专利名称:CATHODIC PROTECTION DEVICE发明人:BEER E,NL申请号:US3772179D申请日:19710317公开号:US3772179A公开日:19731113
摘要:A device for protection of a ferromagnetic body against corrosion when it is incorrosive conditions. A permanent magnet assembly has pole shoes for detachablyattaching the magnetic assembly onto the body to be protected by attractive magneticforce. Electrically conductive metal supporting means are mounted on the magneticassembly and are electrically insulated therefrom, and include a spring member having apointed contacting member adapted to be urged by the spring member towards thebody so as to penetrate into the body to establish a low-resistance electrical connectionbetween the supporting means and the body. The metal supporting means further has amounting structure including a clamp and clamping screw for electrically conductivelymounting a sacrificing anode by detachably clamping in the clamp by the clamping screw.An anode supporting rod is embedded in the active material of the sacrificing anode. Theclamping screw is pointed so as to penetrate into the anode supporting rod to establishan electrical low-resistance connection between the supporting means and the sacrificinganode. At least the poleshoe surfaces adjacent the body, the pointed contactingmember, and the thread and point of the clamping screw are coated with a softer metalthan the metal of said body to be protected, the hardness of the softer metal being lessthan half the hardness of the metal on which it is coated.