[02:31.77] 美国:我们的故事
[02:43.50] 第一集 反抗者
[02:45.91]满载着商人与信徒的船只 Shiploads of businessmen and true believers
[02:48.72]正在横渡大西洋 以期建立一个新世界 are crossing the Atlantic Ocean to create a new world.
[02:55.78]1610年5月 May 1610.
[02:57.84]在哥伦布发现新大陆的120年后 120 years after Columbus,
[03:01.07]这仍是一段危险的旅程 it's still a perilous journey.
[03:04.70]其中的一艘\"解放号\"上 One ship, The Deliverance,
[03:06.75]载着一样即将永久改变美国的货物 carries a cargo that will change America forever.
[03:10.77]都来帮忙啊 All hands over here.
[03:12.28]船上是 24岁的英国农民约翰·罗尔夫 Onboard is John Rolfe, a 24-year-old English farmer.
[03:18.19]他有野心 有自信 有远见 Ambitious, self-reliant, visionary.
[03:21.27]是位天生的企业家 A born entrepreneur.
[03:23.73]这段在今天乘飞机只需六个小时的旅程 What takes us six hours today by plane
[03:26.51]在当时却需要至少两个月 was then a voyage of more than two months.
[03:31.19]早期冒险者中 十个中有七个 Seven of the early adventurers out of every ten
[03:34.03]活不过第一年 will be dead within a year.
[03:36.23]喂 看见陆地了 Land ahoy!
[03:38.52]但是 冒险是值得的 But the risks are worth it.
[03:42.24]北美大陆是终极机遇之地 North America is the ultimate land of opportunity.
[03:57.10]一块拥有大量待开发资源的大陆 A continent of vast untapped wealth.
[04:01.41]首先是所有资源中最有价值的... Starting with the most valuable resource of all...
[04:05.73]土地 land.
[04:11.81]这块后来成为三亿多人家园的土地 What will be home to more than 300 million people
[04:15.15]有几乎一半的面积被成片的森林覆盖着 lies under a blanket of forest covering nearly half the land.
[04:20.09]共有超过五百亿棵树 More than 50 billion trees.
[04:28.28]再往西 就是九百万平方英里的美洲荒原 Further west, 9 million square
miles of vast American wilderness.
[04:34.64]六千万只美洲野牛在平原上狂奔 60 million bison roam the plains.
[04:47.20]在地下 据说有钻石 白银... And underground,there are rumors of gems, silver...
[04:54.24]和世界上最大的黄金矿层 and the largest seams of gold in the world.
[04:57.33]黄金国 西班牙人理想中南美洲的宝藏
[04:57.33]移民们预期 黄金储量不亚于理想中的黄金国 The settlers expect nothing less than El Dorado.
[05:16.43]但罗尔夫在英国殖民地詹姆斯敦看到的... But what Rolfe finds at the English settlement of Jamestown...
[05:20.40]是人间地狱 is hell on Earth.
[05:25.88]在罗尔夫之前已有五百多名移民先期到达 More than 500 settlers made the journey before Rolfe.
[05:29.63]有人吗 Hello?
[05:32.67]有人吗 Hello?
[05:33.29]只有六十人活了下来 Barely 60 remain.
[05:36.87]当时正是\"饥荒时期\" It's called \"The Starving Time\".
[05:42.64]在吃完了马和其它动物之后 Having fed on horses and other animals,
[05:46.22]我们吃掉了靴子 鞋子 we ate boots, shoes,
[05:48.88]和其它任何能找到的皮革 and any other leather we came across.
[05:51.53]谁来救救我啊 Somebody, help!
[05:52.86]就在罗尔夫到达三个月前 Three months before Rolfe arrives,
[05:54.80]有人因杀害自己怀孕的妻子并企图吃尸体 a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife
[05:58.15]而被处以火刑 and planning to eat her.
[06:04.45]这些英国人毫无准备地来到了这个新世界 The English arrive unprepared for this new world
[06:08.13]并且不愿从事体力劳动 and unwilling to perform manual labor.
[06:12.17]他们带来的不是牲畜 Instead of livestock,
[06:13.38]而是检测黄金的化学试剂 they've brought chemical tests for gold...
[06:16.81]但他们从未找到任何黄金 that they never find.
[06:21.64]并且这里也不是他们的地盘 And this is not their land.
[06:27.81]詹姆斯敦建在一个北美原住民部落领地中间 They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.
[06:33.28]60名食不果腹的移民被2万个波瓦坦族人包围 60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,
[06:38.38]这些原住民的弓箭 armed with bows and arrows
[06:40.31]要比需要重新装子弹的英国滑膛枪 that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire
[06:43.93]快9倍 than an English musket.
[06:47.72]双方很快就成了敌人 They're soon enemies.
[06:52.58]最初的移民中只有一成活了下来 Only one in ten of the original settlers is left.
[06:59.80]约翰·罗尔夫没有像其他人一样 John Rolfe didn't come to plunder and leave
[07:02.35]劫掠之后扬长而去 like the others.
[07:05.42]他有自己的计划 He's got his own plan.
[07:09.59]烟草的利润很高 并且在英国国内很有市场 There's money in tobacco, and England is addicted.
[07:17.56]他带来了一批南美烟草的种子 He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,
[07:20.98]但当时只有西班牙殖民地出产这种作物 but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.
[07:26.72]西班牙人因此控制了烟草国际贸易 The Spanish control the worldwide trade.
[07:31.79]在当时 向外国人出售烟草种子会被处以死刑 Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.
[07:37.47]但约翰·罗尔夫还是想办法弄到了一些 But John Rolfe has got his hands on some.
[07:40.20]没人知道他是怎么做到的 No one knows how.
[07:43.17]在切萨皮克湾的暖湿气候 And in the warm, humid climate
[07:44.98]和肥沃土地的滋养下 and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,
[07:48.20]罗尔夫的烟草长势喜人 Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.
[07:52.11]这些烟草种子带来的首次大丰收 The first large harvest produced by these seeds
[07:55.19]即使放在今天价值也超过一百万美元 is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.
[07:58.65]美国前进的伟大动力就是我们的人民 The great strength of America is our people.
[08:02.02]如果你想知道如何定义美国前进的动力 If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,
[08:02.18]科林·L·鲍威尔将军 [前美国国务卿]
[08:04.25]答案就是我们的人民 我们的移民传统 it is our people, our immigrant tradition,
[08:08.01]我们兼容并蓄的文化 our bringing in cultures from all over the world.
