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Device for preparing a beverage

2023-11-06 来源:小侦探旅游网

专利名称:Device for preparing a beverage发明人:Gugerli, Raphael申请号:AU2011231853申请日:20110314公开号:AU2011231853A2公开日:20130110

摘要:Two chamber parts (4, 5) can be pressed against each other in a sealing mannerin order to receive the capsule (2). In an open position, the capsule can be held in anintermediate position between the chamber parts by means of a positioning unit (6),wherein the positioning unit (6) has, on a preferably vertical insertion plane, mutuallyopposite guide sections (7, 8) for guiding the capsule on mutually diametrically oppositesections of the capsule collar (3) in order to hold the capsule in the intermediate position.The insertion section is formed as a hinged guide (7) and the opposite guide section as arelease guide (8). The release guide has a recess which is formed in such a way that thecapsule can be rotated out of the intermediate position around the hinge guide (7) andcan be released from the release guide. Before reaching the closed position, the capsuleis freed from the release guide (8) in a first movement phase and from the hinged guide(7) in a second movement phase by being acted on by one of the chamber parts.

申请人:Delica AG

代理人:Davies Collison Cave

