专利名称:Recording and reproducing apparatus for
rewriting data onto a previously recordedmedium using a relaying operation
发明人:Kengo Sudoh,Hiroshi Ii申请号:US07/390769申请日:19890808公开号:US05113295A公开日:19920512
摘要:An azimuth recording system has been adopted in order to heighten therecording intensity in a DAT (digital audio tape) recorder of rotary head type. For thisreason, the width of a track is made more narrow than that of the magnetic head, andtracking control is conducted on the basis of the reproduction signals from the tracks atboth sides during reproducing. In such a DAT recorder, in the case of rewriting data, themagnetic head is changed over to the recording mode at a point of time when
reproduction operation is terminated for a corresponding track so that rewriting beginsat a track which is disposed at least one thereafter the track to be rewritten, and newdata is recorded, thereby causing a desired track which must be maintained to beprevented from being recorded over by a new track. In addition, a distinguisher
information is recorded in each of tracks. In the case the same distinguisher information isdetected when a distinguisher information is read out and compared, data which has beenpreviously read out is not outputted, thereby ensuring that data which must be originallydeleted, be prevented from being erroneously outputted. Therefore, a rewritingoperation can be easily conducted without the need of any complicated control circuits.