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Machine for the manufacture of reinforcing bodies

2020-12-14 来源:小侦探旅游网

专利名称:Machine for the manufacture of reinforcing

bodies for precast concrete parts

发明人:Georg Pfender申请号:US06/199736申请日:19801023公开号:US04367776A公开日:19830111

摘要:A machine for the manufacture of reinforcing bodies for concrete pipes and thelike, which comprises longitudinal bars and wire wound about the longitudinal bars. Twocoaxial discs are provided. A main disc, fixedly mounted on a base frame, carries radiallydisplaceable guide pieces for the longitudinal bars. A support disc, mounted on a carriagemovable in the direction of the axis of the main disc, carries a clamping device for

clamping the ends of the longitudinal bars at a selectively different spacing from the axisof the disc. The clamping device comprises elongate clamping members which constituteradially extending clamping slits. The clamping slits open and close in parallel over theirentire length. The length and position of the clamping members correspond to the rangeof adjustment of the guide pieces on the main disc.


代理机构:Amster, Rothstein & Engelberg

