


TYPE:CATALOGNO.:General DescriptionThe CCL/TCL Series provides functional emer-gency lighting in a variety of wattages up to 450watts. High performance electronics and rugged 18 gauge steel construction ensure long-term lifesafety reliability. CCL/TCL SeriesHousingHigh Capacity Steel Emergency Lighting Units6 and 12 Volt, 75 to 450 WattsWet Cell Lead Calcium BatteryConstructed of 18 gauge steel with a tan epoxy powdercoat finish.Knockouts provided for mounting up to three lampheads.Bi-color LED charge monitor/indicator and a “press-totest” switch are located on the front of the cabinet.Choice of wedge base, sealed beam tungsten, or halogenlamp headsIlluminationIllumination is accomplished with up to threelamp heads mounted on the top of the unit. Themost popular lamp head for use with the CCL/TCLSeries is the “D” Series round sealed beam Par 36tungsten lamp head. The “D” head is available upto 30 watts.DimensionsCCL75, CCL100, CCL150, CCL225, TCL150, TCL2006.0”Electronics(15.2 cm)Shown: CCL150DL2120/277 VAC dual voltage input with surge-protected,solid-state circuitry provides for a reliable charging system. Charging system is complete with low voltage disconnect, AC lockout, brownout protection, AC indicator lamp and test switch.Includes two fused output circuits.BatteryLow maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calcium batterySpecific gravity disk indicators show relative state charge at a glanceOperating temperature range of battery is 65°F(19°C)to 85°F(30°C)(30.5 cm)12.0”(40.6 cm)16.0”(19.3 cm)7.6”TCL300, TCL4506.0”(15.2 cm)(30.5 cm)12.0”Utilizes a fully automatic voltage regulated two-rate cur-Battery supplies 90 minutes of emergency powerrent limited solid-state charger -- initially provides a highrate charge upon restoration of AC power, and providesCode Compliancetrickle charge to maintain batteries at full capacity onceUL 924 listedfloat voltage is attained.NFPA 101Optional ACCU-TEST Self Diagnostics includes an auto-NEC BOCA and OSHA illumination standardmatic 3 minute discharge test every 30 days. A manualtest is available from 1 to 90 minutes.PerformanceWarranty(12.7 cm)27.0”Three year full electronics warranty(19.3 cm)7.6”One year full plus four year prorated battery warranty Input power requirements120 VAC - 0.66 amps, 80 watts277 VAC - 0.30 amps, 80 wattsOrdering InformationCCLSERIESCCL = 6 VoltTCL = 12 Volt

150DCWATTAGE6 Volt75 = 75 Watts100 = 100 Watts150 = 150 Watts225 = 225 Watts

12 Volt (Includes standard voltmeter)150 = 150 Watt 200 = 200 Watt300 = 300 Watt450 = 450 Watt

DLLAMPHEADS6 VoltDY = 8 Watt, TungstenDA = 18 Watt, TungstenDL = 25 Watt, TungstenDC = 30 Watt, Tungsten12 VoltDNY = 12 Watt, TungstenDE = 28 Watt, TungstenDK = 25 Watt, TungstenDG = 30 Watt, Tungsten

2# OFHEADS3 = Three2 = Two1 = One


A = Ammeter 2

ACF1 = 120 VAC FuseLMSHELF = Mounting Shelf 300-450WACF2 = 277 VAC FuseMXSHELF = Mounting Shelf 72-200WACP1 = 120 VAC Power SwitchACP2 = 277 VAC Power SwitchAD = ACCU-TEST Self-DiagnosticsADAL = ACCU-TEST with Alarm

ADTD = ACCU-TEST with Time Delay 3DCP = DC Power Switch

EX = Special Input Transformer (Specify voltage and frequency)TD1 = 120 VAC Time Delay 3TTD2 = 277 VAC Time Delay 3V = Voltmeter 2

W = White Housing


1) Some option combinations may impact UL list-ing. consult factory for specifics.

2) Not available witj AD, ADAL, or ADTD options.3) 15 minute delay.

(Suggested lamp heads listed

above. Refer to the Accessories Section for additional lamp head choices.)

