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Microwave-Assisted Setting of Shaped CeramicFoam


专利名称:Microwave-Assisted Setting of Shaped

Ceramic/Foam Bodies

发明人:Benjamin Nehls,Bernhard Schmied,Ulrike

Mann,Klaus Hahn,Sabine Fuchs,TatianaUlanova,Timothy Francis,Petra

Wieland,Klaus-Martin Baumgaertner,HorstMuegge




摘要:The invention relates to a method for the production of shaped foam bodies,comprising: provision of a composition having foam particles and binder; introduction ofthe composition into a space which is bounded on at least one side by a pressing surface;and exertion of pressure onto the composition by means of the pressing surface. Themethod further comprises irradiation of microwaves through the pressing surface intothe composition, while pressure is being exerted onto the composition. The inventionfurthermore relates to a device for carrying out the method according to the invention,having: at least one pressing surface and a counterbearing surface lying opposite,between which a space extends which is adapted to receive a composition of foamparticles and binder. The pressing surface and counterbearing surface adjoin the spacedirectly. The device further comprises at least one stiff layer which locally or entirely isessentially transparent for microwaves and has a surface facing toward the space, which isconnected to the pressing surface in such a way as to transmit force. The device alsocomprises a microwave radiator unit which is arranged on a side of the stiff layer remotefrom the space and is aligned relative to the space in order to irradiate microwaves into

the space through the stiff layer. Lastly, the invention relates to a microwave radiator unitfor the heat treatment of foam compositions. The microwave radiator unit comprises amultiplicity of microwave antennas which are arranged in a plane array and at least two ofwhich are connected through a distributor device to a common microwave signal source,which feeds the at least two antennas.

申请人:Benjamin Nehls,Bernhard Schmied,Ulrike Mann,Klaus Hahn,Sabine

Fuchs,Tatiana Ulanova,Timothy Francis,Petra Wieland,Klaus-Martin Baumgaertner,HorstMuegge

地址:Ludwigshafen DE,Frankenthal DE,Mannheim DE,Kirchheim DE,MannheimDE,Ludwigshafen DE,Mannheim DE,Worms DE,Fraenkisch-Crumbach DE,Weinheim DE


