专利名称:CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM发明人:Anders Widgren申请号:US14348475申请日:20121108
摘要:The invention relates to an improved climate control system in which a climatecontrolling equipment () has a control line () arranged to be connected to climate
influenced impedance means (). According to the invention, relay means () are arranged todisconnect the climate influenced impedance means from the control line under influencefrom an output () of a control unit () and to instead connect substituting means ()providing an impedance controlled by a second output () of the control unit. The latter isconnected to a processor () arranged to receive information from a plurality of climateinfluenced information means () and to process the same in a mathematical model forcontrolling the impedance of the substituting means via the control unit.
申请人:Anders Widgren
地址:Taby SE