专利名称:Apparatus and method for processing a
sequence of jump instructions
发明人:Dirk Rabe,Holger Sedlak申请号:US11017209申请日:20041220
摘要:An apparatus for processing a sequence of instructions, which comprises aLCALL instruction, a FCALL instruction and a common re-jump instruction (return),comprises a means for reading-in an instruction, to perform the read-in instruction of a
means for examining the instruction. In the case of the presence of LCALL or FCALL, astack memory is filled, while the stack is emptied in the case of the presence of a re-jumpinstruction. At every re-jump, a predetermined amount of re-jump information is takenfrom stack and supplied to a means for decoding, which is formed to access the stackagain in the case where the predetermined amount of re-jump information indicates achange of the physical memory window, to finally supply the correct address for the nextinstruction in the instruction sequence to the means for reading in. Thereby, the same re-jump instruction can be used for a call with FCALL (outside of a current physical memorywindow) and a call with LCALL (within the physical memory window), without amicroprocessor change, by encoding the re-jump information on the stack and bydecoding them by the means for decoding. Thereby, the re-jump instruction provided forthe microprocessor can be used for both jump instructions.
申请人:Dirk Rabe,Holger Sedlak
地址:Munich DE,Lochhofen DE