[08:11.60]我知道成功是怎么回事 I know what goes into making success.
[08:14.22]真正的成功 很少是运气的因素 And when somebody's really successful, it's rarely luck.
[08:14.50]唐纳德·J·特朗普 [美国地产大亨]
[08:18.86]而是天分 智力 还有许多其它的因素 It's talent, it's brain power, it's lots of other things.
[08:23.83]罗尔夫娶了波瓦坦部落联盟首领的女儿 Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.
[08:29.73]她的名字已成为传奇 波卡洪塔斯 Her name becomes legend: Pocahontas.
[08:34.89]罗尔夫使她在英国家喻户晓 In England, Rolfe makes her a celebrity
[08:37.04]她的肖像被当做新世界生活的广告 when her face is put on a portrait that sells all over London,
[08:40.38]在整个伦敦热卖 advertising life in the New World.
[08:46.03]莎士比亚在作品中提起过殖民地 Shakespeare mentions the colony.
[08:48.06]英国的有钱人都往这里投资 England's rich invest money here.
[08:50.39]所有的伦敦人都知道这片富饶的土地 All of London knows about this land of plenty.
[08:58.68]在两年内 烟草进入了千家万户的菜园 Within two years, tobacco
grows in every garden.
[09:04.30]詹姆斯敦由人间地狱变成了美国第一座兴旺之城 From a living hell, Jamestown is America's first boomtown.
[09:13.66]两年后 又有近一千名移民来到了这里 Two years later, nearly 1,000 more settlers arrive,
[09:17.25]其中的19人来自非洲西部 including 19 from West Africa.
[09:21.32]奴隶 Slaves.
[09:24.87]但其中一些人后来在弗吉尼亚有了自己的土地 But some go on to own their own land in Virginia.
[09:33.37]在詹姆斯敦建立12年后 12 years after the founding of Jamestown,
[09:33.80]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长]
[09:36.49]黑人在殖民地的形成过程中起到了重要作用 Africans were playing a shaping role in the creation of the colonies.
[09:42.56]这一点非常惊人 That's pretty incredible.
[09:45.47]30年后 弗吉尼亚的移民超过了两万人 30 years later, there are over 20,000 settlers in Virginia.
[09:51.75]可以说没有烟草就没有美国 America is founded on tobacco.
[09:55.14]在接下来的一个半世纪里 For the next century and a half,
[09:57.00]它一直是这块大陆最主要的出口产品 it's the continent's largest export.
[10:11.41]在罗尔夫抵达詹姆斯敦的十年后 Ten years after Rolfe arrives in Jamestown,
[10:14.92]又有一批英国移民登上了北美大陆 another group of English settlers lands in North America.
[10:25.94]他们在一处荒凉的海滩靠岸 They come ashore on a deserted beach
[10:28.94]这里距詹姆斯敦的海岸有450英里 450 miles up the coast from Jamestown,
[10:32.18]他们把此地命名为\"普利茅斯\" and call the place Plymouth1,
[10:34.62]以纪念他们起航的英国港口 after the English port they sailed from.
[10:39.29]他们是移民大潮里的另一朵浪花 These are a different breed of settler,
[10:42.14]一群信仰不同但都热爱生活的人 a group of religious dissidents with
faith at the center of their lives.
[10:49.57]他们成功横渡了危险的大西洋 They made the dangerous Atlantic crossing,
[10:51.85]希望能在新世界找到信仰自由 seeking religious freedom in the New World.
[10:58.90]24岁的印刷学徒爱德华·温斯洛 24-year-old apprentice printer Edward Winslow
[11:02.96]是和一群清教徒一起 arrives with a group of religious sectarians
[11:06.70]乘坐\"五月花号\"来到这里的 on a boat called the Mayflower.
[11:11.64]1621年4月 他们的殖民地逐渐成型 By April 1621, their settlement is taking shape.
[11:16.57]\"五月花号\"返航英国 The Mayflower returns to England.
[11:25.18]他们只能在这片陌生的土地上自力更生了 The Pilgrims are on their own in an unknown land.
[11:30.75]我们充满希望与热情地 A great hope and inward zeal we had
[11:34.14]在这块遥远的土地上 of laying some great foundation
[11:36.45]为子孙后代的繁衍生息 for the propagating and advancing
[11:38.48]和天国福音的传播 the gospel of the kingdom of Christ,
[11:40.38]奠定坚实的基础 in those remote parts of the world.
[11:44.41]十九个家庭 They're 19 families.
[11:46.52]饲养着山羊 鸡 猪 狗 Goats, chickens, pigs and dogs.
[11:50.08]他们还有手纺车 椅子 书籍和枪支 They have spinning wheels, chairs, books, guns.
[11:56.97]而且没有回头路 And no way home.
[11:59.08]只要把这个地方描绘成机遇之地 If you create this environment as a land of opportunity,
[12:02.74]迈克尔·道格拉斯 [著名演员]
[12:02.85]就能吸引到那些 then you're gonna attract those type of people
[12:07.36]愿意冒险 愿意赌一回的人 who wanna take that risk, who have-- wanna take that gamble
[12:12.20]和那些坚信生活会更好的人 and who believe in a better life.
[12:17.22]他们的目的地原本是哈德逊河口 They were heading for the Hudson River,
[12:19.71]然而靠岸地点却向北偏了200英里 but they've landed 200 miles further north
[12:23.33]时间正是初冬 at the beginning of winter.
[12:27.71]当时正值一个小型冰期 They have arrived in the middle of a mini ice age,
[12:30.68]气温普遍比现在低2度 temperatures 2 degrees colder than today.
[12:37.00]冬天更长 适合作物生长的时间更短 Winters are longer, growing seasons shorter.
[12:48.01]土地贫瘠 The soil is poor.
[12:50.23]颗粒无收 Little grows.
[12:52.42]食物严重短缺 Food supplies run low.
[12:57.58]在前三个月中 超过一半的清教徒死于饥荒 In the first three months, more than half the Pilgrims die.
[13:04.93]威廉·布莱福特是一位社区总督 William Bradford is the governor of a community
[13:07.93]他所辖的社区很快陷入了困境 soon in desperate trouble.
[13:10.58]上帝似乎喜欢每天以死亡问候我们 It pleased God to visit us with death daily.
