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PT4310 Series —48V6-W Low-Profile Dual-OutputIsolated DC-DC Converter


(Revised 7/20/2001)Features


Dual Complimentary OutputsWide Input Voltage: 38V to 75V1,500 VDC Isolation9 Pin DIP PackageLow-Profile (8mm)

Pin-compatible with PT4300 SeriesNo External Components RequiredSafety Approvals —Pending

DescriptionThe PT4310 modules are a low-power,complimentary dual-output, series of isolatedDC/DC converters. The PT4310 series is pin-compatible 1 with the PT4300 series, and hasimproved temperature compensation. Thesemodules are an ideal alternative to the PT4300for both new and existing designs.Applications include Telecom and Datacomsystems where both board space and height are apremium.The PT4310 series is offered in an open-frame lightweight package, and is available inboth through-hole or SMD-DIP package types.The output voltages are adjustable and includeboth ±5V, and ±12V.Ordering InformationPT4311GPT4313G= ±5V/1.2A= ±12V/0.5APin-Out InformationPin Function1238+VoutCOM–VoutN/CN/CPT Series Suffix (PT1234X)Pin ConfigurationThrough-HoleSurface Mount911Remote On/Off#AC12±Vout Adjust#17–Vin18+Vin(For dimensions and PC board layout, seePackage Style 920)Package Top View+VoutCOM–Vout1231817+Vin–VinPT4310N/CN/C891211±Vo Adjust#Remote On/Off##For more information on the Remote On/Off control andoutput voltage adustment, refer to the application notes.For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

PT4310 Series —48V6-W Low-Profile Dual-OutputIsolated DC-DC Converter

Specifications (Unless otherwise stated, Ta =25°C, Vin =53V, Cout =0µF, and Io1 = Io2 =Iotyp)CharacteristicOuput PowerOutput CurrentSymbolPo(tot)Io1, Io2Io1 + Io2Input Voltage RangeSet Point VoltageTemperature VariationLine RegulationLoad RegulationTotal Output Voltage VariationNo-load Output VoltageEfficiencyVo Ripple (pk-pk)Transient ResponseVinVo1, Vo2RegtempReglineRegload∆VototVo(no-load)ηVrttr∆VtrCurrent Limit ThresholdShort Circuit CurrentInrush CurrentSwitching FrequencyUnder-Voltage LockoutRemote On/Off (Pin 11)Input RequirementsStandby Input CurrentInternal Input CapacitanceExternal Output CapacitanceIsolation VoltageCapacitanceResistanceMaximum OperatingTemperature RangeStorage TemperatureReliabilityMechanical ShockMechanical VibrationWeightFlammabilityNotes:(1)


ILimIscIirtirƒoUVLOVIHVILIILIin standbyCinCout(2)ConditionsOver Vin rangeEach outputMin—PT4310 SERIESTypMax—0.60.25———5.0512±0.5±1±25100250±5±45.412.782855090200±75±2002.—36——–0.2101———1100————TBDTBD1061.00.451.20.575.05.1512.15——±40150350——5.917——100150———————520—Open (4)+1.0–——120(5)(5)47———+85 (6)+125————UnitsWAAVVmV%VomVmV%VoV%mVppµsmVAAAmskHzVVmAmAµFµFVpFMΩ°C°C106 HrsG’sG’sgrams(2)(2)TaTsMTBF————0.2(3)0.05(3)Total, both outputs0.40.1Over Io(tot) range38.0PT43114.95PT431311.85–40° >Ta > +85°CPT4311—PT4313—Over Vin range—Io1 =0.6A, 0.2A ≤ Io2 ≤ 0.6APT4311—Io1 =0.25A, 0.05A ≤ Io2 ≤ 0.25APT4313—Over Vin range and load limitsPT4311—–40° >Ta > +85°CPT4313—Io1 =Io2 = 0PT4311—PT4313—PT4311—PT4313—20MHz bandwidthPT4311—PT4313—20% ≤ Io2 ≤ 75%Iotyp, with 25%load step—Vo over/undershootPT4311—PT4313—Over Vin range, ∆Vo =10%Vonom——On start-up——Over Vin range 400—Referenced to –Vin (pin 17)5.0–0.1—pins 11 & 17 connected——Total across both outputsPT43110PT43130Input - output1500—10Over Vin range-40—Per Bellcore TR-33250% stress, Ta =40°C, ground benignPer Mil-Std-883D, method 2002.3,1mS, half-sine, mounted to a fixturePer Mil-Std-883D, method 2007.2,20-2000Hz, soldered in a PC board—Materials meet UL 94V-0-404.0———PT4311 ( ±5V)PT4313 (±12V)PT4311PT4313The adjustment of the output voltage for the PT4310 series is different than the PT4300 series.

