

2022-04-02 来源:小侦探旅游网


婚姻中,爱情重要还是钱重要(英文) 钱重要:

1.Ourtopicemphasizesthatwhichismoreimportantinamarriageratherthantostartamarriage.Sowhenthemarriageisestablished,it’s money plays a bigger part in the daily life.

2.According to 110 Consulting Forum, the top reasons for divorce aresuspicions, conflicts, little sense of consideration and being too busyto take care each other but money. So it is the harmonious relationshipbetween the couple that counts in a marriage rather than the

spirituallove.Andbeingsufficientinmoneywillgiveyoualotoftimetoshow respect for each other, which with no doubt will strengthen youmarriage.

3.Moneyiscrucialtomaintainamarriage,whileloveishoneyonlywithin its shelf life. Details beat love while money can remove theseobstacles which prevent the couple from having a happy life.

4.Harmonious couple relationship is inseparable from money. Actually,couple relation isn’t mere spiritual love but rather a kind of harmonybetween the couple and the lack of money will spoil it.

5.Moneyiswhathelpsusshouldertheresponsibilitiesinamarriage.Without enough money, what can you offer to support your parents?How can you ensure your children a better education? Money is

muchmorethanthebusinessbetweenthecouple.Wecan’tliveonthepledge of eternal love. Only when we are sufficient in money can

webearourresponsibilitiestoimprovethelivingstandardsofourbeloved ones.


Doyouwantyourferetobesuccessfulandexcellentinhis/her career if you are in a marriage? It may means that you do laystress on the economic power of your fere.

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Have you ever heard of theidiom that poverty gives rise to the desire to change? Don’t you thinkpoverty will lead to person’s betrayal of marriage?

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