专利名称:Method and apparatus for improving fault
test coverage for an integrated circuit
发明人:Mark Wong,Philip Hurlow申请号:US09405521申请日:19990923公开号:US06532557B1公开日:20030311
摘要:An integrated circuit is disclosed that includes an output pad, a first functionalunit block (FUB) coupled to the output pad and a control circuit coupled to the first FUB.According to one embodiment, the control circuit is adaptable to select a first group or a
second group of internal signals within the first FUB that are to be transmitted to theoutput pad upon initiating a test mode at the integrated circuit. According to a furtherembodiment, the control circuit is further adaptable to receive a test vector includingdata that determines whether the first or second group of internal signals aretransmitted to the output pad. According to yet another embodiment, the integratedcircuit includes a second FUB coupled to the output pad and the control circuit. Thecontrol circuit is adaptable to select between a third group of internal signals and afourth group of internal signals within the second FUB that are to be transmitted to theoutput pad.
代理机构:Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman LLP