专利名称:Pin or rod for activating devices for opening
and/or closing a door or window
发明人:Benini, Damiano申请号:EP04425759.0申请日:20041011公开号:EP1524389A1公开日:20050420
摘要:The present invention regards a pin or rod (10) for activating devices foropening and/or closing doors and windows comprising an end section (10') destined tobe inserted in a complementary adaptor (13) housed in the device and provided with at
least one radial projection (14) designed to achieve a forced fit between pin (10) andadaptor (13) to block the former inside the latter in a position determined on the basis ofthe thickness of the door or window.
申请人:Frascio S.p.A.
地址:Via Nazionale, 6 25070 Lavenone (Brescia) IT
代理机构:Crippa, Paolo Ernesto