Vo1 & Vo2 may refer to +Vout and –Vout, or –Vout and +Vout respectively. The specification limits are quoted absolute.The DC/DC converter will operate at no load with reduced specifications. See “No-load Output Voltage” specification.

The Remote On/Off (pin 11) has an internal pull-up. If the pin is left open the module will operate when input power is applied. Refer to the applicationnotes for interface considerations.

(5)Output capacitors are not required for proper operation. If added, Oscon® or tantalum types are recommended for operation below 0°C ambient.(6)See Safe Operating Area curves or contact the factory for the appropriate derating.

For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

PT4310 Series —48V6-W Low-Profile Dual-OutputIsolated DC-DC Converter

Typical CharacteristicsPT4311 (±5V) Characteristic Data (See Note A)

Efficiency vs. Total Output Current ( Io1 + Io2 )

90PT4313 (±12V) Characteristic Data (See Note A)Efficiency vs. Total Output Current ( Io1 + Io2 )908080Efficiency - %Efficiency - %VIN







5000. + Io2 (A)

Io1 + Io2 (A)Output Ripple vs. Load ( Io1 or Io2 )

100120100Output Ripple vs. Load ( Io1 or Io2 )80VIN

Ripple - mV6080VIN38V53V75V4038V53V75VRipple - mV6040202000





1 (A)Iout (A)Power Dissipation vs Output Current ( Io1 + Io2 )

1.6Power Dissipation vs. Total Output Current ( Io1 + Io2 )21.21.5Pd - WattsPd - WattsVIN






1.2 + Io2 (A)

Io1 + Io2 (A)Temperature Drift; Io2 =0.2A (See Note B)


100Temperature Drift; Io2 =0.1A (See Note B)5025

Io1 (A)∆Vo1 (mV)0Io1 (A)∆Vo1 (mV)0









-150-50-250255075100Ta (°C)Ta (°C)Note A: Characteristic data has been developed from actual products tested at 25°C. This data is considered typical data for the Converter.Note B: Drift with temperature is normalized to the static output voltage measured at 25°C.

For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

PT4310 Series —48V6-W Low-Profile Dual-OutputIsolated DC-DC Converter

Typcial CharacteristicsPT4311 (±5V) Characteristic Data (See Note A)

Load Regulation, Vo1 vs Io1 with Io2 =0.2A


PT4313 (±12V) Characteristic Data (See Note A)Load Regulation, Vo1 vs Io1 with Io2 =0.05A4.0%2.0%2.0%∆Vout (%)0.0%

∆Vout (%)0







0.0%-2.0%-2.0%-4.0%-4.0% (A)Iout (A)Cross Regulation, Vo1 vs Io2 with Io1 =0.2A


1.0%Cross Regulation, Vo1 vs Io2 with Io1 =0.05A0.5%0.5%0.0%

∆Vout (%)0







∆Vout (%)0.0%-0.5%-0.5%-1.0%-1.0% (A)Iout (A)Safe Operating Area Curves, Vin =38V–75V (See Note C)

