Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉) Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题) Milton Friedman, Free Markets Theorist, Dies at 94.
Milton Friedman, the grandmaster of free-market economic theory in the postwar era and aprime force in the movement of nations toward less government and greater reliance onindividual responsibility, died today in San Francisco, where he lived. He was 94.
Conservative and liberal colleagues alike viewed Mr. Friedman, a Nobel prize laureate, as one ofthe 20th century’s leading economic scholars, on a par with giants like John Maynard Keynesand Paul Samuelson.
Flying the flag of economic conservatism, Mr. Friedman led the postwar challenge to thehallowed theories of Lord Keynes, the British economist who maintained that governments hada duty to help capitalistic economies through periods of recession and to prevent boom timesfrom exploding into high inflation.
In Professor Friedman’s view, government had the opposite obligation: to keep its hands offthe economy, to let the free market do its work.
The only economic lever that Mr. Friedman would allow government to use was the one thatcontrolled the supply of money — a monetarist view that had gone out of favor when heembraced it in the 1950s. He went on to record a signal achievement,
unemployment and rising inflation that came to becalled stagflation. His work earned him the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1976.
Rarely, his colleagues said, did anyone have such impact on both his own profession and ongovernment. Though he never served officially in the halls of power, he was always aroundthem, as an adviser and theorist.
“Among economic scholars, Milton Friedman had no peer,” Ben S. Bernanke, the FederalReserve chairman, said today. “The direct and indirect influences of
his thinking oncontemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate.”
Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, said of Mr. Friedman in an interview onTuesday. “From a longer-term point of view, it’s his academic achievements which will havelasting import. But I would not dismiss the profound impact he has already had on theAmerican public’s view.”
Mr. Friedman had a gift for communicating complicated ideas in simple and lucid ways, and itserved him well as the author or co-author of more than a dozen books, as a columnist forNewsweek from 1966 to 1983 and even as the star of a public television series.
Part B Optional Translation(二选一题) Topic 1 (选题一)
Panama goes to polls on upgrade for canal
PANAMA CITY: Voters were expected Sunday to approve the largest modernization project inthe 92-year history of the Panama Canal, a $5.25 billion plan to expand the waterway to allowfor larger ships while alleviating traffic problems.
The government of President Martín Torrijos has billed the referendum as historic, saying thework would double the capacity of a canal already on pace to generate about $1.4 billion inrevenue this year. Critics claim the expansion would benefit the canal's customers more thanPanamanians, and worry that costs could balloon, forcing this debt- ridden country to borroweven more. The project would build a third set of locks on the Pacific and Atlantic ends of the canal by2015, allowing it to handle modern container ships, cruise liners and tankers too large for itslocks, which are 33 meters, or 108 feet, wide.
The Panama Canal Authority, the autonomous government agency that runs the canal, saysthe project would be paid for by increasing tolls and would generate $6 billion in revenue by2025.
There is nothing Panamanians are more passionate about than the canal.
\"It's incomparable in the hemisphere,\" said Samuel Lewis Navarro, the country's vice presidentand foreign secretary. \"It's in our heart, part of our soul.\" Public opinion polls indicate that the plan would be approved overwhelmingly. Green andwhite signs throughout the country read \"Yes for our children,\" while tens of thousands ofbillboards and bumper stickers trumpet new jobs. \"The canal needs you,\" television and radio ads implore.
\"It will mean more boats, and that means more jobs,\" said Damasco Polanco, who was herdingcows on horseback in Nuevo Provedencia, on the banks of Lake Gatún, an artificial reservoirthat supplies water to the canal.
The canal employs 8,000 workers and the expansion is expected to generate as many as40,000 new jobs. Unemployment in Panama is 9.5 percent, and 40 percent of the country livesin poverty.
But critics fear that the expansion could cost nearly double the government's estimate, as wellas stoke corruption and uncontrolled debt.
\"The poor continue to suffer while the rich get richer,\" said José Felix Castillo, 62, a high schoolteacher who was one of about 3,000 supporters who took to Panama City's streets to protestthe measure on Friday.
Lewis Navarro noted that a portion of the revenue generated by each ton of cargo that passesthrough the waterway goes to education and social programs. \"We aren't talking about 40 percent poverty as a consequence of the canal,\" he said. \"It'sexactly the opposite.\"
Section 2: Chinese-English Translation(汉译英) Part A
旅游是一项集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。旅游业随着时代进步而不断发展。 20世纪中叶以来,现代旅游在世界范围内迅速兴起,旅游人数不断增加,旅游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位提升,旅游活动愈益成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道,对人类活动和社会进步发生越来越广泛的影响。
在古代,中国先哲们就提出了“观国之光”的思想,倡导“读万卷书,行万里路”,游历名山大川,承天地之灵气,接山水之精华。 Part B
从1979到2004年实行改革开放这27年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。 经济每年增长9.4%,居民消费每年增长7%,进出口每年增长16.7%。2004年国民经济总产值达1.6494 万亿美元,进出口总额达1.1548万亿美元。我们已经基本上建立了社会主义市场经济。我们的生产力和综合国力在不断提高。社会各项事业蓬勃发展,人民生活实现了从温饱到小康这一历史性的飞跃。 如何在全球化加快的新形势下,从中国的实际出发,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,保持持续、快速、和谐和全面社会经济发展,是值得我们密切关注的重大战略略问题。经过多年的实践和探索,我们找到了一条既符合中国实际和时代发展趋势又反映人民愿望的发展道路。这就是具有中国特色的社会主义道路。我们将沿着这条道路坚定不移地奋勇前进。 Part B
The past 27 years of reform and opening up havebrought about tremendous changes from 1979 to 2004, on annual average, the Chineseeconomy grew by 9.4%, consumption by 7%, and import and export by 16.7%. In 2004, thecountry’s GDP topped US $ 1.6494 trillion. Total import and export volume reached US$ 1.1548 trillion. We have basically established a socialist market economy. Our productivityand overall national strength are constantly growing. Various social undertakings areflourishing and the historic leap in the people’s livelihood from a subsistence level to moderateprosperity is realized on the whole.
Under the new circumstances of accelerated economic globalization, a major strategic issuedeserving our close attention is how to maintain sustained, rapid, coordinated and soundeconomic and social development by adapting to China’s reality, seizing opportunities andcoping with challenges. After years exploration and practice, we have found a path todevelopment that comforts to China’s reality and the trend of times and reflects the wishes ofthe people. This is the road of Chinese socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will strideforward unswervingly along this road.