Configuration Guide
The Agilent 8156A is a high performance optical attenuator for single andmultimode optical fiber transmission systems. It is available in variousconfigurations for best possible match to the most common applications.This configuration guide describes the options available and how theyshould be ordered. Options cannot be used without the mainframe Agilent8156A and two or three connector interfaces, such as the Agilent 81000FI.The Agilent 8156A is produced to the ISO 9001 international quality
system standard as part of Agilent´s commitment to continually increasingcustomer satisfaction through improved quality control.
Agilent 8156AMainframeAgilent 8156AOption 350multimode50/125µmAgilent 8156AOption 100single-mode>35dBreturn lossAgilent 8156AOption 101single-mode>45dBreturn lossAgilent 8156AOption 121single-modemonitorAgilent 8156AOption 201single-mode>60dBreturn lossAgilent 8156AOption 221single-modemonitorOption 203BackReflector KitAgilent81000AIconnectorInterfaceDiamondHMS-10Agilent81000GIconnectorInterfaceD4Agilent81000VIconnectorInterfaceSTAgilent81000WIconnectorInterfaceBiconicAgilent81000FIconnectorInterfaceFCPC/SPCAgilent81000KIconnectorInterfaceSCPC/APCAgilent81000SIconnectorInterfaceDIN 47256DIN 4108Agilent81000NIconnectorInterfaceFC/APCBack Reflector Setup for Option 100,101,121
Agilent 8156A
Output Port
Agilent 81000AIConnector InterfaceDiamond HMS-10
Agilent 81000BRReferenceReflector
Back Reflector Setup for Option 201,221
Agilent 81000SIConnectorInterfaceDIN 4108
Agilent 81113PCPathcord
Agilent 81000FIConnectorInterfaceFC/PC/SPC/APC
Option 203 Back reflector Kit
Agilent 8156A
Output Port
Agilent 81000UMUniversalTroughAdapter
Agilent 81000BRReferenceMonitor
Agilent 8156A:
Non-modular mainframe for opticalattenuator
Option 100:
Standard performance version with 35dBreturn loss and straight contact
connectors; two connector interfacesrequired
Option 101:
High performance version with 45dBreturn loss and straight contact
connectors; two connector interfacesrequired.
Option 201:
High performance version with 60dBreturn loss and angled contact
connectors; two connector interfacesrequired.
Option 121:
High performance version with 45dBreturn loss and straight contact
connectors built-in monitor output (13dBtap), three connector interfaces requiredOption 221:
High performance version with 60dBreturn loss and angled contact connectorsbuilt-in monitor output (13dB tap), threeconnector interfaces requiredOption 350:
Standard performence version for50/125 µm multimode fibers; twoconector interfaces required
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Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.Copyright c 2000 Agilent TechnologiesNovember 05 2001
Related Agilent LiteratureAgilent 8156AOptical AttenuatorTechnical SpecificationsP/n 5962-8631E