专利名称:Identification of electrode combination for
efficacious electrical stimulation therapy
发明人:Nathan A. Torgerson,Lynn A. Davenport申请号:US13796529申请日:20130312公开号:US08918184B1公开日:20141223
摘要:One or more efficacious electrode combinations for delivering electricalstimulation therapy to a patient may be selected based on the delivery of electricalstimulation to the patient via a predefined set of test electrode combinations in a
predetermined order. In some examples, the electrode combinations of the set arearranged in the predetermined order such that adjacent electrode combinations in theorder include at least one shared anode electrode or cathode electrode. In addition, theelectrode combinations in the predetermined order may define a predeterminedsequence of electrode patterns, each electrode pattern defining a relative arrangementbetween one or more anodes and one or more cathodes of the respective electrodepattern. In some examples, the transition between electrode combinations in thepredefined set is achieved by incrementally adjusting at least one of anodic amplitudesassigned to active anode electrodes or cathodic amplitudes assigned to active cathodeelectrodes.
申请人:Medtronic, Inc.
地址:Minneapolis MN US
代理机构:Shumaker & Sieffert, P.A.