专利名称:Composite structure
发明人:Beat Schmidhalter,Heinz Spahni申请号:US07/465720申请日:19900116公开号:US05116674A公开日:19920526
摘要:A composite structure comprising a substrate having deposited thereon anelectrically conductive metal film which is coated with a layer of porous metal oxide,wherein a thin, transparent and electrically conductive film of an anodically oxidizablemetal is deposited on at least one surface of said substrate, the metal film havingthereon a thin transparent coating of an oxide of said metal, and wherein the oxidecoating has, distributed over the surface thereof, fine pores which are closed adjacent tothe metal film.
The composite material can be used as an optical information recording material or asa transparent electrode.
代理人:Kevin T. Mansfield,Edward McC. Roberts