任课教师∶ 王金发
姓 名∶ 专 业∶
一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分
1. 细胞中水对于维持细胞温度的相对稳定具有重要作用,其原因是 水分间的氢键 能够吸收较多的热能。
2. 中膜体是细菌细胞质膜内陷折皱形成的,具有类似线粒体的功能。
3. Sugar-containing lipids called ______________ are found only in the outer half of
the bilayer and their sugar groups are exposed at the cell surface.
4. 乙醇沉淀DNA的主要原理是 。 答: 除去DNA分子的结合水。
5. 从进化论的观点,细胞学说的创立解决了一个核心问题,就是: 解决了生命的共同起源,即生命的同一性问题。
6. 纤粘连蛋白与细胞结合的结构域具有特征性的三肽结构,简称RGD 序列,代表的三个氨基酸是∶Arg-Gly-Asp。
7. 倒置显微镜与普通显微镜的不同在于 。
答: 物镜和照明系统的位置颠倒 。
8. 间隙连接的功能除了有机械连接作用外,还具有代谢偶联和电偶联。 9. 原核生物的mRNA通过SD序列与核糖体rRNA结合,而真核生物的RNA
10. 肌醇磷脂信号通路中产生两个第二信使的前体物质是 。 答:PIP2。
11. 在细胞外基质中,具有抗压作用的分子是透明质酸。
12. NO是一种气体信号分子,在体内主要由精氨酸产生, 它的半衰期很短, 故只作用于邻近细胞, 它作用的靶酶是鸟苷酸环化酶。
13. K+ 离子很难通过人工膜, 但加入短杆菌肽A后, 对K+ 的透性大大增 加, 原因是 。 答:短杆菌肽A起了通道蛋白的作用。
14. 蛋白质合成时多聚核糖体的形成对生命活动的意义在于: 节省了遗传信息量,减轻了核的负担。
15. NAPs是了解得较多的一类肽类激素, 它可以降低血压。这类信号的 传递需要通过第二信使 的放大作用。 答:c-GMP;
16. 限制哺乳动物细胞体积大小的主要因素有两个:一种是 的关系,另一种是 。 答:体积与表面积; 重要分子在细胞内的浓度
二、判断题(若是正确的标√号, 错误的标×号,并做简要说明。每题 1分,共20分)
1. One can determine if a membrane protein is exposed on the external side of the plasma membrane by covalent attachment of a labeling reagent or
by protease digestion only if the membrane is intact. (√)
19. Maintenance of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane requires special enzymes and the hydrolysis of ATP.( × )
20. Calmodulin regulates the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. ( x )
三、选择题(请将正确答案的代号填入括号,每题1分,共20分) 1. 下列内容中除了( )以外, 都是细胞学说的要点。 a. 所有生物都是由一个或多个细胞构成; b. 细胞是生命的最简单形式; c. 细胞是生命的结构单元; d. 细胞从初始细胞分化而来。 答:b. 正确
2. 光镜同电镜比较, 下列各项中, ( c )是不正确的。 a. 电镜用的是电子束, 而不是可见光;
b. 电镜样品要在真空中观察, 而不是暴露在空气中; c. 电镜和光镜的样品都需要用化学染料染色; d. 用于电镜的标本要彻底脱水, 光镜则不必。 答:c。
3. 下列哪种证据支持原始生命的形成无需DNA和酶的存在? a. RNA可编码遗传信息,并有催化剂作用。 b. DNA和酶仅存在于高度进化的细胞中。 c. 高等生物细胞缺乏RNA。 d. 所有上述原因。 答:a, 正确。
4. 与膜结合的糖类主要有:( )
a.D-半乳糖、D-甘露糖、N-乙酰基葡萄糖胺、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸 b.D-半乳糖胺、D-甘露糖、L-岩藻糖、唾液酸、透明质酸; c.D-半乳糖、D-乳糖、D-甘露糖、纤维二糖; d.D-半乳糖、半乳糖醛酸、岩藻糖、唾液酸。
5. 胶原有分子间和分子内连接,连接点都是通过( )。 a.赖氨酸; b.甘氨酸; c.苏氨酸; d.丝基酸。 答: a
6. 在动物细胞培养过程中要用( c ) 来进行观察。 a. 相差显微镜; b. 荧光显微镜; c. 倒置显微镜; d. 普通光学显微镜。 答:c.
