

期刊論文 1. Tsai, D. M. and E. J. Wang, “Application of fuzzy multiple goal programming onthe selection for power plants considering site and environmental constraints,”Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 343-361(2005) (EI). 2. Huang, C. K., T. L. Cheng, D. M. Tsai and J. C. Wu, “An integrated vendor-buyerinventory model with order-processing cost reduction,” Journal ofInterdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 559-567 (2007) 3. Chiu, H. N. and D. M. Tsai, “An integer linear programming model and a modifiedbranch and bound algorithm for the project material requirements planningproblem,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.151-196 (2003) (EI). 4. Chiu, H. N. and D. M. Tsai, “An efficient search procedure for the resourceconstrainedmulti-project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows,”Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 55-66 (2002) (EI). 5. D. M. Tsai and C. K.Wang, “An optimal policy for a single-vender single-buyernon-cooperative production-inventory model with process unreliabilityconsideration,”Management Sciences Research, special issue, pp. 35-51 (2007) 6. Tsai, D. M. and H. N. Chiu, “Two heuristics for scheduling multiple projects withresource constraints,” Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 14, No. 6,pp. 325-340 (1996) (EI). 7. Tsai, D. M., “Multi-project scheduling under resource constraints: performanceevaluation and application of heuristic rules,”Journal of Technology, Vol. 11, No.4, pp. 547-562 (1996). 8. Chiu, H. N. and D. M. Tsai, “A comparison of single-project and multi-projectapproaches in resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problems,” Journalof the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 10, 171-179 (1993) (EI,TSSCI). 9. Tsai, D. M., “A study of determination of the optimal EOQ on future supplyuncertainty,” Journal of ChengShiu College of Technology & Commerce, Vol. 11,pp. 131-146 (1998). 10. Tsai, D. M., “A regression analysis ofthe influence of project summary measuresof multi-project scheduling with limited resources on project duration,”Journal ofChengShiu College of Technology & Commerce, Vol. 9, pp. 75-86 (1996). 11. Tsai, D. M., “Asurvey on the resource-constrained project scheduling problem,”Journal of ChengShiu College of Technology & Commerce, Vol. 9, (1996). Revision paperRevision paper: 1. Huang, C. K. D. M. Tsai*, K. J. Chung, and J. C. Wu, “An integrated vendor-buyerinventory model with order-processing cost reduction and permissible delay inpayments,” European Journal of Operational Research, Submitted (2006) andRevised (2008). (SCI)( *通訊作者) Submitted paperSubmitted paper: 1. Tsai, D. M. “Economic production quantity with learning and the reworking ofimperfect quality items produced,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Submitted(2007). (SCI). 2. Tsai, D. M. “An optimal production and shipment policy for a single-vendor singlebuyerintegrated system with learning effect and deteriorating inventory,”International Journal of Production Research, Submitted (2008). (SCI). 3. Tsai, D. M. “An optimal ordering and production policy for a recoverable iteminventory system with learning effect,” International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology, Submitted (2008). (SCI). 4. Tsai, D. M. “An economic production quantity model for a system with learningeffect and deteriorating inventory,” International Journal of Systems Science,Submitted (2008). (SCI). 5. Huang, C. K. D. M. Tsai*, K. J. Chung, and J. C. Wu, “An optimal integratedvendor-buyer inventory policy under conditions of order-processing time reductionand permissible delay in payments,” International Journal of ProductionEconomics, Submitted (2008). (SCI) ( *通訊作者) 6. Tsai, D. M. “Economic production quantity with imperfect production processesand learning effects,” Journal of Operations Management, Submitted (2008).(SCI).
