard- , hardly 7. am used to 8. glanced at 9. staring at 10. gazing at Grammar 3 Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. 1 time 2 buy 3 instead 4 with 5 did 6 pushed 7 nobody 8 When 9 what 10 used 4 Translate the sentences into English (1 using adverbial clauses of time and reas

on introduced by as 1. As the final exams are coming nearer, students have stopped computer games, and they are busy preparing for them. 2. As time goes by, it becomes easier to forgive and forget. 3. The couple sat and listened as their daughter told them about her first day at school. 4. As we approached the 21st century, we keenly felt the need for understanding and cooperation between nations. 5. As he is learned and humors, Professor Yan is very popular with his students. 6. As many important people will go to the party, the couple think they should be seen there, too. (2 using the passive 1. Three subway lines are being built in the city. 2. Shakespeare’s works have been translated into many languages and read all over the world. 3. Almost half of the crops in the area have been destroyed in the rainstorm. 4. If you were asked to list ten people you admire, who would you name? 5. What would you do if you saw a stranger being bullied? 6. Their relationship is based on shared dreams and interests. Unit 5 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 3. Fill in the blacks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. 1 for, on 2 against, out 3 to, in 4 with, to 5 of, of 6 of, in spite of, on 7 of, in 8 Upon, into 9 in, with 10 to/with 4. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase in the brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1. springing up/ going up (两者均可。前者更生动些 2. go about/ go over(两者均可,但前者指开始某项工作,后者指该计划本身要仔细审阅一下,意思有所不同) 3. went out 4 going on 5 went off 6 goes with, go to 7 go under, go for 8 go into 9 going, go to, go for, go along with, went crazy 10 go with, go together 5 Translate the following sentences into English 1. 这是个难得的机会。你要是让它从身边溜掉就太傻了。 This is a wonderful opportunity. You would be foolish to let it slip by. 2. 我们的出口和去年相比增加了百

分之二十。 Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20%. (or …are up by 20% / …have gone up by 20% 3. 因为没有更好的词,我们姑且称之为“走后门主义吧”吧。 For want of s better word, let’s call it “backdoorism”. 4. 这个年轻人喜欢修理摆弄东西。他可以说是个万金油。(什么都会一点的人)。 This young man is fond of fixing things. He is something of Jack of all trades. 5. 和他们父母一代相比,今天的年轻人认为他们是比较现实的一代。 Compared to their parents’ generation, young people today consider them to be a more practical generation. 6. 他气得脸色发青,决定将这场抗议运动扼杀在萌芽状态。 His face turned/ went blue with anger. He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud. 7. 这说来话长, 但是今天我不想去研究这件事的历史了。 It is a long story, but I won’t go int

o the history today. 8.我们花了比我们想象多得多的时间才过了海关。 It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs. 9. 灯光突然全灭了。全城一下陷入完全黑暗中。 The power went out suddenly, and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness. 10.别等我了,你先走。我要先把这份文件看完。 Don’t wait for me. You go ahead. I must go over this document. 11. 我们无法否认这样的事实:我们为经济发展付出高昂的学费。 We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development. 12. 消防队员要是晚到一会儿,火就会蔓延到附近的油罐。 Had the firemen arrived a bit later, the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks. Grammar 1 Combine each pair of sentences following the pattern below. 1. The narrator was as helpless as the boy at the bank. 2. In a bad year the soil is as hard as stone. 3. Luckily, the final exam isn’t as difficult as the mid-term. 4. At the moment, your health is more important

than anything else. 5. To his mind, the two cultures are as different as chalk and cheese. 6. Xiao Fang is the most creative student I’ve ever known. 7. This is the most fantastic story I’ve ever heard. 8. Five thousand yuan is the lowest price we can offer for the PC. 9. Jack says that Avatar is the best science fiction film he’s seen in the last three years. 10. The snowstorm last week was the worst my grandmother can remember. 11. I think Dialogue on CCTV News is one of the most thought provoking talk shows CCTV offers. 12. The Bird’s Nest, the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, is the most magnificent stadium I’ve ever been to. 2. Compete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using one of the patterns given. 1. The doctor did all (that they could 2. everything he says 3. anything the ask for/demand 4. all he got from a week of hard work 5. All that is written in his wife’s letter 6. Nothing the doctors said 7. anything you suggest 8. Something he read in a popular magazine 9. All that can be done is /has been done 10. Anything the artist painted 11. something that never existed before 12. nothing the doctors could do 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 1 through 2. over 3. like 4 As, like 5 through 6 Over/ In/ During 7 through 8 over 9 from, without, around/ in, As, with, with, to/with 4. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word 1 much 2 kind 3 doing 4 called 5 fought 6 become 7 good 8 other 9 himself 10 then Unit 6 Vocabulary 5 Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the appropriate words listed below. 1 acceptance 2 occurrence 3 astonishing, unrecognizable 4 appreciative, expectation 5 identical, identify, identifications 2. Give corresponding synonyms and antonyms for the following words. Synonyms 1. meet (with 2. show,

indicate, symbolize, represent 3. stupid, dull, unwise 4. old 5. examine, look closely 6. arrive at, come to, go to 7. repair 8. remark, speech, comment 9. consider, see, view, look upon, take 10. speak about, chat, discuss 11. require, need 12. think carefully, consider, ponder over 13. ridicule, mock 14. surprise Antonyms 1. flat, gentle, gradual 2. incomplete 3. believe, trust 4. unexpected 5. seriously, formally 6. relative, conditional, questionable 7. unknown 8. ugliness 9. later, in the future 10. few 11. small, tiny 12. empty 13. unconscious 14. insignificance 15. at last 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the appropriate phrases and expressions listed below. Note that some of them may be used more than once. 1. After all, regarded as 2. regarded as/ in a sense, consists of 3. for ages, at once 4. were astonished at, After all 5. calls for, on their part/ in turn 6. dawned on, in case, melt into 7. reflect on, in relation to, calls for 8. cut, in, on their part/ in turn, work out 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. 1 off/ out 2 off 3 out/through 4 through 5 to, through 6 to 7 with 8 on 9 to 10 with 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and expressions listed below. 1. 当我们到达目的地时,我们发现这块地上已经没有任何建筑,只有一些石头散落在地上。没有人能认出这是一段可以追溯到千年以前的城墙。 When we reached our destination, we found nothing standing on the ground except some rocks scattered here and there. Nobody would be able to recognize it as part of the city wall a thousand years ago. 2. 今天,大多数人看问题都有了新的角度,他们不再认为主要是国内生产总值标志一个国家的幸福了。 Today, most people have got a new perspective. They no longer accept the view that mainly GDP marks the happiness of a nation. 3. 让我们同意对方有不同意见吧。我们

