发明人:WATTS, ROBERT JOHN申请号:AU3106084申请日:19840703公开号:AU3106084A公开日:19850207
摘要:An articulated structure for defining, when rendered rigid, a desired multi-curved surface, the structure being adjustable to permit the shape of the curved surfacedefined thereby to be varied at will. Such structures are particularly useful in the field ofmedical and other kinds of specialized seating, medical braces, and children's
constructional toys. The structure comprises an array of inter-connected, cooperatingrings or links (12,28) and spiders (10). The radiating limbs of the spiders (10) have at ornear their respective free ends jaw or other clamping means (22,24) in which cooperatingparts (26) of the rings (12) are clamped by screw or other clamping means (18). The shapeof the array is adjustable by relaxing the clamping means (18) of selected spiders (10) andthen retightening them after the desired shape has been achieved by displacing therelevant members (10,12) of the array.
申请人:WATTS, R.J.