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Apparatus for handling a machine for the tensionin


专利名称:Apparatus for handling a machine for the

tensioning of screwed connecting elements

发明人:Alain Frizot申请号:US07/414159申请日:19890927公开号:US05069862A公开日:19911203

摘要:An apparatus for handling a machine for the simultaneous tensioning ofscrewed connecting elements (3) such as bolts or pins intended, for example, for thefastening of the cover (1) of a vessel (2). The apparatus comprises a tensioning module(20) for the connecting elements (3), an arrangement (10, 11, 12) for moving the

tensioning module (20) in a horizontal plane, and an arrangement (15, 22, 24) for movingthe tensioning module (20) along the vertical axis of the connecting elements (3).


代理机构:Pollock, Vande Sande & Priddy

