专利名称:Horizontal and Vertical Toothbrush Holder
Suitable for the Application of Toothpaste
发明人:Diana M. Collins,Lee E. Collins申请号:US15401061申请日:20170108
摘要:The embodied invention is a toothbrush holder that provides a sanitary methodof stabilizing a toothbrush for application of toothpaste. The design comprises ahorizontal stabilizer for the brush end of the toothbrush, with a recessed space for the
brush end. The stabilizer includes an underside with a flat surface that will rest againstthe sink counter and provide stability in use. The toothbrush holder can be easily rinsedoff or placed in a dishwasher for sanitation. A vertical stand feature is added for storageand to allow the toothbrush to air dry. Finally, the horizontal toothbrush stabilizer designallows the incorporation of art that is applied via embossing or by shaping.
申请人:Diana M. Collins,Lee E. Collins
地址:Gilbert AZ US,Gilbert AZ US