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Control Method and System of Brain Computer Interf


专利名称:Control Method and System of Brain

Computer Interface with Stepping DelayFlickering Sequence

发明人:Po-Lei Lee,Kuo-Kai Shyu,Hsiang-Chih Chang申请号:US13357181申请日:20120124



摘要:A control method of a brain computer interface (BCI) with a stepping delayflickering sequence is provided. First, a plurality of different flickering sequence signals

are generated by encoding a static flashing segment and a plurality of stepping delayflashing segments divided in different time sequences. Then, a plurality of target imagescorresponding to the flickering sequence signals are displayed. Thereafter, a responsesignal generated by an organism evoked by the target images is acquired. Then, signalprocessing is performed on the response signal by using a mathematic method todistinguish which one of the target images is gazed by the organism. Thereafter, acontrolling command corresponding to one of the target images is generated. A controlsystem of a BCI with a stepping delay flickering sequence is also provided herein.

申请人:Po-Lei Lee,Kuo-Kai Shyu,Hsiang-Chih Chang

地址:Jhongli City TW,Jhongli City TW,Jhongli City TW


