专利名称:Resource management device
发明人:Daisuke Murakami,Yuji Takai,Isao Kawamoto申请号:US11328314申请日:20060110公开号:US07533206B2公开日:20090512
摘要:A bus arbitration section and a resource control section are interposed betweena shared resource and a plurality of bus masters. The minimum number of receivableaccess permissions within a given period is set as bus arbitration information for each ofthe bus masters. If two or more of the bus masters issue access requests at the same
time, the bus arbitration section preferentially gives access permission to a bus masterwhich gained access permission a number of times less than a set value in the busarbitration information within the given period, out of the two or more access busmasters.
申请人:Daisuke Murakami,Yuji Takai,Isao Kawamoto
地址:Kyoto JP,Osaka JP,Hyogo JP
代理机构:McDermott Will & Emery LLP