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Composite structure


专利名称:Composite structure

发明人:Jonathan Meyer,Michael Matthews申请号:US13641210申请日:20110407公开号:US09102102B2公开日:20150811


摘要:A structure comprising a plurality of plies of fiber-reinforced compositematerial, each ply having a ply orientation defined by a principal stiffness direction of theply. The structure has a first region and a second region, each region comprising N1primary plies, N4 cross plies with a ply orientation substantially perpendicular to the

primary plies, N2 positive-angled bias plies with a ply orientation at a positive acute angleto the primary plies, and N3 negative-angled bias plies with a ply orientation substantiallyperpendicular to the positive-angled bias plies. The ply orientation of the primary plies ineach region is more closely aligned with a primary axis of the structure than the crossplies or the bias plies. N1=N4 in the first region but not in the second N region, andN2=N3 in the second region but not in the first region. In each of the two regions, one plyset is balanced and the other ply set is un-balanced. This provides a compromise betweenthe advantages of using un-balanced ply sets, for instance to provide bending torsioncoupling, and the disadvantage that un-balanced ply sets can introduce thermallyinduced distortion during manufacture.

申请人:Jonathan Meyer,Michael Matthews

地址:Calne GB,St. Arvans GB


代理机构:Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.