起码在这一点上意见是一致的,我们同意不采取暴力,我们同意我们的分歧必须和平解决。 Let’s agree to disagree. We at least agree on one thing: We agree not to use force. We agree that we must settle our disputes peacefully. 4. 桂林向来被我们称为最美的地方,我以前怀疑这种说法。现在我完全同意他们了。一切都美极了,尤其是那千姿百态的石峰。 Guilin has always been regarded by our people as the most beautiful place in our country. I used to have my doubts, but now I totally agree with them. Everything is so beautiful, especially the rock formations in these different shapes. 5. 我可以向你保证他是个非常随和的人。我从来没见过她发脾气。 I can assure you. She is a very agreeable person. I have never seen her lose her temper. 6.一位亲眼看见那个妇女被汽车轧过的年轻人同意出庭作证。我很欣赏

他的勇气。 A young man who saw the woman run over by the car has agreed to appear in court as witness. I admire his courage. 7. 大学教育应该设法保证我们的大学生有进行批判性思维的能力。 College education should see to it that our students are able to do critical thinking. 8. 你们在预习功课的时候,一定要尽量试试,看你是否提出重要的问题来,是否能作出有意义的评论。 While you are preparing your lessons, you must try your best to see if you can raise some significant questions and give meaningful comments/criticism. 9. 在对这个问题进行仔细思考以后,我认识到,我们必须保证学生不但能谋生,还能懂得怎样生活。 Upon careful reflections on this issue, I’ve come to realize that we must make sure that our students not only can make a living, but also know how to live. 10.有一次我修好了一个漏气的自行车胎,爸爸拍拍我的肩膀,逗我说我是家里的天才,有当机械师的潜力。他的话引起了全家人的大笑。 Once I fixed my bike tire which was leaking. My dad

patted me on the shoulder and teased me saying that I am the family genius and have the makings of a good mechanic. What he said set the whole family laughing. 7 Fill in the blanks with one of the appropriate phases listed below 1 At that time 2 at a time 3 for the time being, in time 4 on time 5 during the time/ at the time, for a time/ for a long time 6 all the time 7 at the same time, at a time 8 By the time, for some time 9 at times/ all time 10 For a long time/ During that time, all the time Grammar 3 Translate the following sentences using proper adverbial clauses 1. Take a warm jacket with you in case it should suddenly turn cold. 2. It’s not safe there, so stay in the hotel at night. 3. The two girl spoke so softly that no one else could hear them. 4. When you explain the danger of the drug to children, do it so that they can understand. 5. The whole family worked hard so that they could send one of the children to college. 6. In winter the school closes early so that the children can get home before dark. 7. He was an only child, so he found it difficult to get along with his peers at school. 8. The accident happened so long ago that I don’t remember much about it. 9. The teacher had just taken the children out of the building when it collapsed. 10. It was so dark that the German secret agent didn’t notice there was no balcony below the window at all. 4. Fill in the blank of the passage with ONE suitable word 1 so 2 aware 3 realized 4 book 5 when 6 but 7 clearly 8 again 9 decided 10 case Unit 7 Inter-lesson (I Answers to Exercises 1 Put in the, a/an, or a 0 when no article is needed. 1. A, a 2. a 3. The, the 4. 0,0 5. the, the 6. a 7. 0, the, the, The 8. The, a , 0 9. A, 0 10. The, an, 0, a, the, 0, 0,

0, 0, 0 // 0, 0, The, a, a, 0, a, 0, 0, the, 0, 0, 0 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1. goes 2. is having, won’t be 3. will stay 4. had 5. has just offered, told, am/was, need/needed 6. arrived, were 7. has happened, have been trying 8. is, find, are 9. arrived, had begun 10. were still sleeping, was, were barking, began 3 Put into these compound sentences a conjunction (and, but, or, so and a comma. 1. I did not know a single one, and none of them knew me. 2. I clung to my father’s hand, but he gently pushed me from him. 3. One of our daughters is working in a textile factory in Bangkok, and the other has a jib in a store. 4. The harvests were poor at first, but they soon improved. 5. Send them away, or I’ll shoot and take my chances! 6. I opened the account myself, so why can’t I withdraw any money? 7. Our piece of land is small, and it is no longer fertile. 8. No, we two haven’t changed much, but the village has. 9. But there is no more rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely and my heart will break. 10. I know, times have changed, but certain things should not change. 11. Sometimes, they get bullied, and it is like a knife piercing my heart. 12. “Press closer, little Nightingale, or the Day will come before the rose is finished” cried the Tree. 4 Put into the passage punctuation marks:…. My sister and I are three and a half years apart in age, but a world apart in the way we live our lives. She is conservative and quiet. I take too many risks, and the only time I’m really quiet is when I’m sleep. I’ve spent most of my adult life apologizing to my sister and the rest of my family for being different, for embarrassing them by something I wear, something I do or something I say. 5 Paraphrase these sentences, paying special attention to the underlined parts. 1. Our path: life at