[13:14.99]疾病蔓延 Disease was everywhere.
[13:17.69]活着的人几乎没有力气埋葬死人 The living were scarcely able to bury the dead.
[13:21.76]有时一天就有两三个人去世 They died sometimes two or three a day.
[13:25.44]在这一百多人中 只有不到五十人幸存下来 Of 100 and odd persons, scarce 50 remained.
[13:32.26]有时 只有六个人能有足够的力气 At times, only six are fit enough
[13:36.22]继续盖房子 to continue building their shelters.
[13:40.11]苏珊娜·怀特的丈夫死于第一年冬天 Susanna White's husband dies that first winter.
[13:46.15]爱德华·温斯洛的妻子也在一个月后去世 Edward Winslow's wife perishes a month after.
[13:51.46]几个星期后 怀特和温斯洛结婚了 Within weeks, White and Winslow marry.
[13:55.78]他们后来有了五个孩子 They'll have five children.
[13:59.61]在今天 超过10%的美国人 Today more than 10% of all Americans
[14:03.11]家谱可以追溯到\"五月花号\"上 can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower.
[14:16.58]普利茅斯一度成为了他们所寻求的避难所 For a time, Plymouth provides the sanctuary they sought.
[14:20.83]爱德华 Edward!
[14:23.07]爱德华 Edward!
[14:25.42]爱德华 快去看看那边 Edward, please go and look over there!
[14:29.61]但和詹姆斯敦一样 他们也不是这里的主人 But like Jamestown,there were others here first.
[14:44.37]1621年4月 April 1621.
[14:47.36]清教徒们来到新世界已经五个月了 The Pilgrims have been in the New World for five months.
[14:50.55]只有一半的人挺过了第一年冬天 Barely half survive the first winter.
[14:54.55]但他们不是第一批来到这片海岸的欧洲人 But they're not the first Europeans to arrive on this coast.
[15:00.12]五年前 欧洲轮船带来了白人移民和瘟疫 Five years before, European ships brought light-skinned people and plague.
[15:06.37]几乎九成的原住民因此丧生 Almost nine out of ten of the local people are wiped out.
[15:19.28]波卡诺基特人不需要敌人 The Pokanoket people don't need enemies.
[15:22.42]他们和清教徒和平共处 They make peace with the Pilgrims.
[15:25.73]他们教会了英国人 They teach the English
[15:27.33]如何用鱼做肥料 在沙土中种庄稼 how to grow crops in sandy soil, using fish for fertilizer.
[15:34.99]但他们想要回报 But they want something in return.
[15:38.60]他们有一个宿敌 另一个敌对部落 They have a common enemy--a rival tribe.
[15:42.55]而英国人拥有强大的武器 And the English have powerful weapons.
[15:52.87]清教徒们并不是军人 The Pilgrims aren't soldiers.
[15:54.89]但在这个新世界 But in the New World,
[15:56.44]他们不得不为了生存而战 they have to fight to survive.
[16:02.73]1621年8月14日 On August 14, 1621,
[16:05.50]清教徒和波卡诺基特人准备联手 Pilgrims and Pokanoket, shoulder to shoulder,
[16:08.99]发动一次突袭 will launch a surprise attack
[16:11.45]这次突袭将决定他们在这片土地的未来 that will seal their future in this new land.
[16:14.54]这次一共出动了14名男子 It was resolved to send 14 men,
[16:17.48]装备精良 well-armed,
[16:18.98]准备在深夜一举擒下这个部落 and to fall upon them in the night.
[16:21.93]首领下了命令 不要放过任何一个 The captain gave charge: Let none pass out.
[16:50.71]对方部落猝不及防 The rival tribe doesn't know what hit them.
[16:55.95]被团团包围 Surrounded,
[16:57.48]对英国枪火毫无还手之力 they have no answer for English firepower.
[17:01.37]波卡诺基特人和清教徒们 Pokanoket and Pilgrims
[17:03.20]找到了彼此之间的共同点 find common ground...
[17:05.23]也发现了共同生存的机会 and a chance to survive.
[17:14.14]意想不到的同盟结成了 Two unlikely allies.
[17:16.72]这种同盟关系 在北美极为罕见 A partnership all too rare in North America.
[17:22.67]我们发现印第安人 We have found the Indians
[17:24.62]非常遵守与我们达成的和平公约 very faithful in their covenant of peace with us.
[17:28.11]他们没有任何宗教信仰 They are people without any religion
[17:30.39]不知神灵为何物 or knowledge of any God,
[17:32.29]却非常值得信赖 yet very trusty,
[17:34.82]反应很快 quick of apprehension,
[17:37.59]机智无比 而且有极强的正义感 ripe-witted... and just.
[17:41.78]他们的胜利给殖民地带来了 Their victory brings
[17:43.73]很长一段时间的和平 a period of peace to the colony.
[17:45.23]他们以一场盛宴来庆祝彼此的友谊 Their friendship is celebrated in a feast.
[17:48.51]那就是感恩节的由来 In time, it will become known as Thanksgiving.
[17:53.16]开拓美洲的目的之一 One of the main themes in the founding of America
[17:53.63] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼 [前纽约市市长]
[17:56.53]是为了找一个可以扩大生意 was a place to do business,
[18:00.71]扩展视野的地方 a place to expand your horizons,
[18:02.80]一个可以过你自己愿意过的生活 a place to live a life of your own,
[18:05.01]信仰自己愿意信仰的宗教的地方 practice your own religion.
[18:06.95]这些基本理念 Those are the basic themes
[18:09.07]使得许多人飘洋过海来开拓殖民地 that brought people to these shores to colonize.
[18:18.82]这是一个繁荣时代的开端 It's the start of a period of prosperity,
[18:22.02]将完全改变北美 that will transform North America.
[18:27.50]从詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯开始 From Jamestown and Plymouth,
[18:29.74]殖民者的后代遍布整个大陆 their descendants grow across the
[18:37.06]越来越多的人越过大西洋 As more and more people cross the Atlantic--
[18:40.08]成千上万 thousands, tens of thousands,
[18:43.04]不同背景的人带着不同的理由来到这里 people with different backgrounds, different reasons for being here...
[18:51.58]美利坚成为了全世界的人都渴望到达的地方 America becomes the place for everybody from everywhere.
[18:58.16]大家孤注一掷 Rolling the dice,
[18:59.74]汇聚到一起形成了最初的13个殖民地 coming together to create 13 colonies.
