专利名称:Amplifier using delta-sigma modulation发明人:Rahmi Hezar,Baher Haroun申请号:US10762819申请日:20040122
摘要:An amplifier and a driver circuit therefor are presented for driving a loadaccording to a system analog input. The amplifier comprises a passive delta-sigmamodulator with a passive filter providing a first filtered signal according to a passive filterinput and according to a feedback signal, a quantizer coupled with the passive filter and
providing a quantized output according to the first filtered signal, and a switching systemcoupled with the the passive filter and the quantizer. The switching system selectivelyproviding power to a load according to the quantized output and provides the feedbacksignal to the passive input, wherein a gain amplifier is provided in a feedback loop aroundthe passive delta-sigma modulator.
申请人:Rahmi Hezar,Baher Haroun
地址:Plano TX US,Allen TX US