school Not totally sweet: not just fun (not unclouded: (there were work to do and unpleasant things to face. Method used for paraphrasing: replacing abstract words with concrete ones Paraphrase: school wasn’t just fun; there were work to do and unpleasant things to face. 2. suggested: showed Authority: a person in charge Paraphrase: The way the man looked showed he was the man in charge there. Method: finding out the exact meaning of words or phrases in the context 3. it: hearing (that my children are badly treated Is like a knife piercing my heart: gives me great pain Paraphrase: Whenever I hear (that my children are badly treated, I feel great pain. Method: replacing similes or specific words with general words. 4. fit the description of any secret agent: was like a secret agent (described in spy novels Paraphrase: Ausable wasn’t like any secret agent in spy novels Fowler had read. Method: explaining phrases in everyday language 5. The occasion: the fact that the villager was serious about the rock being the center of

the world Show of recognition: agreeing with them in some way on my part: from me Paraphrase: As the villagers were serious about the rock being the center of the world, I felt I had to show I agree with them for the sake of politeness. Method: explaining abstract words (occasion, recognition in concrete everyday expression. Answers to Test Paper I. Spelling 1. rivalry 2. variety 3. stretch 4. whisper 5. pierce 6. scarcity 7. scent 8. interfere 9. ridiculous 10. jewelry 11. conscious 12. genius 13. ignorance 14. potential 15. automatic 16. mysterious 17. passable 18. blossom 19. marvelous 20. philosophy II. Word Formation 1 overcrowded 2 withdrawals 3 Amazingly 4 determination 5 doubtful 6 wordy 7

good-natured 8 telecommunications 9 curiosity 10 disagree III. Cloze 1 has 2 meeting 3 at 4 hours 5 alone 6 lecture 7 weekends 8 Among 9 way 10 that IV. Translation Chinese to English 1. He doesn’t seem to have the courage to speak out about what’s happening in the factory. 2. The couple told the reporter that they had nothing to complain about. 3. Compared with our old place, our new apartment/house seems like a palace. 4. It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of this win-win opportunity. 5. The guests told the host that they had spent a very enjoyable evening at the party chatting with old friends. 6. I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I had left my purse at home. 7. He stayed (in home all weekend, trying to reflect on what had happened. 8. When he was young, he believed in freedom so much that he would rather die than live without it. 9. When I visited Beijing for the second time, I found the city’s public amenities had greatly improved. 10. If anything unexpected happened during the conference, the security guards would arrive with in a few seconds. Unit 8 Vocabulary 3 Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area 1. Japanese 2. Italian 3. Brazilian 4. Iranian 5. Cantonese 6. Indonesian 7. Cuban 8. Vietnamese 9. Lebanese 10. Syrian 11. Canadian 12. Korean 13. Egyptian 14. Portuguese 15. Indian 16. Nepalese 17. Chilean 18. Russian 19. Mexican 20. Romanian 21. Sudanese 22 Mongolian 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict” or “consider” 1 addicts 2 addictive, addicted 3 addiction 4 consider, consideration 5 considerate 6 Considerable, considered 2 Complete the following verb+ noun collections or expressions 1. pitch 2. meal, dish, food 3. guests, friends 4. take, plan 5 rouse 6.

faith, library books, friendship 7. hitch 8. drive, travel, cover 9. people 10. people, animals 11. test, develop, prove 12. conquer, feel 13. make, take, accept 14 nip 15 touch, break 3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chines

e in the brackets. 1. that all nations realize that global warming is everybody’s bushiness 2. that life is always full of opportunities and challenges/risks 3. that all this has proved that our efforts have not been in vain 4. that the earth moves round the sun 5. that she had been admitted to that university 6. that wives ought to stay at home 7. that the best policy is to tell people the truth 8. that he mentioned the other day that 9. that our teacher once said that he had noticed that some students still had difficulties with their grammar. 5 Fill in the brackets with the correct prepositions or adverbs 1 for 2 into 3 after 4 away, over 5 out of 6 out, into 7. to, in 8 over, out for, for 9 to, about, on, across 6. Translate the following sentences into English 1. The fuel/gas ran out, but he managed to make a safe landing in rice fields. 2. There are already quite a few students who are considering running for the chairman of the Students’ Union. 3. That student who was run over by the horse carriage is now out of danger. I consider him really lucky. 4. It is said that this well has never run dry in the past hundreds of years, and this has been considered a miracle. 5. We are running short of hands. You have just come in the right time. 6. I’d rather have some of our public works run by the state than by private businessmen. 7. She warned me not to make friends with those who are always running after name and money. 8. We warned them that what they did was against/a violation of the

agreement/contract, and we would take legal action. 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s in the brackets. More than one word may be correct. 1 remember/memorize 2 remember/recall 3 remember/recall 4 remember, special 5 middle 6 center 7 however, visits 8 special, trip 9 particular, tour 10 found, found out Grammar 2 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using a what-clause. 1. What farmers what most 2. what they suggested 3. what my parents said to me 4. what they were trying to do 5. what life was all about 6. what they should get out of college 7. what we need 8. what you look like 9. what the village had achieved in the past 30 years 10. what the federal government should not do at the moment 3 Translate the sentences using a what-clause or a present participle phrase 1. Do what you like without caring about what other people think. 2. We should find out what the students think about the matter. 3. We’ll do what we can to help the earthquake victims. 4. I hope what I have written will be of help to other college students. 5. Being journalism majors, we ought to keep ourselves informed of what is happening around the world. 6. “Stop thief!” a student called, raising his voice. 7. Having nothing more interesting to do, the boy decided to take his alarm clock apart. 8. Wang Lan opened the

wardrobe, wondering what she should wear to the interview the next day. 9. The village head went from door to door telling people to leave for a nearby hill. 10. Realizing he’d been deceived, the old man reported the painful experience to the police. 4. Fill in each blank of the passage with one suitable word. 1 easy 2