[19:03.72]农业从詹姆斯敦传播到了南方 From Jamestown, agriculture spreads across the South,
[19:07.94]以前脏乱的小农庄也变成了大的种植园农场 dirt farms transform into sprawling plantations.
[19:12.88]爱尔兰人 德国人和瑞典人不断向前推进 Irish, Germans,and Swedes push back the frontier.
[19:19.40]荷兰人将他们的生意带到了 The Dutch bring commerce to
[19:20.77]哈德逊河口处的一个小岛上 a small island at the mouth of the Hudson River.
[19:25.74]后来 这里被命名为纽约 In time, it will be named New York.
[19:30.34]比起留在欧洲的同胞 The colonists are 2 inches taller,
[19:32.56]移民们平均要高2英寸 也更加健康 and far healthier, than those they left behind in Europe.
[19:36.52]平均每个清教徒家庭养了8个小孩 The Puritans average eight children,
[19:39.86]孩子活到成年的比例 是欧洲同胞的两倍 and they are twice as likely to survive to adulthood.
[19:44.14]比欧洲同胞更富有20% They are 20% richer
[19:46.15]赋税只相当于英国本土的1/4 and pay only 1/4 of the taxes of those in England.
[19:49.83]许多人仍然认为自己是英国人 Many still think of themselves as British,
[19:52.93]但是随着一代一代的成长 but each generation grows
[19:54.89]这种意识越来越淡薄 further from its roots.
[19:57.77]这一现象在波士顿尤为突出 Nowhere more so than Boston.
[20:01.37]1768年5月9日 May 9, 1768.
[20:04.47]到了约翰·罗尔夫首次烟草收成以来的第七代 Seven generations after John Rolfe's first tobacco harvest,
[20:08.27]英国人想要分更大的一杯羹 the British want a bigger piece of the action.
[20:17.26]英国海关官员发动了对\"自由号\"的突袭 A British customs official springs a surprise raid on The Liberty,
[20:21.47]它是约翰·汉考克的船 a ship belonging to John Hancock,
[20:24.37]他是波士顿最富有的人之一 one of the richest men in Boston.
[20:28.73]但汉考克的船员另有企图 But Hancock's crew has other ideas.
[20:38.70]他们偷运了100桶进口酒 不想交税 They're carrying 100 casks of imported wine and don't want to pay duty.
[20:46.22]对于远在3000英里以外的国王 It's a radical act of rebellion
[20:48.43]此举不啻于公然的抗税 against taxes imposed by a king 3,000 miles away.
[20:55.00]对于英国当局来说 他们就是走私 To the British, they're just common smugglers.
[20:59.84]这场贸易前哨战改变了一切 This mall skirmish changes everything.
[21:02.75]英国当局扣押了汉考克的船 The British seize Hancock's ship,
[21:04.95]此举引发了整个波士顿的骚乱 triggering riots that sweep through
[21:08.12]我们不想缴税给国王 We didn't wanna pay taxes to a king
[21:10.88]不想缴税给一个我们没有发言权 and to a parliament where we didn't have a voice,
[21:10.98] 阿伦·索尔金 [剧作家]
[21:13.68]也没有任何议员代表我们的议会 and we didn't have any representation.
[21:16.18]我们美国人天生就对政府有种怨恨 We have a natural resentment toward government,
[21:18.75]也正因此我们才得以独立 which was how we were born.
[21:24.41]英国国王派了4000名士兵到波士顿去执法 The king sends 4,000 redcoats to Boston to enforce his laws.
[21:30.64]波士顿是贸易之城 文化之城 Boston was a city of commerce, culture,
[21:34.68]文明之城 也是革命之城 civilization, and revolution,
[21:36.70] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长]
[21:36.70]就是在殖民者到来之后 英国人到来后 unfolding right before the eyes of the colonists
[21:39.45]发展起来的 and the eyes of the British.
[21:49.73]1768年10月 October 1768.
[21:52.42]英国士兵紧紧钳制着波士顿 British soldiers clamp down on Boston,
[21:55.47]它是通往大英帝国的关键港口 a port crucial to the British Empire...
[21:59.34]也是全球商业贸易的枢纽 and a hub of global trade and commerce.
[22:07.92]它的造船厂是世界最繁忙的船厂之一 Its dockyards are some of the busiest in the world,
[22:11.13]利用美国海量的木材储备 年产200艘船 producing 200 ships a year from America's vast timber reserves.
[22:18.77]英国1/3的船都是在殖民地建造的 1/3 of all British shipping is built in the colonies.
[22:25.60]木材供给支持着全球经济的发展 Timber fuels the global economy...
[22:29.74]就像当今的石油一样 much like oil does today.
[22:38.23]整个新英格兰境内 Across New England,
[22:40.12]最高最粗壮的树都被做上了记号 marks identify the tallest, strongest trees
[22:42.51]他们将被用来建造英国船只 selected by the crown for British ships.
[22:47.12]英国的大部分森林已不复存在 England has lost most of its forests.
[22:50.22]所以把目光投向了美国的森林 It wants American wood.
[22:56.95]在波士顿 每四个市民就有一名英国士兵 In Boston, there's one redcoat for every four citizens.
[23:02.14]整个城市完全被控制了 It's a city under occupation.
[23:07.12]保罗·里维尔是一名银匠 Paul Revere is a silversmith
[23:10.07]也是波士顿知名大商人之一 and one of Boston's prominent businessmen...
[23:12.51]一点都不像危险分子 an unlikely subversive.
[23:14.81]傲慢的英国兵浩浩荡荡地进城 They formed and marched with insolent parade,
[23:18.82]军乐阵阵 旗帜飞扬 drums beating, fifes playing, and colors flying,
[23:23.01]每名士兵都配发了16发弹药 each soldier having received 16 rounds of powder and ball.
[23:27.49]他是典型的中上层阶级 He is an upper-middle-class figure,
[23:30.67]全靠自身努力奋斗得到现有的一切 someone who has risen through his
own efforts, his own talent.
[23:34.21]他代表了这样一群人 He represents what we have created on our own
[23:35.67]理查德·诺顿·史密斯 [乔治梅森大学 历史学家]
[23:37.62]几乎不靠英国亲友帮忙 白手起家 with very little help from our cousins across the Atlantic.
[23:42.31]但是当北美革命一触即发时 But when revolution comes to North America...
