专利名称:Silence/non-silence discrimination apparatus发明人:Akamine, Masami, c/o Intellectual Property
摘要:A speech signal is input to an LPC cepstrum calculator (51) and the LPCcepstrums of the speech signal for each frame are calculated as characteristicparameters. The cepstrum is input to a characteristic parameter projection circuit (54)
including an inner product calculator (53) and a memory (52) storing first to third prioritycomponent vectors that are obtained by applying a priority component analysis to theLPC cepstrums of the non-silent parts of the speech. The inner product calculator (53)calculates inner products of the cepstrum vector and the priority component vectorsstored in the priority component vector memory (52) to obtain a projected point of theLPC cepstrums in a vector space formed by the first to third priority component vectors.The output of the inner product calculator (53) is supplied to a silence/non-silencediscriminator (56) to which a non-silent region parameter memory (55) storingparameters defining a non-silent region in the non-silent priority component vectorspace. The silence/non-silence discriminator (56) determines if the speech is silent or non-silent based on whether the projected point is within the non-silent region.
地址:72, Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 210 JP
代理机构:Freed, Arthur Woolf