away 3 them 4 running 5 However 6 change 7 exercise 8 can 9 anyone 10 that 5 Identify and correct the mistake(s in each of the sentence. 1. Shortly after the Spring Festival, he returned to Beijing to prepare for a job interview. 2. I don’t like the way some young people speak to their elders/people older than themselves. 3. it was in high school that Tommy first/ for the first time realized he was different from his peers. 4. Turning the corner of the street, we found a new duck restaurant there. / As we turned the corner of the street, a new duck restaurant came into view. 5. What they need most at the moment is encouragement, not merely financial support. 6. Making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking. / When I was making a presentation in English fore the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking. 7. Being a spoiled child, Jim is rarely popular with other children. 8. While training for the school sports meet, Linda ran at least five kilometers every day. 9. He wrote to inform us that he was leaving for India next Friday. 10. Knowing Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently. / As he knew Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently. (参考答案 Unit9 - 16) Unit 9 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. At first, he was very successful in his business, but then his success turned his head. His partners advised him to be more modest, but he turned a deaf ear to their advice. 2. Jingke was very confident/sure that when he unfolded the map he would be able to kill the Emperor of Qin with the sharp knife/dagger hidden in it. 3. We ought to welcome more and more wealthy people, but our law must make sure that they have made

their fortune in honest ways. 4. For years our school has produced many good students, most of whom have important positions in various departments. 5. Due to cultural differences many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat or cat meat. 6. Whenever you have time, turn it over in your mind, will you? 7. She used to consider philosophy dull and boring, but later she found that it turned out to be very interesting. 8. His father had just turned fifty, and his hair has turned gray, but otherwise, he is quite all right. 9. The power of government officials must be checked and balanced. Otherwise those who are supposed to be people’s servants will turn into people’s masters. 10. He believed that it was worth trying because he knew that whatever you do, you must have people

’s support. Grammar 1 Translate the Chinese 答案: 1. no matter what / whatever happens 2. no matter how old/young they are, whatever their age (is 3. No matter what/ Whatever you say 4. no matter how much it costs 5. No matter where/ Wherever his business took him 6. No matter how / However we tried to reassure her 7. no matter where/ wherever you are in the world 8. no matter how/ however difficult your workmates/ colleagues are 9. no matter how/ however difficult that is 10. no matter what /whatever will happen to them 2 Complete the response to each of the remarks using the wish + that-clause pattern as shown in the examples. 答案 1. I had realized this 2. I could help 3. I had a brother 4. I had his courage 5. We could do more than we did 6. I lived 7. I had better news 8. we could be 9. she had listened to 10. I had been taught 3 Translate the following sentences, using a conditional clause … 答案 1. Wherever he goes, he is

recognized. 2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t persuade him to play the part of Hamlet. 3. No matter what you have planned for the future, your parents will support you. 4. The boy hates crime and means to stop it whenever he can. 5. No matter what you decide in the end, this digital dictionary is yours to keep for a semester. 6. No matter how capable and efficient you are, you cannot finish the task on your own in three days. 7. A well-known philosopher once said, ‘ I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep whenever I cannot keep awake. I am in good health.’ 8.I wish I could go and see my parents whenever I want. 9. I wish I could express openly whatever I feel. 10. I’ll do whatever I can to restore law and order in the region. But I wish the riot had never happened. 4 Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. 答案: 1. since 2. has 3. popular 4. idea/ practice 5. relationships 6. ways 7. tradition 8. among/ with 9. longer 10. text 5 Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences 答案: 1. This free copy is yours no matter whether/ if you buy any of our books. / This free copy is yours whether you buy any of our books or not. 2. Wherever the people want us to go, we’d go there. 3. In some ways we whish we could turn the clock back. 4. On parting, the three of them decided to meet again at the same place in ten years. 5. I wish my parents were as understanding as yours. 6. The hotel treats its guests equally, no matter where they are from. 7. His family and friends are all worried about him, for they haven’t heard from him for six weeks. / As his family and friends haven’t heard from him for six weeks, they are all worried about him. 8. All these years, I have kept track of the progress of the project. 9. Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious; he was not sure whether his friend would come.

/ Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway be

came anxious, for he was not sure whether his friend would come. 10. I wish the earthquake had never happened. Unit 10 Key to exercise Vocabulary 2 Complete the following verb+noun collocations or expressions答案: 1. have / get / show / produce/ achieve the results 2. have / take / accept / show / bear / assume responsibility 3. discuss / debate / raise/ settle/ confuse / avoid issues 4. pursue / have / develop hobbies 5. have / make / lose / avoid contact 6. save face / lives / time / money/ trouble 7. remove roots / chairs/ hats / gloves / shoes / bandages / make-up/ doubts 8. cultivate land / field / roses/ 9. eliminate enemies / rivals / opponents / suspects / errors 10. produce oil / cars / cotton / results / a movie 11. lack care / time / money / experience / patience / courage 12. bury the dead / treasure / past / head 13 nourish the plants / children / animals / relationship 14. arrange meeting / appointments / time / place / flowers / business affairs 6. Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. 如果他们拒绝归还小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。 If they refused to give back these small islands, the two countries would not be able to normalize their diplomatic relations completely. 2. 我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。 I know that it is stupid to give up this opportunity, but I have no other choice/ alternative. 3. 由于缺少公众的支持,白宫最后退让了。 For lack of public support, the White House Had to give in at last. 4. 要一下子消灭毒品不可能,但现在世界上每年都有几百万以上的人成功地戒了烟。 It may not be possible to eliminate drugs all at once/ immediately / at one go, but now there are millions of people

throughout the world who succeed in kicking the habit of cigarette smoking every year. 5. 我们已经和对方代表联系。我们已经安排不久在厦门会面,讨论双方有兴趣的重要问题。 We have already made contact with the representatives of the other side and arranged to meet in Xiamen before long to discuss important issues we are both interested in. 6. 有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。 One day, that new building suddenly gave way / collapsed / fell down, burying many people under it. 7. 爱情是要双方的培养,而真正的爱表现在给予而不是在获取上。 Love requires nourishment from both sides, and true love is in the giving, not in the taking. 8. 奶奶的健康一有改善,她就开始把她的财产分给她的亲戚朋友们。 As soon as Grandma’s health improved, she began to give out her belongings to her folks and friends. 9. 一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。 It requires perfect honesty on both sides to cultivate a lasting / an enduring friendly relationship. 10.据称,今

