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Gas conditioning for an electrostatic precipitator

2023-11-21 来源:小侦探旅游网

专利名称:Gas conditioning for an electrostatic


发明人:Tellini, Marco Giorgio,Pfoutz, Billy Dean申请号:EP85305583申请日:19850806公开号:EP0171282A3公开日:19870415


摘要:The apparatus can receive a source of air and a sulfur-bearing source forconditioning the gas within an electrostatic precipitator of an industrial plant. Theapparatus has a sulfur device, converter, sensor, modulator and delivery equipment. The

sulfur device, which has an input and an output, communicates with the sulfur-bearingsource and the source of air, for at least providing gaseous oxidized sulfur. The converterhas an outlet and has an inlet communicating with the output of the sulfur device forconverting the gaseous, oxidized sulfur, into a conditioning medium. The sensor isconnected to the outlet of the converter for providing a converted temperature signalsignifying the temperature at the outlet of the converter. The modulator is connected tothe sulfur device and sensor for varying the energy flow rate associated withthe air flowfrom the source of air into the apparatus, in response to the converted temperaturesignal. The delivery equipment is connected to the outlet of the converter for deliveringthe conditioning medium to the precipitator.