元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSpecification Data for CCL/TCL Series Steel Emergency Lighting UnitsHousing

18 gauge steel housing with a tan epoxy powder coatfinish.

Knockouts provided for mounting up to three lampheads.

The suggested lamp head is the “D” Series roundsealed beam Par 36 tungsten. To order lamp headsother than the suggested “D” head, refer to ChlorideAccessories Section..

Electronics120/277 VAC dual voltage input with surge-protect-ed, solid-state charging circuitry provides for areliable charging system. The charging system is furnished with low voltage disconnect, AC lockout,brownout protection, AC indicator lamp and testswitch.The low voltage disconnect (LVD) feature will dis-connect the battery prior to an unacceptable deepdischarge, but not before the required 90 minuteemergency operation.The AC lockout feature prevents battery drain prior to the initial energizing of utility power, and allows theinstaller to complete all wiring and electrical connec-tions without energizing the emergency circuit.The brownout protection circuitry will automaticallyswitch the unit into the emergency mode if the utilityvoltage sags below 20% of nominal.Battery charging circuitry is entirely solid-state, andutilizes a fully automatic, voltage regulated charger.Battery recharge time after full discharge is less thanthe required UL 924 standard. .1Self-DiagnosticsThe ACCU-TEST Self-Diagnostics option conductsautomatic and manual tests, and indicates real timestatus of the lamp, battery and charger via LED indica-tor lamps. Automatic tests include: Systems analysisevery 10 seconds, with actual load tests performed fora 3 minute duration every 30 days. A manual tests isavailable from 1 to 90 minutes.BatteryLow maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calci-um battery.Standard sustained emergency operation is for 90minutes with the illumination source providing fulllight output. The suggested operating temperature range for leadcalcium batteries is 65°F (19°C)to 85°F (30°C) andshould provide a service life of 5 years.Lamp Head Photometrics

(For DL, suggested head for CCL)


Left 30








feet 0



PerformanceInput power requirements120 VAC - 0.66 amps, 80 watts277 VAC - 0.30 amps, 80 wattsRight 30


Up 20




feet 0


Down 20


Photometric No. 3

(For DK, suggested head for TCL)

Left 20

Line sensitive electronics cause an instantaneoustransfer to battery power if utility power is lost, or abrownout condition is detected. When line voltage ispresent and stabilized, the transfer circuitry switchesback to normal operation and begins recharging thebattery. The transfer circuitry can be tested via amomentary test switch located on the housing.Code ComplianceThe CCL/TCL Series meets or exceeds all performancestandards as required by UL 924, NFPA 70, NFPA101,NEC and OSHA.Horizontal







feet 0


Right 20


6Up 20






12feet 0


Down 20

Watts to 871⁄2of Rated Voltage*11⁄2hrs.2 hrs.4 hrs.8 hrs.755628.515100753820150112.5573022516985.545150112.55730200150963430022511460450337.517190010203040506070

Suggested Specification

Furnish and install Chloride Systems emergency lighting unit model ________. The unit shall be constructed to meet Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. Standard #924

and the National Electrical Code (NEC).

INSTALLATIONANDOPERATION -Unit shall be easily field connected to a 120 or 277 VAC, 60 hertz, unswitched power source. Installation must comply with theNEC as well as other applicable codes. Upon utility power failure or brownout, the unit shall automatically transfer to battery power and maintain the required illumina-tion level for a minimum period of 90 minutes. Upon restoration of utility power, the charger shall restore the battery to full charge within UL 924 requirements follow-ing a rated discharge of not more than 90 minutes.

CHARGER -Product shall utilize a fully automatic, voltage regulated, two-rate current limited solid-state charger. The charging system shall maintain the battery atfull capacity without the need for periodic exercising or equalization. The following features shall be standard: Low voltage disconnect (LVD), brownout protection andAC lockout.

BATTERY -The battery shall be a low maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calcium battery. The lead calcium battery shall provide trouble-free operation intemperatures up to 85°F (30°C).

HOUSING -The unit housing shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.


Chloride Systems

272 West Stag Park Service Road •Burgaw NC 28425Telephone: (910) 259 1000 •Facsimile: (800) 258 8803www.chloridesys.com

C1063R49/02 IH