年的经济计划已经完成了,国内市场也非常繁荣。 It is announced that our economic plan this year has been fulfilled and our domestic / home market has also been flourishing. Grammar 3 Translate the following sentence into English, using a to-infinitive or either…or… / neither …nor… 答案: 1. He said again and again that he had come to China to broaden his horizons. 2. Julia says she has neither the time nor the energy for sports after a day’s hard work. 3. Sometimes it takes courage to disagree openly with one’s immediate boss. 4. Neither the teachers nor the students here believe there is any shortcut in learning English. 5. Upon graduation, most college students have two options: either to find a job or

to go to graduate school. 6. To see all the flood victims properly housed is the relief workers’ number one task at present. 7. During my stay in China. I would like you to arrange for me to see some of my old friends. 8. In order to prevent the price of houses from going up too fast, the government promised to adopt / launch a series of policies. 9. Such interviews are generally conducted either in a hotel or in a café, never in offices. 10. They opened a shelter for the city’s homeless to stay overnight in extreme weather condition. 4 Fill in the blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. 答案: 1. comes 2. different 3. Anybody 4. as 5. longer 6. burdens 7. them 8. who 9. life 10. days 5 Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences. 答案 1. When Mandela no longer had to do manual labour, he started a garden in the yard. 2. Medals enjoyed working in his garden because gardening offered him a sense of satisfaction in prison. 3. He wants to pursue a career in journalism after graduation from college. 4. They refused to discuss the matter in public. 5. Neither his parents nor his friends thought he would become a writer. 6. When he learned that he had been admitted by Tsinghua University, he could hardly wait to tell his family the news. 7. We can meet either on campus or at my place. 8. I was so absorbed in the story that I did not realize it was getting dark. 9. I haven’t finished the book I’d borrowed from the library yet. 10. Is it possible to arrange for me to work as a volunteer for the Landon Olympics? Unit 11 Key to the exercise Vocabulary 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案 1 across, for, out 2. in search of 3. across/upon, out, from 4. for, to 5. upon, with 6. to 7. up, for, into 8. through, into 9. at, with, in, to 6. Translate the following sentences into English 答

案 1. 我很好奇你后来是怎么决定学英语的。 I am quite curious how you come to decide to study English. 2. 一直到改革开放以后,人们才开始明白,市场并不是坏事。 It was not until the reform and op

ening-up started when people began to realize that the market was not a bad thing. 3. 那些将军、官员和学者都不知道如何称那头大象的重量,但是一个小孩突然想出一个主意。 None of those generals, officials and scholars knew how to weigh the elephant, but a young child suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. 4. 那时候我们遇到的最大的困难是没有粮食,所以从未有过减肥的想法。 The biggest difficulty we came across / up against was lack of food. Therefore it never came to our mind that one day we might have to live on a diet. 5. 我从来没有听说过这个说法。你是在哪里碰到的? I have never heard of this expression. Where did you come across it? 6. 这座庙的油漆已经开始剥落,该重新刷一下了。 The paint of the temple is coming off. It needs repainting. 7. 这里的水不深,只到一般人的胸口。他们很容易从这里过河来。 The water here was not deep. It only came to an ordinary man’s chest. So they could easily come across the river here. 8. 大门突然开了,跳出来一条狗。它开始冲我吼叫,直到它主人出来才安静下来。 The door opened suddenly and out jumped a dog. It started barking at me and didn’t quiet down until its master came out. 9. 那片美丽的草地不见了,一个大饭店取而代之。 Gone was the beautiful meadow, and in its place stood a big hotel. 10. 我们现在最紧迫的事情是保护那些被恐怖分子扣留的中国人的性命。 Our most urgent need is to protect the life of those Chinese who were kidnapped by the terrorists. Grammar 2 Rewrite the sentence by inverting the subject and main verb.答案 1. Along a wall

of the study stood three floor-length bookcases. 2. It was midnight, but now and then, from the distance, came bangs of firecrackers. 3. In a corner of the park lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 4. Present at his 90th birthday party were people from all walks of life, along with over a hundred former students. 5. Gone are the days when the big powers could order other countries about. 3 Translate the following sentence using when/ before or inversion 答案: 1. It was a couple of days before the children recovered from the horror of the road accident. 2. It was revising my essay on computer and was about to finish when the screen went blank due to power failure. 3. The school is located at the foot of a hill. Beyond the hill lies a large stretch of rice fields. 4. It won’t be long before Jim begins to regret having lost a friend like you. 5. “It’s pleasant to touch the land,” whispered the farmer. 6. The family had just put their winter clothes away when the area was hit by a snowstorm. 7. In the center of the Tian’anmen Square stands the Monument to the People’s Heroes. 8. It wasn’t long before a number of economists realized the world would soon be face with a serious global financial

crisis. 9. They were leaving for Thailand when they were told the trip had been cancelled. 10. Gone are the days when China could not make big planes on its own. 4 Fill each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. 答案 1. social 2. typical 3. have 4 depending 5. life 6. cubs 7. that 8. trained 9. on 10 such 5 Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences. 答案 1. The miners demanded that the accident be looked into. 2. I was reading China Daily on the

Internet when the light went out. 3. We hurried to the stadium only to be told (that the football game had been cancelled. 4. It might be years before you can work your way up to the head of the department. 5. The passengers had just fastened their seat belt when the plane began dipping wildly. 6. It was quite some time before the boy could see everything around him clearly. 7. On by training hard can an athlete hope to break a world record. 8. In front of the bookshelves stood a desk on which pens and pieces of paper lay about. 9. Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you the whole morning. 10. In the 21st century, the computer is / computers are playing a more and more important role in our everyday life. Unit 12 Key to the exercise Vocabulary 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets. 答案: 1. simplified 2. authorized, organize 3. normalization 4. industrialization, urbanized 5. modernization, classified 6. legalized, justified, civilized 7. intensify, unification 8. nationalized 9. notified, computerized 10. globalization, idealized 3. Complete the following sentences 答案: 1. a. success / luck b. I had more time c. I were ten years younger 2. a. everybody is here b. are college students c. we have become one of the world’s largest economies 3. a. we put environmental protection before GDP b. gave more attention to critical thinking 4. a. the grammar exercises b. helping you with c. help us with 5. a. what the book says is always correct b. take it for granted c. take it for granted 6. a. say b. plan my time c. kiss/ thank, criticize 7. a. like fish b. did go c. did smoke 4. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the parts in bold type with words and expressions from the text. 答案: 1. strange 2. to be bursting with 3. the habit of… clung to him still, slipping into, check 4.

