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Optical disk apparatus and method for tracking the


专利名称:Optical disk apparatus and method for

tracking thereof

发明人:Eung-Sun Kim申请号:US10985895申请日:20041112



摘要:An optical disk apparatus and method having a pick-up part for emitting a lightonto a recording surface of an optical disk and receiving the light reflected from therecording surface of optical disk and a driving part for controlling the pick-up part. The

apparatus and method comprise an error detection part for detecting a tracking errorbased on a distribution of the received and reflected light, when the pick-up part tracesvertical movement of the optical-disk according to control of the driving part; a capacitycalculation part for calculating capacity of an optical-disk corresponding to the

calculated tracking error size; and a tracking control part for resetting a control methodof the driving part for the pick-up part to trace a track of the optical-disk based on thecalculated capacity. As such, the track of an optical disk may be minutely traced.

申请人:Eung-Sun Kim

地址:Suwon-si KR