[23:47.44]里维尔将身处革命的最前沿 Revere will beat the center of it.
[24:57.08]包括波士顿在内的13个殖民地 Boston and the 13 colonies
[24:59.40]可以说是英国经济发展的发电站 are an economic powerhouse,
[25:01.55]对英国来说至关重要 critical to Britain.
[25:07.36]英国出口的物品 将近40%都来到了美国 Nearly 40% of everything exported from Britain, makes its way to America.
[25:15.58]捕鱼船队将成千上万吨的腌鳕鱼运往加勒比海 The fishing fleet ships thousands of tons of salted cod to the Caribbean.
[25:22.96]又将糖和糖蜜运往英国 Returns with sugar and molasses...
[25:25.68]那些都是制作朗姆酒的原料 raw material for rum.
[25:28.96]每一项进出口贸易都要向英国交税 Taxed by the British after every exchange.
[25:35.73]在非洲 朗姆酒被当作货币 In Africa, rum is the currency used
[25:38.06]可以用来购买最赚钱的货 to purchase the most profitable cargo of all...
[25:45.82]非洲黑奴 African slaves.
[25:49.41]在1700年到1800年间 Between 1700 and 1800,
[25:52.39]超过25万的非洲人被运往美国殖民地 more than 1/4 of a million Africans are brought to the American colonies.
[25:57.28]大都是被强迫做了奴隶 而非自愿前去 More slaves than all those who came of their own free will.
[26:05.15]大部分人被送往南方大种植园 Most wind up on large plantations in the South.
[26:08.80]不过 黑人对美国北方经济发展也至关重要 But they're also critical to the economy of the North.
[26:12.10]波士顿10%的人口是黑人 10% of Boston's population is black.
[26:16.54]波士顿就像一个大熔炉 气氛越发紧张 Boston is a melting pot, and tension is building.
[26:21.41]没有人喜欢自己家里有侵略者 Nobody likes invaders in their homes.
[26:23.68] 安妮特·戈登·里德 [罗格斯大学历史学教授]
[26:23.68]让外国人来到这片土地 To have people here, foreigners on your soil,
[26:27.57]某种程度上反而激励了人们去战斗 is something-- is a great incentive for people to fight.
[26:32.24]1770年3月5日 March 5, 1770.
[26:35.49]持续三天的动乱后 After three days of unrest,
[26:37.68]一群暴民游荡在大街小巷中 an angry mob roams the streets.
[26:40.31]成百上千的人没了工作 Hundreds of men who lost their jobs
[26:42.16]他们聚集到国王街咒骂英国当局 and blame the British gather on King Street
[26:46.79]和八个被下令不准开枪的英国士兵对峙 and face off against eight redcoats with orders not to fire.
[26:53.07]接下来发生的事情彻底改写了美国历史 What's about to happen will change America forever.
[26:58.78]17岁的制假发学徒 A 17-year-old wig maker'sapprentice,
[27:01.02]爱德华·加里克点燃了导火线 Edward Garrick, lights the fuse.
[27:09.18]战斗是这样开始的 This is how wars start.
[27:20.49]兄弟们 上 Come on, let's have it!
[27:26.09]士兵休·蒙哥马利被打了一棒 Private Hugh Montgomery is hit with a club.
[28:04.48]非裔美国人克里斯珀斯·阿塔克斯 An African-American, Crispus Attucks,
[28:08.12]当场死亡 dies instantly.
[28:12.58]大家跑啊 Everybody, run!
[28:31.13]硝烟散尽时 又死了四个人 When the smoke clears, four more are dead.
[28:37.91]波士顿如何回应 将改变历史的发展进程 How Boston reacts will change the course of history.
[28:45.69]既是银匠 Silversmith
[28:46.20]又是政治激进分子的保罗·里维尔 and political radical Paul Revere
[28:48.76]雕出了 英国士兵在波士顿街头 captures the moment British soldiers kill five colonists
[28:50.54]杀死五个殖民地人的画面 in the streets of Boston.
[28:55.28]他的雕刻将加速革命的爆发 His engraving will fuel the fires of revolution
[28:58.88]愤怒之火迅速在13个殖民地之间蔓延开来 as outrage spreads across the 13 colonies.
[29:04.11]波城愤怒子民叹 Unhappy Boston see thy sons deplore,
[29:08.73]圣街竟遭血污玷 thy hallowed walks besmeared with guiltless gore,
[29:12.19]贼子帮凶多残忍 whilst faithless Preston and his savage bands,
[29:15.98]恶爪锋利乱伤人 with murderous rancor, stretch their bloody hands.
[29:23.24]世界上最强大的军队 The most formidable army in the world
[29:25.41]对着一群手无寸铁的人疯狂扫射 firing on an unarmed crowd.
[29:28.77]这幅震惊世人的画 有个一目了然的标题 An explosive image with a title that says it all:
[29:34.08]波士顿惨案 \"The Bloody Massacre.\"
[29:36.11]有一个古老的笑话 There was the old joke,
[29:37.45]给我一幅画 我还你一场战争 \"You give me a picture, I'll give you a war.\"
[29:39.45]那些想挑起事端 表明立场 Those who wanted to stir things up and to make a statement
[29:39.45] 迈克尔·R·彭博 [纽约市市长]
[29:43.80]甚至可能领导革命的人 and maybe even lead a revolution,
[29:46.03]通过这样能团结很多人站在他们那一边 it made them able to rally
others to their side.
[29:51.72]消息迅速传播开了 News spreads fast.
[29:53.72]移民们都是热心的读者 The colonists are avid readers,
[29:56.11]源自最初普利茅斯清教徒读圣经的传统 a legacy from the first Bible-reading Puritans in Plymouth.
[30:00.52]波士顿有美国的第一份周刊 Boston has the first weekly newspaper.
[30:04.63]当时此地已经有了40多家报刊机构 There are now more than 40 papers across the colonies.
[30:08.31]加上新的邮政署署长 本杰明·富兰克林 And the new postmaster general, Benjamin Franklin...
[30:12.97]已经建立起了一个革命性的邮政递送系统 has introduced a
revolutionary postal-delivery system.
[30:19.49]连夜递送可以节省一半的时间 Night riders cut the delivery time in half.
[30:24.73]将各个殖民地联系到一起的联系网 The communications network connecting the colonies
[30:27.72]是当时世界上最好的 is one of the best in the world.