can’t take anything for granted, take it for granted that we will be able 5. Come to think of it 6. But come to think of it / But now that I think about it 7. Now that people all seem to have more money than before, I do hate, nowadays 8. manage to (dig, Come to think of it 9. but now that I am, will slip back easily in time 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案: 1. in, in

2. of, of, instead of 3.with, to, as 4. to, as 5. Unlike, for 6. in, off, of/about/with 7. as, to, up 8. in with 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. 你是怎样将身体保养得这么好?说起来,我还从来不知道你生过病。你的秘密法宝是什么? How do you manage to keep fit? Come to think of it, I have never known you to be sick. What’s your secret? 2. 我小时候一直讨厌做家务。我甚至理所当然地认为这是女人做的事情。现在我真为自己以前的态度后悔。 I always hated to do household chores when I was a boy, taking it for granted that they were only for women. Looking back, I really feel sorry for my past attitude. 3. 他的大房子包括两座分开的建筑,分别设计成不同的风格,中间有个暗道连接起来。 His big house contains two separate buildings designed in different styles and connected with / by a secret passage. 4. 年轻人总希望有更多的权利和财富,老年人则希望他们能年轻三十岁。那样,他们就会成为世界上最幸福的人。但对于我,我的幸福是不需要条件的。 Young people always wish they had more power and money, whereas old people always wish they were thirty years younger. Then they would all become the happiest people on earth. As for me, I am happy unconditionally. 5. 前些日子我无意中听到几个外国人在评论我们有些同胞在国外旅游时的不良举止,我很难为情。我觉得我们有些坏习惯真要改改了。 The other day I overheard some foreigners talking about how

some of our people behaved while they were traveling overseas. They made me so ashamed. I think we really have to change some of our habits. 6. 现在我们的公交系统有了如此大的改进,私家车实在不值得买了。 Now that our public transportation system has improved so much, private cars are really not worth buying. 7. 现在你很少看到年轻人在街上游荡,人们都是行色匆匆。但有时候我真希望我们能放慢一点速度。 Nowadays you seldom see young people loitering in the streets. People always seem to be in a hurry. Sometimes I do hope we can slow down a little bit. 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form or the words given below. 答案: 1. worth 2. worthwhile 3. worthy 4. worth 5. now/nowadays 6. now 7. nowadays 8. look 9.gaze 10. staring 11. glanced 12. glanced 13. hay 14. wild herbs to eat 15. grass 16. weeds 17. received, accepted 18. will accept 19. received 20. lovely, beloved/loving 21. beloved 22. loving 23. cry/ weep 24. crying 25. sobbing Grammar 2. Complete the sentence using the proper conjunction from the box below. 答案: 1. as if/ as though 2. before 3. as long as 4. even though 5. Even if 6. now that 7. as long as 8. as if/ though 9. Even th

ough 10. Now that 3. Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. I love autumn—it’s a season of harvest. 2. I didn’t recognize my best friend at high school until he removed his sun glasses. 3. It takes courage to ask what others regard as “stupid” questions. 4. The children looked as if they hadn’t had a wink of /any sleep last night. 5. It must be exciting to report on / cover such sports events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup. 6. My house guest behaves as if she were the owner of the house. 7. Even if the country is gradually

recovering from the financial crisis, it may be some time before its economy gets back on its feet. 8. “As long as I’m in charge,” said the president of the university, “I will make sure no one drops out because they can’t pay tuition any more.” 9. Now that they have a new Minister of Education, they hope to see some change in their education system. 10. It was a brilliant /sunny summer morning in 1945. At exactly 8:15, a B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing tens of thousands of people. 4. Fill in each blank of passage with ONE suitable word. 答案: 1. smoke 2 what 3 teach 4 control 5 complaints 6 group 7 at 8 could 9 shared 10 more 5. Identify and correct mistakes in each of the sentences 答案: 1. At about three o’clock, the boy went to the barn and did the milking all by himself. 2. Up until now there are still people who cling to the idea that men are superior to women. 3. I think I locked the doors and closed the windows, but I’ll just go and make sure of them. ( or: …make sure I did. 4. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left my bike key in the classroom. 5. Every one of us must arrive before 8 pm without exception. 6. It’s important for young people to learn how to survive in the wild. 7. It’s time our school upgraded its computer program. 8. Robert woke up twenty times for fear that he would oversleep. 9. Upon graduation, he was bursting with gratitude to the university for a first-class education he had received there. 10. The teacher could hardly believe a student who grew up in a mountain village had never seen a computer before he came to college. Unit 13 Key to the Exercise: Vocabulary: 2 Translate the following phrases into English: 答案: 1. uncork the bottle; undress the children; unearth the buried treasure; unpack the books from the box;

uncover the dirty plan 2. fulfill one’s wish/aspirations, fulfill one’s plan; fulfill /realize one’s dream; fulfill one’s promise; achieve the result; achieve independence; fulfill one’s demand; fulfill one’s expectations; achieve/ realize one’s purpose/aim/goal 3. make progress; make inventions; make threats 4. obey orders; obey the law; obey the authorities; obey the rules; obey the command; obey the leadership 5. spread germs; spread the news; s