PT4311; Io1 =0 to 1.0A, Io2 =0.2A

9080Safe Operating Area Curves, Vin =38V–75V (See Note C)PT4313; Io1 =0 to 0.25A, Io2 =0.25A90.080.0Ambient Temperature (°C)7060504030200






Ambient Temperature (°C)Airflow200LFM120LFMNat conv70.0Airflow60. convIo1 (A)I1 out (A)PT4311; Io1 =0 to 0.6A, Io2 =0.6A

908090.080.0PT4313; Io1 =0 to 0.45A, Io2 =0.05AAmbient Temperature (°C)Ambient Temperature (°C)7060504030200







Airflow200LFM120LFMNat conv70. convIo1 (A)I1 out (A)Note A: The above characteristic data has been developed from actual products tested at 25°C and Vin =53V. This data is considered typical data for the converter.Note C: SOA curves represent operating conditions at which internal components are at or below manufacturer’s maximum rated operating temperatures.

For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

Application NotesPT4310 Series

Adjusting the Output Voltage of the PT4310Series of Isolated DC/DC Converters

The PT4310 is a series of 6-watt isolated dual-outputDC/DC converters. The PT4310 series is functionallysimilar and pin-compatible with the former PT4300 series,but the adjustment of the output voltages is different 1.The ±Vout output voltages of the PT4310 series may beadjusted higher or lower than the factory trimmed value.The adjustment method uses a single external resistor toadjust the magnitude of both output voltages by as muchas ±5%. When adjusting the output voltages to a lowervalue, an external bias voltage, referenced to the –Vin (pri-mary), is also required. 2

Figure 1 gives a suggested schematic for the PT4310 out-put voltage adjustment. The components (R3) and (VR1)are only required with (R1). 3

Adjust Up:Add a resistor, R2, between Vo Adjust (pin 12)and –Vin (pin 17).

Adjust Down:An increase in the ±Vout output voltages isobtained by adding a resistor, (R1), between Vo Adjust(pin 12) and a +5VDC external voltage source. The volt-age source must be referenced to –Vin (pin 17). A simpleexternal voltage source may be implemented by addingthe components (R3) and (VR1) in Figure 1.

Refer to Table 1 for the value of the external adjust resis-tors, R2, or (R1) required to adjust each model of thePT4310 series, up or down respectively by the statedpercentage. See Figure 1 for the placement of (R1), R2,and other components.

Table 1DC/DC CONVERTER ADJUSTMENT RESISTOR VALUESSeries Pt #PT4311PT4313Vo (nom)±5.0V±12.0V(Io1+Io2)max 41.2A0.5A% Adjust–5.0%–2.5% 0.0%+2.5%+5.0%R1 = (Blue)

750.0kΩ90.9kΩR2 =Black




Figure 1+VIN18+Vin+V123PT4310(R3)31.6kΩ17-VinRemoteOn/Off11±VoAdjust12COM–V(R1)Adj Down(VR1), 5.1VMM3Z5V1R2Adjust Up–VINNote:(R3) and (VR1) are onlyrequired with (R1), for adjustingthe output down.Notes

1.In most stand-alone applications the PT4310 series is adirect substitute for the PT4300 series. However, themethod of output voltage adjustment differs betweenthe two series. For existing applications that use aPT4300 part, a modification to the circuit will benecessary if the output voltage is required to beadjusted to a value other than the pre-trimmed factorysetting.2.The adjustment control input, Vo Adjust (pin 12) isreferenced to –Vin (pin 17).3.(R3) and (VR1) provide a +5VDC external bias voltagethat is required for (R1) to adjust the output voltagesdown. If the outputs are to be adjusted up, only the R2is required.4.The PT4310 series is rated for 6 watts total output.An increase in the output voltage will require acorresponding reduction in the maximum allowedtotal output current (Io1+Io2)max in Table 1. Thetotal current from both outputs must comply withthe following equation:-Io1 + Io2



or (Io1+Io2)max,

whichever is less.


Va= the new (adjusted) output voltage.

