发明人:MAY, Lutz, Axel申请号:EP01960281.2申请日:20010607公开号:EP1290418A2公开日:20030312
摘要:A magnetic transducer element (22) is formed by rotating an integral region ofa shaft (20) about an axis (A-A) in the presence of a magnetic source (30). An annulus (42)of magnetisation results in having its magnetisation in the axial direction. The exteriormagnetic field (40) emanated by the annulus (42) exhibits respective axial magneticprofiles of its axially and radially directed components (Figs. 7 and 8) which have an axialshift under torque. The direction of profile shift depends on the rotational direction ofthe shaft (20) while magnetisation proceeds. A pair of regions (122a, 122b: 242, 244)exhibiting opposite shift directions provide signals in which torque-dependent shift isseparated from axial displacements of the shaft (Fig. 22, Fig. 24). An annulus (42) ofmagnetisation may be non-uniform with angle about the shaft axis. Measures to preventeddy currents generated in the rotating region of the shaft under magnetisation aredisclosed as are 'sweet spots' (230) for sensor placement (Fig. 30) to mitigate non-uniformity effects.
申请人:Fast Technology GmbH
地址:Otto Hahn Strasse 24,Gewerbegebiet Riemerling 85521 Ottobrunn DE
代理机构:Bluff, John William