



abstract:This is a review regarding different types of cancer treatments. We aimed at analyzing the tumor microenvironment and the recent trends for the therapeutic applications and effectiveness for several kinds of cancers. Traditionally the cancer treatment was based on the neoplastic cells. Methods such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, which were targeted on the highly proliferating mutated tumor cells, have been investigated. The tumor microenvironment describes the non-cancerous cells in the tumor and has enabled to investigate the behavior and response of the cancer cells to a treatment process; it consists in a tissue that may have a predictive significance for tumor behavior and response to therapy. These include fibroblasts, immune cells and cells that comprise the blood vessels. It also includes the proteins produced by all of the cells present in the tumor that support the growth of the cancer cells. By monitoring changes in the tumor microenvironment using its molecular and cellular profiles as the tumor progresses will be vital

for identifying cell or protein targets for the cancer prevention and its therapeutic purposes.



我们认为,事实上,如果癌症中从未出现过中性进化的迹象,那将更加令人惊讶,因为这意味着新的“司机”突变会一直在我们的细胞中积累,这与癌症相对较低的年龄依赖性发病率以及乘客中司机人数较少似乎不一致。 在分子水平上,毫无疑问,癌症显示出渐进(单核苷酸变体的稳定积累)和间断(大规模拷贝数改变)的基因型变化[[3]]。但是,表型变化是否也有类似的间断性取决于基因型和表型之间的关系,以及微环境背景。因此,为了能够预测和操纵癌症的进化轨迹以获得各自的预后和治疗益处,我们必须了解基因型-表型图和基因型-显型空间周围的相关转变。为了实现这一点,我们迫切需要准确地了解癌症中的哪些表型被选中以及为什么被选中——遗传学有助于我们了解不同表型空间的可接近性,但单靠遗传学并不能给我们癌症进化的全貌。最后,一句忠告。研究表明,治疗经常选择肿瘤中罕见的亚克隆[[4]],有时亚克隆非常罕见,以至于在预处理样本中未被检测到[[5]]。因此,虽然大型肿瘤亚克隆的进化动力学(本综述的重点)显然对理解癌症进化的基本生物学很感兴趣,但我们必须扪心自问,这些动力学是否与患者的预后直接相关。我们相信,这些进化动力学与临床相关,因为只有通过学习“癌症进化规则”,我们才能希望有效干预和改变进化过程。

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