专利名称:Printer system
发明人:Bolcavage, Richard Donald,Ferraro, Armand
Joseph,Fleek, Arthur Edwin
摘要:A printer control system for a belt printer has an arrangement for checkingprint hammer operating circuits (HDC 1-6) by comparing areal time actual parity of thecircuits with a precalculated expected parity. Prior to printing, a microprocessor (11)
calculates expected parity bytes for each subscan for storage in a storage device (10 or11) along with the print position fire data used for selecting the operating circuits to beactivated in the related subscans. An actual parity byte is generated on a real time basisby ODD/EVEN parity circuits (ODD/EVEN PARITY 1 - 6) associated with groups ofoperating circuits for comparison with a composite parity byte generated each subscanby the microprocessor. The composite parity byte is generated by combining theexpected parity bytes from the storage device for several successive subscans. Thecomposite parity byte is updated each subscan by a process of subtracting the initialexpected parity byte and adding a new subscan expected parity byte. Comparison ismade when all the activating circuits are in stable condition.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Old Orchard Road Armonk, N.Y. 10504 US
代理机构:Jost, Ottokarl, Dipl.-Ing.