

2020-09-02 来源:小侦探旅游网
曼 I 民间传说的发生地往往不只一处,而剧作 家戚天法找到了自己的孟姜女故里—— 寻找 |『iI=. 里 戚天法 书明确指点孟姜女的家乡应在齐鲁一 带无疑。已故的著名剧作家顾锡东先 生在游辽东后有诗赠我:“潮头插剑 欲屠龙,碣石峻嶙对峙雄,扈跸求仙 旗蔽日,挥鞭作赋马嘶风。秦宫碑断 蒿莱草,姜女坟空荆棘丛。却喜两岐 歌麦秀,凌云铁塔遍辽东。”诗明白告 之孟姜女坟墓和故事发生在辽东。然 而资深的民间文学专家贺学君先生在 论四大民间传说的总体特征 一文 中说:“我国民间文学大师顾颉刚先 生在1927年统计,山东、江苏、山西、陕 西、湖北、河南、湖南、云南、广东、广 西、福建、浙江、直隶、京兆、奉天等 作者(左)一行人在孟姜女庙 The writer and his friends visit the Meng Jiangnu Memorial Temple 地都有盂姜女的传说在流传,有的被 认为是孟姜女的出生地,有的被认为 是她的葬身地,有的则认为是她寻夫 经过的地点。许多地方还出现了相关 中国四大民间传说之一的孟姜女 必须获知的人文元素和环境平台。 故事家喻户晓,脍炙人口。优美的 孟 姜女》小调到处传唱,小调旋律中人们 熟悉了孟姜女、范杞梁、秦始皇。孟姜 女的忠贞爱情故事,早在国人的记忆 中定格,且根深蒂固。 几年前,我在考察西安至玉门那 段“蜿蜒跃上千仞间,延绵不绝古长 城”时,总抑制不住对“巨龙”和“脊 的文化建筑,仅孟姜女墓或祠庙或古  “众里寻你千百度,却在宁波 迹就有20处之多。”我受此民问信息的诱惑,疑窦与 海隅处。”一个偶然的机会,我从 宁 波民间故事集))和 宁海民间文学集 好奇心油然生发。寻思此事:如若不  成 两书中发现了孟姜女的故里,它 谬,那么孟姜女传说如同梁祝传说、竞在浙江宁海县桑州镇境内。书中一 徐福东渡传说一样,又将是一张具有 篇题为 孟姜女升天石》的故事中有 广泛影响力的宁波金名片。为此,我 附言日:“桑州镇海云寺边有孟家、姜 邀请了几位记者驱车前往桑州镇实地 调查与采风。 家两村和孟姜女庙。庙址尚存。” 梁”的万千感慨,深为数百万筑城的 尽管古人左丘明在 春秋左传 在桑州外冈山西麓的永乐寺东 “范杞梁”所付出的智慧与艰辛而折 中有记述:“陈人城,板坠而杀人…一 侧,我与记者找到了那座近似尘封的 服。“民之传说,史之影矣”,我的疑 齐侯归,遇杞梁妻于郊,使吊之。”公 孟姜女庙,以及和孟姜女比肩并坐的 云与好奇心陡然而生:孟姜女故事流 孙丑在 孟子・杞梁妻 一书中亦有 范杞梁塑像,大家都感到莫大的惊 传了两千余年,她的家乡又在何方何 记载:“昔者王豹处于淇,而河西善 讶和兴奋。出于崇敬之情,我们在考 地呢?这不仅是民间文学工作者需要考 讴;绵驹处于高唐,而齐右善歌;华周 究庙匾,查找庙碑,摄录具有文物考 证的课题,更是舞台剧和电视剧创作者 杞梁之妻善哭其夫而变国俗。”这两 古价值的庙砖瓦砾时,显得格外细 《孟姜女》剧照 A still of Meng Jiangnu 和小心翼翼,惟恐错过点滴的佐证 学、史学价值,不应停留在血泪控诉 对坚信,宁海桑州镇这片灵秀之地, 物。在我们寻访当地“三老”、录制 秦皇暴政这一层面上,它应当从人生 终将成为宁波历史文化旅游的又~处 “孟姜女小调”的过程中,又意外获 道德的评判角度来透视普通人对全 胜境。 羽了每年农历六月初三日,那些早已 局利益,即国家命运 重离故土的孟姓、姜姓和范姓的后裔 的心理状态和道德标 门,都会从四面八方聚集拢来,使冷 准,藉以探讨人生的 客的庙堂顿时呈现祭奠的盛况,情同 意义与价值,从而反 青明节扫墓一般。据传,此习俗已成 映出作为具体的人对 勾当地民众的乡风。 国家、对社会、对人类 我又翻开桑州镇的历代年谱,它 应当具有的公民责任 i 悠久的历史和丰厚的文化底蕴却令 感这一重大的社会主 戈不得不信服。史料记载,桑州镇虽 题上来。不过,我认 凑素称浙东的穷乡僻壤,可就是这样 为在孟姜女的爱情内 一个不起眼的海隅山沟里,在宋、明、 涵里,应当表现得尤 青三个朝代中出现过八名进士、三名 为突出和强烈。当然, 摹人和一名探花。—方水土养—方^、, 也不放弃对秦始皇作 lJ川秀美,百姓勤勉,文化底蕴深厚, 出客观公正的历史评 甚称人杰地灵。那么人们定会思索: 价。鉴于这一理念,我 生千年的历史演变中,有谁能反证桑 创作的舞台剧和电视 I之地没有出现过“孟姜女和范杞 剧((孟姜女 ,获得了 ”这样的寻常百姓呢?又有谁能否 浙江省“五个一”工程 人忠贞炽烈的“孟姜女”甘为远方服 奖。 I<一∽_I_ 殳的丈夫送去寒衣呢?作为桑州镇独 孟姜女的家乡在 寺的历史背景和浓厚的文化底蕴,我 浙东,还是在山东? 骞然意识到自己创作的戏剧和电视剧 或在辽东?这虽然无 “孟姜女》中,不论孟姜女夫妇也好, 关宏旨,都不重要,然 秦始皇也好,万里长城应当是他们不 而,我认为孟姜女故 污生命的共同背景。孟范的忠贞爱情 里确在宁海桑州镇这 孟姜女、范杞梁塑像 }Ⅱ凄美传说的社会意义和爱情的文 片灵秀之地;我也绝 Statues of Meng Jiangnu and Fan Qiliang (、t}i{LIl al Diatog ̄m 73 爻 By Qi Tianfa Meng Jiangnu is a woman in one of the four most popular Chinese ancient Ancient literature says that Meng was around,studying texts of plaques,photo— born in the present—day coastal Shandong graphing architectural details and build— folk stories.The prototype of the story is Province in eastern China.There are in ancient books more than 2,000 years other theories about where she was born. old.Over centuries,the concise mention In 1927 Gu Jiegang,a prominent scholar grew into a full—body story with many of fo1klores.investigated and found that dramatic versions.According to the folk people in about fifteen provinces across China knew about the legendary woman,that there were local sto. ries about where she traveled on her way to find her husband. where she was born and where she was buried,and that there were over twenty me— morial sites such as hertombs andherme— morial temples across 昌 作者(中)在桑州镇查阅孟姜女遗迹资料 China. 