Shipper 发货人 Consignee or order 收货人 B/L NO. 中 国 对 外 贸 易 运 输 总 公 司 CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORT CORPORATION Notify address 通知地址 直 运 或 转 船 提 单 BILL OF LADING DIRECT OR WITH TRANSSHIPMENT Pre-carriage by 前段运输工具 Vessel 船名 Port of discharge 卸货港 Port of loading 装运港 Port of transshipment 转运港 Frail destination 目的港 SHIPPED on board in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to be discharged at the mentioned port of discharge of as near they’re to as the vessel may safely get and always afloat. THE WEIGHT, measure, marks and numbers quality, contents and value particulars furnished by the Shipper, are not checked by the Carrier on loading. THE SHIPPER, Consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Loading, including those on the back hereof. IN WITNESS where of the number of original Bill of Loading stated below have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void. Container Seal No. or marks and Nos. Number and kind of packages Designation of goods 货物的数量和包装种类 Gross weight (kgs.) 毛重 Measurement (m3) 体积 运输标志 REGARDING TRANSSHIPMENT Freight and charge INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT 运费和其他相关费用 转运请联系 Ex. Rate 费率 Prepaid at 运费预付 Total Prepaid 总预付 Freight payable at 运费付款 Number of original Bs/L 信用证号码 Place and date of issue 地点和时间 Signed for or on behalf of the Master 签字 as Agent