[30:30.55]英国当局对此一无所知 And the British have no idea.
[30:34.55]他们希望这个消息能够被压下来 They hope the news can be contained.
[30:39.03]在消息传到英国之前 Before news reaches England,
[30:40.90]绝大多数的美国人都已经知道了波士顿惨案 most of America knows about the Boston Massacre.
[30:44.37]这充分体现了一种美国精神 It's a very American spirit of an idea,
[30:45.50] 吉米·威尔士 [维基百科创始人之一]
[30:47.20]那就是每个人都有权利去获取真相 this idea that everybody should have access to knowledge.
[30:50.12]这很像那个开创性的想法 It's very much like that pioneering idea,
[30:53.31]即 每一个人应该能够开创属于自己的路 everybody should be able to make their way in the world.
[30:56.39]无论是康涅狄格的印刷工人 A printer in Connecticut
[30:57.97]还是北卡罗来纳的农民 can read the exact same story
[31:01.07]都能读到同样的消息 as a farmer in North Carolina.
[31:04.76]1773年12月 December 1773.
[31:07.29]《波士顿公报》曝出了另一件事 \"The Boston Gazette\" breaks another story,
[31:09.65]这将助长叛乱的火焰 that will fan the flames of rebellion.
[31:14.60]愤怒和不满的情绪日益高涨 The rising tide of anger and resentment
[31:17.08]英国不得不采取行动 forces England's hand.
[31:19.53]他们取消了所有的税收 They repeal all taxes...
[31:23.53]不过仍保留了茶叶税 except one, on tea.
[31:27.69]这远远不够 It's not enough.
[31:29.83]美国历史上最著名的反抗运动之一 In one of the most famous acts of resistance in American history,
[31:33.56]反抗者将价值逾百万美元的茶叶倾入波士顿港 Rebels dump over $1 million worth of tea in Boston Harbor.
[31:39.70]如果有人前来冒犯 When someone comes along and smacks us,
[31:42.70] 汤姆·布罗考 [原NBC新闻主播]
[31:42.83]我们不会逆来顺受 we don't turn the other cheek.
[31:45.86]这不是我们的性格 That's not who we are.
[31:50.76]快点 Move it!
[31:52.69]英国人为此关闭了波士顿港 The British respond by shutting down Boston Harbor...
[31:59.99]这个美洲最繁忙和富庶的港口之一 one of America's busiest, wealthiest ports.
[32:12.74]走吧 小伙子 Come on, lad.
[32:15.57]数百人失业 Hundreds lose their jobs.
[32:19.73]英国人决意要扼杀所有来自 The British mean to strangle any resistance
[32:22.16]马萨诸塞州这个不服管治的殖民地的反抗 from the rebellious colony of Massachusetts.
[32:28.30]美利坚即将从此改变 America is about to change forever.
[32:38.99]远离波士顿的地方紧张气氛也在升级 Tensions escalate far beyond Boston.
[32:44.82]移民们正在向西推进 Settlers are pushing west.
[32:47.16]许多人看准了阿巴拉契亚山脉以西的新土地 Many have their eyes set on newland west of the Appalachians.
[32:54.51]但出于保护印第安人领地的考虑 But to protect Native American lands,
[32:56.86]英国禁止在公告线以西 England has banned settlements,
[32:58.86]建立新的定居点 along a boundary called the Proclamation Line.
[33:04.04]数以百计的人被从拓荒前线上的家中驱逐 Hundreds are evicted from their homes on the frontier.
[33:10.33]1774年9月5日 September 5, 1774.
[33:12.97]我们要自由 We want liberty...
[33:15.29]由于不满英国人的殖民地新政 Incensed at the British actions,
[33:17.36]来自各个殖民地的56名代表 56 delegates from across the colonies
[33:19.84]齐聚费城参加了第一次大陆会议 gather at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia.
[33:25.37]这是走向美国民主的第一步 It's the first step on the road to American democracy.
[33:30.28]他们中有约翰·亚当斯 Among them are John Adams,
[33:33.20]帕德里克·亨利 Patrick Henry,
[33:35.94]和来自弗吉尼亚的乡绅乔治·华盛顿 and a gentleman landowner from Virginia named George Washington.
[33:42.33]当大不列颠颐指气使的主人们 At a time when our lordly masters in Great Britain
[33:45.51]不彻底剥夺我们美国人的自由 will be satisfied with nothing less
[33:47.59]就不愿罢休的时候 than the deprivation of American freedom,
[33:50.09]行动起来保卫自由 成为当务之急 it seems highly necessary that something should be done to maintain liberty.
[33:59.36]整个新英格兰地区 人们准备奋起自卫 Across New England, people
prepare to defend themselves.
[34:03.48]走私枪械被集中藏在隐蔽地点 Smuggled arms are collected and stashed in secret hideaways.
[34:09.08]不过 与许多民众期待战争的心理相反 But while many expect conflict,
[34:11.50]大多数费城会议的代表希望与英国和解 most delegates in Philadelphia want peace with Britain.
[34:15.60]军事行动会造成永远无法愈合的创伤 A military action would make a wound that would never be healed.
[34:22.88]好了 没时间了 我们走 That's good, we don't have all day, let's go, come on.
[34:25.34]第一次大陆会议达成决议 The First Continental Congress resolves
[34:27.39]英国对任一北美殖民地的攻击 that a British attack on any one colony
[34:31.06]将被视为对全体殖民地的攻击 will be regarded as an attack on all of them.
[34:38.72]费城会议沉浸在团结的气氛之中 What emerges at Philadelphia is solidarity.
[34:42.64]弗吉尼亚人 宾夕法尼亚人 The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians,
[34:47.83]新英格兰人 纽约人之间的界限将不复存在 New Englanders, and New Yorkers are no more.
[34:53.84]我不是弗吉尼亚人 I'm not a Virginian.
[34:57.46]我是美国人 I am an American.
[35:00.36]13个北美殖民地的未来悬于一线 The future of the 13 American colonies hangs in the balance.
[35:08.74]1775年春 Spring 1775.
[35:11.49]马萨诸塞州 康科德近郊 Near Concord, Massachusetts.
[35:12.88]进来 把这些武器码起来 Get in here, get those weapons stacked up.
[35:14.41]没时间了 We haven't got all day.