For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

Application Notes continuedPT4310 Series

Using the Remote On/Off Function on the

PT4310 Isolated Dual Output DC/DC Converters

For applications requiring output voltage On/Off control,the PT4310 DC/DC converter series incorporates a“Remote On/Off” control (pin 11). This feature can be usedwhen there is a requirement for the module to be switchedoff without removing the applied input source voltage.The converter operates normally with Pin 11 open-circuit,and produces a regulated output voltage when a validsource voltage is applied to +Vin (pin 18), with respectto –Vin (pin 17). When a low-level 1 ground signal isapplied to pin 11, the converter output will be turned off.Figure 1 shows an application schematic, which detailsthe typical use of the Remote On/Off function. Note thediscrete transistor (Q1). The control pin has its owninternal pull-up, and must be controlled with an open-collector or open-drain device (See notes 2 & 3). Table 1gives the input requirements.

When placed in the “Off” state, the standby current drawnfrom the input source is typically reduced to less than 1mA.

Table 1; Remote On/Off Control Requirements 1ParameterDisableEnable

Vo/c [Open-Circuit]Iin [pin 11 at –Vin]

Min-0.1V5.0V 3——


Max1.0VOpen-Circuit 2


Table 2; UVLO Thresholds 4SeriesPT4310

Vin Range38 – 75V

UVLO Threshold36V ±2V

Figure 1+Vin18+Vin+V123+VoPT4310-VinNote 117-VinRemoteOn/Off11COM±Vo–VAdjust12-Vo1 =OFFQ1BSS138Note 1VddR110kU1aNote 1D11N4148 or similar low-leakage PIN diodeNotes:

1.The Remote On/Off control uses –Vin (pin 17) as its

ground reference. All voltages specified are with respectto –Vin.2.Use an open-collector device (preferably a discretetransistor) for the Remote On/Off input. Do not connecta pull-up resistor directly to pin 11.3.The Remote On/Off pin may be controlled with devices thathave a totem-pole output providing that a blockingdiode is used. The blocking diode is required to preventcurrent from being injected into On/Off control pin.Note: For TTL devices a pull-up may be required on thecathode side of the blocking diode. This is to guarantee aminimum enable voltage at pin 11 (See Figure 1).4.The PT4310 converters incorporate an “Under-Voltage Lockout” (UVLO). The UVLO will keep themodule off when the input voltage to the converter islow, regardless of the state of the Remote On/Offcontrol. Table 2 gives the UVLO input voltagethresholds.

Turn-On Time: In the circuit of Figure 1, turning Q1 on appliesa low-voltage to pin 11 and disables the converter output.Correspondingly, turning Q1 off allows the converter topower up and produce a regulated output voltage within50ms. Although the rise-time of the output is short (<1ms),the delay time will vary depending upon the input voltageand the module’s internal timing. Figure 2 shows responseof the +5-V output from the PT4311 (±5.0V), followingthe turn-off of Q1 at time t =0. The waveform wasmeasured with a 48Vdc input voltage, and 0.25-Adcresistive load at both the positive and negative outputs.

Figure 2VO (2V/Div)delay time0time (milli-secs)

For technical support and more information, see inside back cover or visit www.ti.com

IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant informationto verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are soldsubject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including thosepertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.TI warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance withTI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessaryto support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, exceptthose mandated by government requirements.Customers are responsible for their applications using TI components.In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operatingsafeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or representthat any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or otherintellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which suchproducts or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s productsor services does not constitute TI’s approval, license, warranty or endorsement thereof.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is withoutalteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations and notices. Representationor reproduction of this information with alteration voids all warranties provided for an associated TI product orservice, is an unfair and deceptive business practice, and TI is not responsible nor liable for any such use.Resale of TI’s products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI forthat product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service,is an unfair and deceptive business practice, and TI is not responsible nor liable for any such use.Also see: Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for Semiconductor Products. www.ti.com/sc/docs/stdterms.htmMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright © 2001, Texas Instruments Incorporated
