专利名称:PET AMUSEMENT DEVICE发明人:Sabine S. Crane申请号:US14159668申请日:20140121
摘要:A pet amusement device provides a moving play object within a cage structurewith apertures that provide intermittent visual and tactile interaction of the pet with theplay object. The motion of the play object is unpredictable and visually interesting to thepet. Motion of the play object may be caused by a play object driving assembly, which
exerts magnetic forces on the pay object and causes it to move on a gliding surface of afloor member within the cage structure in an unpredictable manner. The magnetic forcesmay be provided by a rotating carriage member driven by a motor and gear assemblybeneath the gliding surface. The play object may also be provided with a magneticelement, such that the carnage member magnets exert repulsive forces on the playobject as the carriage member rotates. A spacing disk on the play object may maintainthe play object magnet a predetermined distance above the gliding surface.
申请人:The Kong Company, LLC
地址:Golden CO US