pread the map; spread the fire; spread the terror 6. demand an explanation; demand a reply; demand an apology 7. threaten life; threaten stability; threaten the economy; threaten the unity 8. dominate/control the world; dominate/control one’s life; dominate the match; dominate the family 9. master a language; master art; master the new technology; masters kills/techniques 3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold. 答案: 1. Once we all agree to regard our problems as differences among family members. 2. Once you learn to look at the problem from the perspective of the opposite side. 3. Once you get to know him better. 4. what if we can’t find suitable jobs 5. what if everybody decides to protect their home market 6. what if we were hit by serious floods, droughts or earthquakes? What if the weather conditions were terrible and our harvests failed? What if there should be another serious energy crisis? 7. If only he had kept at it. 8. If only we had spent more money on the development of agriculture 9. If only he were still alive 4 Rewrite the sentences replacing the parts in bold type with the words and expressions below. 答案: 1. regard him as, turned out to be 2. as it turned

out later, carry out 3. were capable of (destroying, call for 4. keep at, spur them on 5. appealed to her to think of 6. depend on, get rid of 7. were devoted to each other, but for 8. different from, adapt to 9. aims at (increasing 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 答案: 1. from, to, out, in 2. of, under 3.for, off 4. of, in 5 of 6 of, around, as 7 of, to, to 8. to, to 9. to, for 6. Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. 这个项目听起来令人鼓舞。你还在做吗?别停下来,继续干下去。 This project sounds very exciting/inspiring. Are you still working on it? Don’t stop / give up. Keep at it / Get on with it / Carry on! 2. 他把杯子往桌子上一放,慢慢从椅子上站了起来。 He set the cup on the table and slowly rose from his chair. 3. 煤矿工人要求对那些应该为这次可怕事故负责的人予以严惩。 The coal-miners demanded those /people who should be responsible for the terrible accident be severely punished. 4. 要不是当地政府有力支持,那里的人们就不可能实现他们的愿望。 But for the strong support of the local government, the aspirations of the people there would not have been fulfilled. 5. 当局正在制定一个旨在在周围所有的山都种上树的计划。这个消息很快传开,鼓舞了不少年轻人。 The news that the authorities are drawing a plan aimed at getting all the surrounding hills covered with trees spread quickly and inspired many young people. 6. 天气预报说我们家乡的旱情可能还要持续下去。我不禁为今年的夏

收担心。 Weather forecast says that the drought in our hometown is likely to continue /linger on. I can’t help worrying about this year’s summer harvest. 7. 要实现社会和谐,我们必须倾听人民的抱怨,并实现必要的改革。 To achieve the social harmony we must listen attentively to people’s complaints and carry out

necessary reform. 8. 我姐姐告诉我说,就因为她常批评她老板,他就把她看成捣乱分子,一直想要把她打发掉。 My sister told me that just because she often criticized her boss, he regarded her as a trouble-maker and had always wanted to get rid of her. Grammar 2 Study the use of as in the examples and complete each of the sentences using an appropriate verb from the box. 答案: 1. accept 2. described / regarded / thought of 3. regard / see / think of 4. introduced 5. used 6. treated /used 7. regard / think of 8. describe 9 regarded / thought of 10. described 3 Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. 在中国这种草药广泛用来止痛。 In China this herb is widely used as a painkiller. 2.无论到哪里,人们都介绍他是个电脑天才。 Wherever he went, he was introduced as a computer wizard. 3. 这是个几百人为之工作了五年的项目。 This is a project on which hundreds of people have worked for five years. 4. 这位农民视自己的土地为世上最珍贵的宝物。 The farmer regards his land as the most precious treasure in the world. 5.这个国家的总理把最近这次地震称为全民的灾难。 The Prime Minister of the country described the recent earthquake as a national disaster. 6. 这个城市发展的速度令来自全国各地的参观者十分惊讶。 The speed at which the city had been growing amazed visitors from all over the country. 7. 我是谁?我来自何处?我认为这是没有答案的问题。 Who am I? Where did I come from? I think these are the questions to which there are no answers. 8. 退休的将军在75岁时重访了他工作过的地方。 At the age of 75, the retired general revisited the places in which he had worked. 9. 青春期是一个年轻人成长为成人的时期。 Adolescence is the time during which young people develop into adults. 10. 在博物馆,我们看到了他当年在监狱里用来开辟菜园的锄头和铲子。 At the museum we saw the very pick/hoe and shovel with which he started a

vegetable garden in the prison. 4 Fill in each blank of the passage with One suitable word. 答案: 1 early 2 locked 3 rest 4 but 5 what 6 words 7 found 8 frozen 9 working / operative 10 killed 5. Identify and correct the mistake(s in each of the sentences. 答案: 1. Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner. 2. At the daycare center, the teachers treated the children as their own children. /At the dayc

are center, the teachers treated the children like mothers. 3. The other day my father witnessed a terrible road accident in which two people were killed and three injured. 4. There is always someone on campus to whom you can turn for advice. / There is always someone whom you can turn to for advice on campus. 5. The movie is generally viewed as trash in spite of its box office success. 6. He’s the kind of person with whom many people feel uncomfortable. 7. People tend to regard as the center of the world the place where/ in which they are born and brought up. / People tend to regard as the center of the world the place they are born and brought up in. 8. Whether it is fine or it is rainy, they exercise every day. 9. But for his help, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the project in time. 10. The computer is believed to be one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. Unit 15 Key to the exercise Vocabulary 2 Translate the following expressions into English 答案: 1 wipe sweat 2 sting one’s eye 3 plough the field 4 sow a cover crop 5 produce good crops 6 fell trees 7 hunt squirrels 8 bend one’s shoulders 10 fondle the clouds 11 rouse the curiosity 12 cross the fence 13 clear a piece of land 14 fence the land 15 smell the soft mud /dirt 16 think the