年 The writer researches in Sangzhou Town. 第 Then I read another 十 簸 story,Meng travels thousands of miles stow about where the woman was born. in search of her husband.a laborer el1. Two collections of folk stories in Hain— 1isted to build the Great Wa11.She wants ing,a county under the jurisdietion of to bring winter cloths to her husband. Ningbo in eastern Zhej iang mentions She fails to find her husband.She cries that Meng Jiangnu was born in today’ heartbreakingly for three days and three s Sangzhou Town,Ninghai County.A nights.The folklore says a section of footnote says that Mengjia Village and the Great Wall collapses because of her Jiangjia Village were near Haiyun Tenr— weeping,exposing the body of her dead pie in Sangzhou Town and that the Meng husband.This is a very popular story in Jiangnu’s memorial temple still exists China. today. A few years ago,I visited the Great I became excited.If Meng Jiangnu W.all between Xi’an and Yumen.stretch— was indeed born in Ninghai County,the ing from Shaanxi Province to Gansu home village of the famous woman could Province in northwestern China.1 was become another calling card of Ningbo. deeply impressed by the great engineer- I invited a few reporters and we drove to ing project and by the hard work put in Sangzhou ofr a visit. by millions of laborers.It was during the We found the temple.We felt excited travel that I became curious about Meng to see the statues of Meng Jiangnu and Jiangnu.Where was her born? her husband Fang Qiliang.We walked 74 ct ̄ttural 1)ialogtic ing materials,searching the stele of the temple.We were very care ̄l in order not to overlook any details.We visited elder- ly people in the neighborhood and asked about what they knew about Meng Jiang— nu.We even recorded a villager singing the popular tune about Meng Jiangnu. Then we learned that descendents of the Meng,Jiang and Fang families still come from near and far on June 3rd on the lunar calendar every year to visit the temple and hold a memorial ceremony.It is now a local celebration. I later consulted the town’s annals. Though it was a small,remote,rural town in eastenr Zhejiang,it produced twelve outstanding national scholars altogether during the spell of three dynasties.1 was deeply impressed.I felt sure that some— one here would do what the woman did: traveling all the way and bringing winter cloths to her husband.Then I realized that Meng Jiangnu was more than an accusa— tion against the atrocity of the First Em— peror of the Qin Dynasty(22 1—206BC). She stands for love,and her love has al1 the social and cultural implications that ordinary Chinese people can well under- stand and cherish. My understanding of the everlasting significance of the legend and of the woman became the basis of my scripts for both the dance drama and the televi— sion drama entitled Meng Jiangnu.I am glad that each won a provincial award. Where Meng Jiangnu was born exactly is probably not important,but I firmly believe that she was born in Ninghai and that the town will become a tourism at traction of Ningbo.口 
