专利名称:Needle assembly for use in manufacturing
发明人:Amy S Oxford申请号:US15885338申请日:20180131公开号:US10017891B1公开日:20180710
摘要:A needle assembly for use in carpeting includes a handle having a first
longitudinal axis running from a forward end to a rear end, a shaft section running alongthe first longitudinal axis with a first portion having a first outer diameter and a second
portion, where the second portion has a second outer diameter representing a maximalouter diameter of the second portion, and the second outer diameter is less than thefirst outer diameter, a first bore a first maximal diameter and a front-end opening. Theneedle assembly includes a needle having a shank with a second maximal diameterpermitting insertion of the shank in the first bore. The needle includes a blade disposedbetween the shank and the front end, and a tip section disposed between the blade andthe front end, having a transverse opening, and terminating with a pointed tip.
申请人:The Oxford Company, LLC
地址:Cornwall VT US
代理人:Keegan Caldwell,Micah T. Drayton