专利名称:Method, apparatus, and smart wearable
device for fusing augmented reality andvirtual reality
发明人:Yanqing Luo,Peiyun Jian,Lei Song申请号:US15237424申请日:20160815公开号:US09842433B2公开日:20171212
摘要:A method, apparatus and smart wearable device for fusing augmented realityand virtual reality are provided. The method for fusing augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR), comprising acquiring real-world scene information collected by dual camerasmimicking human eyes in real time from an AR operation; based on virtual reality sceneinformation from a VR operation and the acquired real-world scene information,generating a fused scene; and displaying the fused scene.
申请人:SuperD Co. Ltd.
地址:Shenzhen CN
代理机构:Anova Law Group, PLLC