7. 用光脱色恢复技术可以证明膜的流动性, 其原理是:( ) a. 用激光束淬灭质膜上一部分膜受体的荧光素; b. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白和膜脂的荧光素; c. 用紫外光淬灭膜蛋白或膜脂的荧光素; d. 用激光照射细胞的整个表面, 使荧光淬灭。 答:b
8. 下述哪一种情况能够支持核糖体RNA具有催化活性?( )
a.rRNA碱基序列是高度保守的,而核糖体蛋白的氨基酸序列则不然。 b.具有对抗生素抗性的细菌在rRNA分子中有取代的碱基,而在核糖 体蛋白质中没有被取代的氨基酸。
c.肽酰转移酶的反应对核糖核酸酶敏感。 d.上述都是。 答: c
9. 用抗纤连蛋白的抗体注射胚体,发现在神经系统发育过程中神经嵴细 胞的移动受到抑制。这些实验说明:( ) a. 神经嵴发育包括抗体基因的表达 b.发育中的神经无需要合成纤连蛋白 c.纤连蛋白-抗体复合物形成神经移动途径
d.胚胎中的神经元在移动过程中必须与纤连蛋白暂时结合 答: d
10. 乙酰胆碱受体属于( )系统。 a.酶联受体; b.G-蛋白偶联受体; c.通道偶联受体; d.以上都不是。 答: c
11.心钠肽是心房肌细胞产生的肽激素,对血压具有调节作用。心钠肽作 为第一信使作用于受体, 并在细胞内产生第二信使, 下面四种第二信 使中哪一种对于心钠肽具有应答作用?( ) a.cAMP; b.cGMP; c. Ca2+; d. DAG。
答: b
12. 前体rRNA甲基化的重要性在于( )。 a.保证最后的rRNA能够装配成正确的三级结构 b.防止前体rRNA被加工 c.防止成熟rRNA部分被降解
d.上述都不是 答: c
13. A membrane-affiliated protein is isolated by detergent extraction, and found to be amphipathic and lacking any nonprotein components. To which class of membrane proteins does it belong?
a. integral proteins b. peripheral proteins c. lipid-anchored proteins d. none of the above 答:a
14. The distribution of K+ across an artificial membrane was measured, and the concentrations were found to be equal on both sides. Which of the following statements is true about the distribution of K+? a. K+ must be at equilibrium across the cell membrane. b. K+ cannot be at equilibrium across the membrane.
c. There cannot be a membrane potential under these conditions.
d. More information is needed to determine whether K+ is at equilibrium. 答:d
15. Which of the following is not a step in the regulation of
glycogen metabolism:
a. Epinephrine stimulates an increase in cAMP.
b. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase. c. A cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase kinase.
d. A rise in cAMP activates a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. 答:b
16. Both epinephrine and glucagon bind to C protein~oupled receptors and activate glycogen breakdown. Therefore, epinephrine and glucagon must: a. have very similar structures and bind to the same receptor.
b. bind to receptors with different ligand-binding sites but similar functions.
c. bind to different receptors and activate different second messengers.