same thought 17 take the trouble 18 make a narrow escape 19 thin the corn 20 mat the top 3 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets following the example given 答案: 1 prevent / keep/ stop government officials from abusing their power 2 prevent /keep the children from entering his garden 3 prevent /keep ordinary people from entering his garden 4 not to drink and smoke any more 5 not to build a big city here ever 6 not to be content with what has been achieved. 7 Isn’t it too risky for us 8 Isn’t it too early for her 9 Isn’t it too hard for you 10 it was in this temple that Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing dynasty was supposed to secretly become a monk. 11 it is not the place where the famous battle in history was fought 12 it was not because of Qin Gui, but because of the then emperor that Yue Fei, the famous patriotic general of Southern Song dynasty was executed 13 you would think that he knew everything 14 you might take her for princess of a certain Arab country 15 all these have happened in the past three decades 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 答案: 1 at, in 2 up, up with 3 about, down 4 out of 5 away from, on/over/across 6 away/ off 7 on, round, in, at 8 up 9 toward, with, at, without, for, from 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. This (matter does not concern you. Keep away from it (Don’t get involved in it. 2. She speaks much too fast. Students all find it difficult to keep up with her. 3. He motioned to us to keep off the w

et paint. 4. We must keep our powder dry and always be ready to defend our country. 5. Keep calm and still if those bees are alarmed/ disturbed. As long as

you don’t attack them, they normally won’t sting you either. 6. The important thing is to keep that guard talking so that we can have the chance to act. 7. So long as we can keep it up/ keep on with it, we are sure to succeed in discovering a solution /way out. 8. The five million people of our city depend on this reservoir for their drinking water. So we must keep the water clean and keep /prevent all possible pollutants from getting into reservoir. Grammar 3 Translate the first six sentences by using relative clauses introduced by where or when and the rest by using causative verbs. 答案: 1. My father is 45, an age when many people experience a midlife crisis. 2. The 1960s was the time when we all lived as economically as possible. 3. My parents live in a community where people seldom communicate with each other. 4. Rob was anxiously waiting for the moment when his father would see his Christmas gift. 5. Gone are the days when big powers could force their will on small countries. 6. At the end of the writer’s coast-to-coast journey, he concluded that he was living in a country where people were still willing to help. 7. What made the boy behave so rudely today? 8. Let the children do what they like in their free time. 9. I can’t get all these papers printed in just 10 minutes. Can’t you wait for another ten minutes? 10. Galileo’s colleagues found an excuse and had him dismissed from the university. 4. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. 答案: 1. removed 2. more 3. followed 4. however 5. sorry 6. let 7. with 8. leave 9. wrong 10 silent 5 Identify and correct the mistake(s in each of the sentence. 答案: 1. The joke had us all laughing outright. 2. Parents shouldn’t force their children to do what they don’t like. 3. These children are made to work 10 hours a day. 4. Xiao Li’s gone

to the barber’s to have his hair cut /…to have a haircut. 5. At the end of the story, Maheegun, the wolf, returned to (the place where he belonged—the wild. / At the end of the story, Maheegun, the wolf, returned to the place he belonged to –the wild. 6. On Christmas morning, Rob got up an hour early and did the milking all by himself. 7. It’s high time we gave our dorm room a spring-clean. / It’s high time to give our dorm room a spring-clean. 8. Rob woke up several times to look at his watch for fear (that he would oversleep. 9. Don’t take it for granted that once you enter college you’re sure to succeed. 10. Even if none of you go, I’ll be there rain or shine. Unit 16 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 3 Fill in the blanks with correct form of the word(s in the brackets. 答案: 1. honest, honestly, honesty 2. ignorant, ignorance, ignorant 3.

discussion, exchange, argument, exchange 4. justice, democracy, inclination, injustice, democracy 2 Translate the following phrases into English 答案: 1. wash the car ; park the car 2. ride a bike; ride a horse 3. water the flowers; water the lawn 4. exchange a look; exchange a grin / smile 5. get the same deal / have the same problem 6. lighten the atmosphere 7. keep distance 9. point a finger at 10. grab / seize / grasp/ grip one’s arm 11 make a joke 12. smash a window 13. watch / observe the effect 14. blanket / cover / envelop this place 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. 答案: 1. for, of, off, into 2. up, out of, up, with, with, away 3. on, at, by, by, under, in 4. up, out 5. from, on, of, on 5 Complete the following sentences with appropriate expressions from the box blow 答案: 1. might as well 2. scared of, nothing of the sort 3. watch out for /

keep an eye on 4. above suspicion 5. talk us into 6. anything, except/but, or something 7. set foot in 8. made up 9. wise up, go by 10. keep an eye on/watch out for 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案: 1. 我们应该不时地停下来问问自己我们走的方向是否对。 We ought to stop every now and then to ask ourselves if we are going / heading in the right direction. 2. 有一点小争吵你们就开始谈离婚。你们应该明白,离婚可不是开玩笑的事。 A little quarrel and you start talking about divorce. You should understand, divorce is no joke/ joking matter. 3. 据说,就在抢劫银行以前他被看见在银行外面转悠。 It is said that just before the bank robbery happened he was seen fooling around outside the bank. 4. 别把我看成那种只要哪个人有权有钱就会跟他走的人。 Don’t take me for one of those who would follow whoever has power or money! 5. 你到底怎么回事?你疯了吗?你怎么能做这样的事情? What’s wrong with you? (What’s the matter with you? Are you mad / crazy / out of your mind / nuts? How you do such a thing? 6. 我们最好及时注意任何禽流感的征兆。 We’d better watch out for the first sign of birds flu in time. 7. 我理解你的意思,你是坚决要到国外去碰碰运气了。 I know what you mean. You are set to go to foreign countries to try your luck / seek your fortune / take your chances. 8. 我怎么会知道这些事情呢?这些事情发生的时候我还没有出生呢! How would I have known all these things/ How was I supposed to know all these things? I wasn’t born yet when these things happened. 9.你是说天要下雨吗?如果那样的话,我们还不如今天下午就去呢! Did you say that it is going to rain tomorrow? If that is the case, we might as well go this afternoon. 10. 假如越来越多的年轻人买不起房子,就不好说会产生什么后果了。 There is no telling what might ha

ppen if more and more young people cannot afford to buy their houses.