[35:15.24]当地枪械工匠艾萨克·戴维斯 Local gunsmith Isaac Davis
[35:16.97]正在对镇民兵进行基本训练 puts the town militia through basic training.
[35:20.91]这些爱国者知道他们从事的是正义的事业 The American patriots knew that they were doing the right thing.
[35:23.59] 威廉·博迪特 [美国海军陆战队一级军士长]
[35:23.59]要创立一个新的国家 You're starting the birth of a nation.
[35:26.54]必须要有执着的信念 You had to really believe in what you were doing.
[35:29.22]先生 你得让这儿保持干净 You've gotta keep this clean here, sir.
[35:30.78]做到这一点 能保住你的命 If you keep that clean, it'll save your life.
[35:32.75]一旦开战 这里将是美国的第一道防线 If war comes, this will be America's first line of defense.
[35:37.01]由当地民众雇佣的武装志愿兵队伍 A volunteer home guard with weapons paid for by local citizens.
[35:43.22]先生们 不错 不错 Gentlemen, it's looking good, it's looking good.
[35:45.11]吃完早餐后就出发 Let's have some breakfast and move out.
[35:47.10]他们中有农民 铁匠 和店主 They're farmers, blacksmiths, and store
[35:51.04]一支美国平民组成的战斗力量 A fighting force of ordinary Americans.
[35:56.14]所有殖民地的民兵都直接来自当地市民 The militiamen of any of the colonies were made up of just its citizens.
[36:00.73]是市民组成的保卫团体 It was a citizen-based protection unit.
[36:04.44]他们中有懂得作战技巧的人 And some of them had some skills,
[36:06.36]但也有只会木匠活的木工 but some of them were just the carpenters.
[36:07.81] 理查德·麦克·马克威茨 [军事专家 前海豹突击队队员]
[36:08.81]和身无旁技的石匠和铁匠 Some of them were just the mason or the
[36:12.81]实际上 他们保卫殖民地的行为 I mean, these were the guys that--
[36:16.01]也是出于对自身利益的捍卫 they had something at stake to protect their colony.
[36:18.80]他们就这样走到了一起 So they started to form together,
[36:20.57]大家守望相助 just trying to help protect each other.
[36:23.13]所有殖民地市镇都拥有自己的民兵组织 Every town across the colonies has its own militia,
[36:26.56]他们现在有了新的任务 but now they're preparing
[36:28.61]保卫家园不受英军侵犯 to defend themselves against the British Army.
[36:33.18]比昨天好 比昨天好 Better than yesterday, better than yesterday.
[36:35.54]对这六代马萨诸塞人而言 For six generations across Massachusetts,
[36:38.15]男丁参军被视为义务 men are expected to serve as militiamen.
[36:41.32]在马萨诸塞 16至50岁的男人有三分之一 In Massachusetts, 1/3 of all men between 16 and 50
[36:45.25]能够在战争打响的第一时间拿起武器参战 are ready to bear arms at a minute's notice.
[36:49.05]太棒了 很准 Excellent, good shot.
[36:50.41]我们保持这个水准 We keep this up,
[36:51.18]让那些英国兵瞧瞧我们的厉害 we're gonna give those redcoats a scare, all right?
[36:55.18]英国人不会容忍任何武装反抗 The British will not stand for any armed resistance.
[37:01.72]1775年4月19日 April 19, 1775.
[37:04.90]午夜后 900名英国士兵从波士顿开拔 After midnight, 900 redcoats leave their barracks in Boston
[37:09.49]前往20英里以外的莱克星顿和康科德 for Lexington and Concord, about 20 miles away.
[37:14.91]他们的任务是 逮捕叛乱头领并缴获武器 Their orders: Arrest the rebel leaders and seize their weapons.
[37:22.97]英军进攻的消息也传到了保罗·里维尔耳里 News of the British attack also reaches Paul Revere.
[37:27.02]他将连夜赶路通知当地民兵 His midnight ride will alert local militias.
[37:33.16]里维尔赶在了英国军队的前面 Revere rides ahead of the British troops.
[37:38.53]他的警报在新英格兰的乡村逐镇传开 His warning spreads from town to town, across the New England countryside.
[37:51.07]保罗·里维尔及时到达莱克星顿通报消息 Paul Revere reaches Lexington... in time to spread the word.
[37:58.44]英军正在进逼 The British are coming.
[37:59.60]快去通知民兵 We need to warn the militia.
[38:01.08]召集大家 Get 'em together.
[38:04.37]快 Come on!
[38:13.44]清晨五点 60名民兵布阵集合 By five in the morning, 60 militiamen line up.
[38:17.61]由农夫约翰·帕克指挥 They're commanded by a farmer, John Parker.
[38:21.34]他们面对的是 They're faced off
[38:22.66]数百名武器精良 久经沙场的英国士兵 against hundreds of well-armed and highly experienced British soldiers.
[38:31.65]接下来发生的事将会彻底改变世界 What happens next will transform the world forever.
[38:44.93]1775年4月19日 拂晓 Sunrise, April 19, 1775.
[38:50.49]一方是60名装备落后训练不足的民兵 On one side 60 men, poorly armed and barely trained.
[38:55.56]另一方是数百世界上最强大军队的士兵 On the other, hundreds of the most powerful army in the world.
[39:00.63]服役数月的新兵 Men who have only been active for a handful of months,
[39:04.19]对阵 过往20年里 vs. An army that in the past 20 years
[39:08.96]征战五大洲 无往不胜的军队 has fought on five continents and defeated everything in its path.
[39:13.77]对于反抗者们来说 For these Rebels,
[39:14.97]这场战斗 是为自由而战 the fight is for nothing less than freedom itself.
[39:19.46]他们是革命者 These guys were revolutionaries,
[39:19.98] 布莱恩·威廉斯 [NBC晚间新闻主播]
[39:21.36]他们是痞子 他们是反叛者 they were scallywags, they were rebels,
[39:24.10]他们中有些是乡绅 some of them were gentlemen farmers,
[39:26.93]有些受过高等教育 some of them were overeducated,
[39:28.97]有些没念过几年书 some of them were undereducated.
[39:31.14]就这样造就了一个国家 It really was the birth of a nation.
[39:34.00]莱克星顿民兵在村庄公用地集中 The Lexington Militia gathers on the village common.
[39:37.33]牧场主和店主 Dairy farmers and shopkeepers.
[39:40.04]甚至黑奴和自由的非裔美国人也在其中 But also among them are free African-Americans and slaves.
