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Ink cartridge of ink-jet printer


专利名称:Ink cartridge of ink-jet printer发明人:Yuan-Yuan Liu申请号:US10174831申请日:20020620



摘要:An ink cartridge of an inkjet printer is formed by an ink box, and an ink boxcover. A connection portion thereof is formed with a tilt stepped surface. A top of the inkbox cover is formed with a liquid filling hole and an air inlet. The liquid filling hole is at thesame side of the output port of the ink box and the air inlet is at an opposite side of the

output port. A plurality of posts are installed in the ink box cover. Thereby, after the inkbox is melted-connected to the ink box cover, the posts extrudes the filling materialtherein to form an air flow path. Thereby, the ink in the ink box is supplemented from thefarmost end so as to avoid that ink in one side is exhausted, while the ink in another sidecan not supplement to the output port.