d. bind to the same receptors, one being intracellular and the other, extracellular. 答:b
17. Which mutant form of ras is likely to cause malignancy? a. ras that cannot hydrolyze GTP b. ras that cannot bind to GTP
c. ras that cannot bind to Grb2 or Sos d. ras that cannot bind to Raf 答:a
18. The sequence of events that occurs after insulin binds to its receptor tyrosine kinase is:
a. binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect b. binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> phosphorylation of IRS -> effect c. autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of IRS -> binding of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
d. autophosphorylation and binding of IRS -> phosphorylation of proteins with SH2 domains -> effect
19. 下列连接方式中属于与中间纤维相连的锚定连接的是( c )。 a.粘合带; b.粘合斑; c.桥粒; d.紧密连接。
20. 缬氨霉素是一种可形成通道的离子载体, 能够使( a )的运输速度提
a.K+ ; b.Na+ ; c.Ca2+ ; d.H+
四、简答题(每题4分, 选做5题,共20分)
1.Describe the similarities and differences in the cycling of Gs and Ras between the active and inactive forms.
Answer 1:. Binding of hormone to its receptor causes a con-formational change in the receptor. The receptor then binds to Gm protein causing a conformational change in the Gs protein and release of the bound GDP. GTP then binds to Gs which causes release of the GTP-Gs complex from the and subunits. The GTP-Gs complex then activates adenylyl cyclase. Activation is short-lived because the intrinisic GTPase activity in Gs hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and returns G~ to its inactive form.
2. 如何理解“被动运输是减少细胞与周围环境的差别,而主动运输则是努 力创造差别,维持生命的活力”?
答: 主要是从创造差异对细胞生命活动的意义方面来理解这一说法。主动运输涉及物质输入和输出细胞和细胞器,并且能够逆浓度梯度或电化学梯度。这种运输对于维持细胞和细胞器的正常功能来说起三个重要作用:① 保证了细胞或细胞器从周围环境中或表面摄取必需的营养物质,即使这些营养物质在周围环境中或表面的浓度很低;② 能够将细胞内的各种物质,如分泌物、代谢废物以及一些离子排到细胞外,即使这些物质在细胞外的浓度比细胞内的浓度高得多; ③能够维持一些无机离子在细胞内恒定和最适的浓度,特别是K+、Ca2+和H+的浓度。概括地说,主动运输主要是维持细胞内环境的稳定,以及在各种不同生理条件下细胞内环境的快速调整, 这对细胞的生命活动来说是非常重要的。
3. 紧密连接除了连接细胞外还有什么作用?意义何在?
答: 紧密连接除了连接细胞之外,还有两个作用:防止物质双向渗漏,并限制了膜蛋白在脂分子层的流动,维持细胞的极性。
4. 胰高血糖素和肾上腺素是如何使靶细胞中的cAMP的浓度升高的?
答: 胰高血糖素和肾上腺素作为第一信使作用于靶细胞的膜受体, 通过G蛋白偶联细激活腺苷酸环化酶,将ATP生成cAMP。
5. 核酶是如何被发现及证实的? 这一发现有什么意义?
答: 1981年,Thomas Cech和他的同事在研究四膜虫的26S rRNA前体加工去除基因内含子时获得一个惊奇的发现∶内含子的切除反应发生在仅含有核苷酸和纯化的26S rRNA前体而不含有任何蛋白质催化剂的溶液中,可能的解释只能是:内含子切除是由26S rRNA前体自身催化的,而不是蛋白质。
6. 为什么说水是细胞中优良的热缓冲体系?
五、实验证明题。(简要说明,不需详细步骤。每小题5分,任选2题, 共10分)。
1. Some integral membrane enzymes depend upon the lipids in their microenvironment not only for scaffolding, but for enzymatic activity. The Na+-K+ ATPase is one example. Please design an experiment to test the influence of membrane fluidity on the velocity of the Na+-K+ ATPase. Answers:
1. Identify a tissue that would serve as a good source of the enzyme of interest, e.g., the plasma membranes of nerve tissue. Solubilize the Na+-K+ ATPase from its native membrane using detergents. Reconstitute the enzyme into liposomes of simple and well-defined composition, then assay the enzyme for activity. By synthesizing a variety of liposomes with different amounts of
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the fiuidity of the liposome can be altered, and the enzyme can be tested under conditions of different fiuidity. (To
measure the fiuidity of the liposomes directly, without having to infer it from the fatty acid composition, either FRAP or SPT techniques can be applied.)
