专利名称:ELECTRONIC POWER MODULE发明人:KIEL, Friedbald申请号:EP16790655.1申请日:20161004公开号:EP3360160A1公开日:20180815
摘要:The electronic power module (1) comprises power connection terminals (10, 11,12, 15) intended to be connected to an input device (20) and to an output device (19),electronic chips (2, 7, 8, 9) and power tracks (4, 5, 6, 13, 14) electrically connected to thechips and to the terminals. According to the invention, the chips are mounted directly onthe power tracks (4, 5, 6) formed at least partially from segments of hollow metal profilesections (4, 5, 6, 13, 14) that have, at least partially, a flat outer surface. According toanother feature, a first set of tracks (4, 5, 6) is electrically insulated from a second set oftracks (13, 14) by at least a first substrate (16) formed from a laminate comprising a firstelectrically insulating material and a second electrically conductive material.
申请人:Valeo Equipements Electriques Moteur
地址:2, rue André Boulle 94046 Créteil Cedex FR
代理机构:Duprez, Richard