专利名称:Hand-held trace vapor/particle sampling
发明人:Jack A. Syage申请号:US11639579申请日:20061215公开号:US08434375B1公开日:20130507
摘要:A sampling system that contains filter components for collecting and
concentrating vapor and particles in high-volume flows. The sample is then vaporized anddelivered to a detector at a low-volume flow. The invention also has a sampling probe
that contains an air-jet to help dislodge particles from surfaces and a heating lamp tohelp vaporize compounds on surfaces or objects. The sampling system is especiallyuseful for screening for explosives and other illicit chemicals and toxins on people,baggage, cargo, and other objects.
申请人:Jack A. Syage
地址:Huntington Beach CA US
代理机构:Armstrong Teasdale LLP