

.1.文化纵横 The Delicate Protocol1 of Hugging T1 m 如何把握拥抱礼仪的分寸? 肿 By Peggy Drexler路遥/选注 .reasonably comfortable in social situations,no particular phobias ,just a bit reserved in ex・ pressions of physical intimacy. For US fans of personal space,these are dififcult times.America has become a hugging culture.What’S an Academy Award without a gauntlet of hugs from seat to stage?Any sports Notes: 一 “ S眙山  S ¨ 号} 甜 win will ignite an orgy of whooping。full—body man hugs. We remain a“medium touch”culture——more physi— 1.protocol礼节,礼仪。 2.本部分大意为:我不是个爱拥抱 的人。每当我在派对上看到习惯 渤 耐 cally demonstrative than Japan,where a bow is the all—purpose hello and goodbye,but less demonstrative than 侵犯私人空间的人走过来,脑子 Latin or Eastern European cuhures,where hugs are robust 里总会响起《大白鲨》的音乐。 .and can include a kiss on both cheeks.But we do seem to be hugging more. 3.phobia["foubjo]恐惧症。 4.reserved保守的。 m {宝 For men.this is newly slippery terrain加.Handshakes are scripted“and reliable—a firm grip。a couple of brisk pumps ,and done.There is evidence of hand—shaking as far back as the fitfh century B.C.It may have started as a gesture of peace by proving that the hand held no weapon. With hugging nOW in play,men must do rapid social calculations:body language,length and nature of the rela— 5.本部分大意为:没有从座位到舞 .一 台的一连串拥抱能叫奥斯卡颁奖礼 吗?任何体育项目的获胜都会引起 一Ⅱ e 阵狂欢式的全身拥抱。gauntlet m d3 系列(麻烦,折磨o orgy :砒 狂欢,放荡。whoop欢呼。 一6.demonstrative公开表露感情的。 7.all—purpose通用的,多用途的。 8.robust强健的,强有力的。 tionship,setting,alcohol effect and the other’S intentions. Decisions must be made in split secondsB. 9.slippery(问题等)需小心对待的。 lO.terrain地带。 11.scripted原意为“照原稿宣读 的”,此处指“约定俗成的”。 Male fiendsr tell me that they adhere to the one—second rule.They also favor the A-rame hug——f—shoulders touch— ing,handshake high,a couple of quick taps on the back. 12.brisk pump轻轻摇晃。 13.split second一刹那,瞬间。 There is no such middle groundH for women.It’S either shake or hug. 14.middle ground妥协,中间立场。 15.complement衬托,补充。 Bill Clinton has perfected the hug that is not a hug:a handshake complemented by also holding the other’s up一 3 8 @⑥00@ @匡响 06 嗡 文化纵横 per aim.Advantage—more intense than a handshake but short of an embrace,and it can be maintained indefinitely". It can also easily progress to a full hug as the conversation dictates埽. When we expand our exploration to the man—woman hug。things get dicey .Especilaly at work.Science says that hugs are healthy:They release endorphins∞。strengthen the immune system,boost selGesteem and promote bond— ing.But they can also put a warning in your personnel ifle丝. There are many valid reasons to hug in an ofifce set— irng・---——anything from a big team win to goodbyes after downsizing2s.But one senior executive I know shared some universal career advice:“Don’t yell,don’t cry,and don’t hug.’’His advice is backed by surveys that say that most people don’t want intimacy with other workers. As the question of whether or not to hug becomes more situational,the potential rises for awkward encounters.The biggest risk:going in for a hug only to realize too late that the other person had not planned the same.Expea consensus says that if you’re going for the hug and it’S too late to turn back,don’t stop.Press on,but make it quick. For non—huggers。there are some defensive maneuvers .Deflect :Keep something(a desk,a table,a co—worker)between you and the serial hugger until the moment passes.Deny:“Sorry,I’m not 热情的。 much of a hugger.”Resist:Take physical control with a tely无限期地,不确定地。 stiff ̄handshake and firm elbow that keeps personal 18.dictate决定,要求。 space intact.Escape:Find something that requires your 19.dicey['daisi]不确定的.冒险性的。 20.endorphin【生化】内啡肽。 immediate attention.If nothing comes to mind,drop 21.boost seif-esteem提升自尊。 your cellphone.Lie:“I really don’t want you to catch 22.Dersonnel ifle人事档案。 this cold I have.’’Or when diversion isn’t feasible勰 23.downsize裁员,削减。 and escape is impossible,accept the hug with an icy 24.consensus一致的意见.共识。 response and hope that the hugger remembers. 25.defensive maneuver防御策略。 Workplace hugging is particularly problematic凹 26.deflect转移,偏斜。 when your workplace happens to be a schoo1.Teachers 27.stif僵硬的,呆板的。 have been told never to hug any child for any reason :28.feasible可行的。  i29—even though a hug is precisely what a child might .problematic有问题的,棘手的。 —i @⑥00@⑨@匡 06 嗡 3 9 
