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Spectroscopic method and apparatus for optically m


专利名称:Spectroscopic method and apparatus for

optically measuring temperature

发明人:Christensen, Douglas Allen申请号:EP86115322.9申请日:19861105公开号:EP0248111A2公开日:19871209


摘要:Apparatus and method for optically measuring temperature by

spectroscopically determining the temperature-induced changes in the wavelengthspectrum of light interacting with a semiconductor temperature sensor. The methodincludes providing illumination from a radiant energy source with a broad wavelengthspectrum, guiding the radiant energy to a remote semiconductor sensor, returning theradiant energy after interaction with the semiconductor sensor, and analyzing thereturned wavelength spectrum to determine the temperature-induced spectral changesdue to the absorption edge of the semiconductor sensor. One embodiment of theinvention comprises a quartz-halogen lamp, an optical multiplexer, optical fiberlightguides, a gallium arsenide semiconductor sensor, a fast scan spectrometer, an

analog to digital converter and a microprocessor for processing the information of thereturned wavelength spectrum for determining and displaying the sensor temperature.

申请人:CV Technology, Incorporated

地址:10714 Black Walnut Drive Dallas Texas 75243 US