2. 如何证明RNA聚合酶Ⅲ进行5S rRNA基因转录时, 使用的是内部启动子?
可通过基因操作。如将5S rRNA基因的5'侧的上游序列完全除去,检测转录情况, 然后再切去5S rRNA基因的部分内部序列,再检测转录情况。实验结果表明: 将5S rRNA基因的5'侧的上游序列完全除去并不影响5S rRNA基因的转录。但是,如果将5S rRNA基因内部缺失一部分序列(从50位到80位缺失),RNA聚合酶Ⅲ不仅不能转录这段DNA,甚至不能结合上去(图6E-1)。如果将5S rRNA基因的内部启动子序列插入到基因组的其它部位,会使插入的部位形成一个新的转录起点。
图E6-1 RNA聚合酶Ⅲ转录5S rRNA基因启动子的鉴定
将图中5S rRNA基因的A片段或D片段缺失都不影响RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的转录,但是将B片段或C片段缺失,都会影响RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的转录。表明5S rRNA基因的启动子位于5S基因内部的控制区。
3. 请设计一个实验研究受体与配体结合的特异性
克采用非放射性标记的底物同放射性标记的配体竞争受体的结合位点的方法,原理是: 如果结合是特异性的话,只有信号分子能够同受体结合,而与信号分子无关的分子则不能同受体结合。例如,放射性标记的胰岛素与受体的结合不会受葡萄糖或ACTH(促肾上腺皮质激素)的抑制,但是能够被非放射性标记的胰岛素或胰岛素衍生物所抑制(图E5-2)。
图5-17 证明激素与受体结合特异性的实验
1. “解铃还需系铃人”这句谚语在细胞活动中能找到对应的故事吗?请
2. 计算题(5分)
① The average molecular weight of proteins in the cell is about 30,000
daltons. A few proteins, however, are very much larger. The largest known polypeptide chain made by any cell is a protein called titin (made by muscle cells), and it has a molecular weight of 3,000,000 daltons.
Estimate how long it will take a muscle cell to translate an mRNA coding for titin (assume the average molecular weight of an amino acid to be 120, and a translation rate of two amino acids per second for eucaryotic cells). ② Transcription occurs at a rate of about 30 nucleotides per second. Is it possible to calculate the time required to synthesize a titin mRNA from the information given here?
2. Answer:
① A titin molecule is made of 25,000 amino acids. It therefore takes about 3.5 hours to synthesize a single molecule of titin in muscle cells. ② To calculate the time it takes to transcribe a titin mRNA, you would need to know the size of its gene, which is likely to contain many introns. Transcription of the exons alone requires about 42 minutes. Because introns can be quite large, the time required to transcribe the entire gene is likely to be considerably longer.
2. 综合思考(10分, 按答题最多者计算每题得分)
① 物质运输是一个耗能过程,请举例说明有哪些能量来源?
②. What is the advantage of having an extracellular signal transmitted by a cascade of sequential events? Answer②:Transduction of an extracellular signal via a cascade of sequential events is advantageous because of the amplification of the signal. The binding of a few molecules to a receptor can result in the synthesis of a large number of effector molecules because at each step of the cascade the signal is enzymatically amplified.
③. Heating of calf type I collagen fibers to 45C denatures the triple helices and separates the three chains from each other. Collagen that has been treated in this way does not renature to form a normal collagen triple helix. Why?
Answer③The N-terminal and C-terminal propeptides pre-sent in newly synthesized collagen monomers as-ist in alignment of the peptides to form the triple helix. These propeptides are removed after the trimers are transported to the extracellular matrix, and thus are not available to perform the same function in denatured calf type I collagen. In addition, inappropriate disulfide bridges can be generated during renaturation; these will also inhibit the generation of a normal triple helix.