专利名称:Systems and methods for testing widgets in
computer environments
发明人:Kemal Oral Cansizlar申请号:US12032000申请日:20080215公开号:US08196112B1公开日:20120605
摘要:Widgets or other code modules for applications written in structured languagessuch as HTML can be tested advantageously by separating the extraction and validationlogic. To test the functionality of a widget in response to an action, widget features of
interest are identified. Context and feature nodes for these features are extracted from apage tree structure to generate a property vector that is representative of the state ofthe widget. After performing the action, context nodes for the features are attached tothe new page tree for the newly loaded page, and an observed property vector isgenerated that represents the state of the widget after the action. The previousproperty vector is used with updated state information to generate an expectedproperty vector. The observed property vector is compared with the expected propertyvector, and if the vectors match the validation is claimed to be successful.
申请人:Kemal Oral Cansizlar
地址:Seattle WA US
代理机构:Kilpatrick Townsend & Stocton LLP