专利名称:User interface virtualization for remote
发明人:Daniel James Beveridge,Charles Andrew
Hirstius,Andre Leibovici
摘要:User interface virtualization describes a technique for providing a user withaccess to one computing device from another computing device, while translating the
ergonomics of one computer's user interface style into the ergonomics of the other's. Anagent running on a remote desktop collaborates with a corresponding client running ona client machine that accepts a “touch and swipe” style input. The agent and clientexchange user interface metadata and user interface input events and translate theexchanged information to provide native graphical user interface elements (at the clientmachine) and simulated user actions (at the remote desktop). The agent running on theremote desktop may use an interface interaction API or library to programmaticallymanipulate the user interface of the remote desktop responsive and act as a proxy forthe corresponding client.
申请人:VMware, Inc.
地址:Palo Alto CA US