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Method and apparatus for drying a paper web


专利名称:Method and apparatus for drying a paper


发明人:Kristian Hamstr{haeck over (o)}m,Harri

Happonen,Antti Kuhasalo,Juha

Lipponen,Järkko Nurmi,Juha Ojanen,HansSundqvist



摘要:A method and apparatus effect drying of a paper web using a plurality ofheated drying cylinders and at least one air impingement module having a hood. Thepaper web is brought into operative contact with the heated drying cylinders, and at leastone of the final moisture content, quality, and cross-direction profile of the paper web isregulated. The regulation is effected by adjusting the efficiency of air impingementdrying of the paper web, by adjusting at least one of the blowing velocity of the medium(typically air) blown against the paper web, the humidity of the blowing medium, and thedistance of the hood of the impingement module from the paper web. At least one ofthe final moisture content of the paper web and its quality may also be regulated byadjusting the steam pressure of one or more drying cylinder groups. Typically the finalmoisture content of the web is measured after the last drying cylinder group and theefficiency of air impingement drying is regulated on the basis of that measurement.


代理机构:Nixon & Vanderhye PC