[39:45.62]这是非裔美国人为美国军方效力 It is a unique experience that African-Americans have had
[39:47.56]的独特经历 in the military in America.
[39:48.80] 科林·L·鲍威尔将军 [美国第一位黑人国务卿]
[39:51.09]早在美国尚未建国之时 African-Americans fought for the country,
[39:54.10]非裔美国人就已为国而战 even before it was a country.
[39:56.44]就像他们中的普林斯·埃斯塔布鲁克 African-Americans like Prince Estabrook.
[40:02.64]给我训练 Give me training.
[40:04.16]给我武器 我能做得和你一样好 You give me a weapon, and I can perform as well as you can.
[40:09.03]世上永不再有任何武力可以令我屈服 Then there's no power on Earth that's gonna hold me down forever.
[40:13.75]坚守阵地 Stand your ground.
[40:16.29]敌人不开火别先开火 Don't fire unless fired upon.
[40:19.49]如果战争在所难免 就让它从这里开始 But if we mean to have war, let it begin here.
[40:24.16]队长约翰·帕克曾经为英军效力 Captain John Parker once fought on
the side of the British.
[40:30.08]他手下四分之一的人 都是自己亲属 1/4 of the men standing at his side are related to him.
[40:45.03]没人知道是谁打响了莱克星顿的第一枪 No one knows who fires the first shot at Lexington...
[40:50.73]但这一枪 响彻世界 but it's the shot heard 'round the world.
[40:57.31]红衣英军 他们很有威慑力 I mean, the redcoats, that's intimidating,
[41:00.36]他们的行动和行进方式 the way they move, the way they march,
[41:00.88] 理查德·麦克·马克威茨 [军事专家 前海豹突击队队员]
[41:02.17]还有他们在战场上执行战斗指令的方式 the way they execute on that open space.
[41:05.34]我想 在某种程度上 I imagine, on some level,
[41:06.98]对于媒体记者来说 for the guy who works the printing press,
[41:09.68]这种壮观的震慑场面 this is overwhelming beyond anything
[41:12.32]的确难以言表 you could possibly articulate in words.
[41:18.29]开火 Fire!
[41:40.13]普林斯·埃斯塔布鲁克在第一轮交火中中枪 Prince Estabrook is hit in the first volley.
[41:44.04]世界上没有军队能与英军近距离对峙 No army in the world can stand toe-to-toe with the British,
[41:47.88]更不用说一支非正规的民兵队伍了 let alone a ragtag militia.
[41:55.04]开火 Fire!
[41:57.51]英军开火的次数高达民兵的四倍 The British fired up to four times the rate of the militia.
[42:28.60]莱克星顿战斗打响后 短短几分钟 Within minutes of the first shots fired at Lexington,
[42:31.60]八名爱国战士阵亡 十人受伤 eight Patriots are dead, ten wounded.
[42:34.98]美国革命从此拉开序幕 The American Revolution has begun.
[42:41.78]英军于早上9点抵达康科德 The redcoats reach Concord at 9:00 in the morning.
[42:46.99]由于得到了忠于英王的殖民者报信 Acting on a tipoff from colonists loyal to the crown,
[42:50.76]他们突袭了民兵的秘密火药库 they raid the militia's arms stash.
[42:54.24]不过民兵们先来一步 But the Rebels have got there first...
[42:59.18]转移了几乎所有库藏 hiding almost everything.
[43:02.12]好了 没时间了 我们走 That's good, we don't have all day, let's go, come on.
[43:20.54]他们继续搜查武器 They continue to search for weapons,
[43:23.79]这给了爱国者们更多时间传递消息 giving the Patriots more time to spread the word.
[43:32.43]民兵们在康科德镇外集结 The militia gathers just outside the town of Concord.
[43:39.44]将近中午时 By late morning,
[43:40.04]已有1000多人从周围的村庄赶来 more than 1,000 have arrived from the surrounding villages.
[43:49.19]他们想要保卫家园不受英国人侵犯 Their plan, to defend their towns against the British.
[43:54.60]我们走 Let's go!
[44:06.25]英军士兵是15个小时前开拔的 The British soldiers left their barracks 15 hours ago.
[44:10.06]现在他们需要行军20英里返回波士顿 And now they face a 20-mile march back to Boston.
[44:31.34]被毁掉的生活 The Shattered lives...
[44:35.12]被侵占的城市 an occupied city...
[44:39.83]波士顿的街头喋血 blood in the streets of Boston...
[44:44.81]现在 轮到了莱克星顿 and now Lexington.
[44:52.81]团结一心的人们反抗暴政 A people unified in the fight against tyranny.
[45:01.42]现在爱国者们的机会来了 Now the Patriots have their chance.
[45:13.21]枪械工匠兼民兵领导人 Gunsmith and militia leader
[45:14.99]艾萨克·戴维斯被一颗子弹射穿心脏 Isaac Davis takes a bullet through the heart.
[45:39.84]爱国者们占了上风 The Patriots seize the upper hand
[45:41.88]要让英军血债血偿 and intend to make the British soldiers pay.
[45:48.99]他们一路跟随行进的英军 伺机射击 They shadow the redcoats' march, firing on them the entire way.
[45:54.75]三分之一的英军或死或伤 A third are killed or wounded.
[46:05.05]当年离开英格兰追寻富足与自由的第一批移民 Seven generations after the first settlers left England,
[46:08.64]到现在已经有了第七代子孙 in search of prosperity and freedom,
[46:11.06]这些子孙又不得不为争取同样的权利而奋起反抗 their descendants will have to fight for these rights.
[46:27.59]挡在他们面前的 Standing in their way
[46:28.93]是世界上最强大的军事超级大国 is the might of the world's greatest military superpower.
[46:39.95]他们并不准备轻易放弃殖民地 And they're not about to give up their colonies lightly.
[46:46.68]起义军的杂牌部队 A ragtag bunch of rebels
[46:48.74]面对当时最强大的军事力量 faces the greatest military superpower of the day.
[46:53.95]这本是一场毫无胜算的战争 It's a war they never should have won.
[46:57.83]他们之所以胜出 秘密在于 This is the secret history of how they did it.
[47:02.30]破釜沉舟 Daring.
[47:07.31]领导有方 Leadership.
[47:10.21]出奇制胜 New ways of fighting
[47:13.38]和实实在在的美国精神 and true American grit.