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High dynamic range image combining


专利名称:High dynamic range image combining发明人:Kalin M. Atanassov,Ruben M.

Velarde,Hsiang-Tsun Li,Hau Hwang



摘要:Systems and methods of high dynamic range image combining are disclosed. Ina particular embodiment, a device includes a global mapping module configured togenerate first globally mapped luminance values within a region of an image, a local

mapping module configured to generate second locally mapped luminance values withinthe region of the image, and a combination module configured to determine luminancevalues within a corresponding region of an output image using a weighted sum of the firstglobally mapped luminance values and the second locally mapped luminance values. Aweight of the weighted sum is at least partially based on a luminance variation within theregion of the image.

申请人:Kalin M. Atanassov,Ruben M. Velarde,Hsiang-Tsun Li,Hau Hwang

地址:San Diego CA US,Chula Vista CA US,San Diego CA US,San Diego CA US


代理人:James R. Gambale, Jr.

