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Receiving apparatus, transmitting apparatus, and c


专利名称:Receiving apparatus, transmitting apparatus,

and communication system

发明人:Shinichiro Haruyama申请号:US11089824申请日:20050325



摘要:A receiving apparatus and transmitting apparatus capable of reliably

transmitting and receiving a high speed optical signal and a communication system usingthe same, wherein provision is made of a transmitting apparatus comprising a conversion

circuit for converting serially input data to a plurality of bits of parallel data givenpredetermined information and an LED array comprised of LED units of at least a numbercorresponding to the number of bits of the parallel data from the conversion circuitarranged in an array, wherein the LED units are controlled in light emission in parallelbased on bit information of corresponding parallel data to emit information lightdispersed in a spatially predetermined range, and of a receiving apparatus having aphoto-diode array comprised of a plurality of photo-diodes for emitting electric signalsof levels in accordance with amounts of light received arranged in an array, wherein thephoto-diodes output electric signals in parallel, for selecting information in accordancewith the information light based on the plurality of electric signals output in parallel fromthe photo-diode array, converting the selected parallel data to serial data, andoutputting the same.

申请人:Shinichiro Haruyama

地址:Kanagawa JP


