卫生健康◆1. 疆| . h 呻 -量} 苛的教养方式妨碍孩子智力发育 № k 叫 a m 鲫 By Alfred Lubrano木子/选注 ~ T he bus・A lather at a conVenience st。re growls coarsely int。his s。n,s ea r. he scenes are t。。c。mm。n r c。mfort:A m-己㈨_{汕i虿硒霎j{ 叫 一一 k 一她一 = .董m一 批 一~蚕 哪 。ther grabs her daughter,s arm roughly。n 踟 _耋n- 三 椭 ,郎 H盯 h parenting unleashes s。一called t【)xic stress in children,researchers s'dV,changing the mct“ 。and f_unc“。nality。f their brains,heightening chances fr】r negafj ve behavi。ran rj .p。t nflaIjy。ond。啪ing a child to a life hampered by heart dise d‘n1。ng。ther ma1ad …IIhi js an incredibly imp。rtant public health issue,”said J。an Lubvprofessor()f p yc ry at the washingt。n University Seh。。1。f Medicjne jn St.Louis.After studying 145 h ld 。n。Ver 12 yearsshe auth。red an artic1e 。 t ,l ,一一 r s . ,ab。ut the efiect。f poverty on children’s brainn a~ e 一 呲 一 s in r =N。tes: the journa1 JAMA Pediatr cs in oct。ber 1l.1 h。 t a1猛烈抨击 _i a .呈 1as 一 Think。f harsh parenting as an agentm . m ,2.stunl妨碍……发 、 destruetiVe as lead pois。ningsaid Danie1 Tayl。 a pediatrician at StChristopher’s H0sDitaJ . .3・au【h。ritarian I)arenting独裁型教养 in Children in North Philade1phiaSuch parent。ften involving “quick ‘do-衅 一_童 r 4・““l h释放c ・h mp 妨碍, 碍c th。ut the bur rjn e -rect 。r a Morn。r。adwjl oving, upport Ve attitude",.as-I—say,。rders f】’I】m :‘ma‘。ad 疾 。 、ry 精神病学psyatchim砒血,piIdi ̄"trik 医 小儿科 ,children of stress hormones such as cortisol 。£hat are t。 ic t。deVel。ping brainsTayl。r said,. causes the release in ÷ 9÷.bu ri”g e ct缓冲效心.I)u r缓 冲,减轻.. 1 0 。rtis。l【 k3:tis31]【 】戍质醇,被称 为 L尤虑’’荷尔蒙。 。 One possible c。nsequence is damage t。a ,child’s amygda1aI】th。part。f the brain that _ I I.amygdala[a'migd 3]【解】扁 8腺regulates emoti。nThe child bec。mes hyperaetivel2.. I2・hyperactive极度活跃的患多动症的。 ,gets into fights,has attenti0n deftcitsl and cannot l 3・ 。“ n d。n‘:i 注意力小集巾” 26 @⑨00@ @匡 06§响 卫生健康.1◆ be calm,Taylor said.Toxic stress also damages the hippocampusH,a part of the brain that affects memory,he said,SO such children may have trouble remembering things, which impairs reading ability and test performance. If toxic hormones are released constantly.children will suffer elevated blood pressure and sugar levels,as well as accelerated heart rates,making a person with toxic stress just as likely to develop heart disease as someone with high cholesterol ,said social worker Marcy Witherspoon,an expert in Philadelphia Oil child welfare and brain development. Taylor and others extrapolate that poor neighborhoods likely hold countless families suffering from compromised墙brain development,generation after generation. “If a child’S developing brain was being damaged by high lead levels,landlords would be sued,houses repaired,”Taylor said.“If a child’S brain was being damaged by mercury in the water,the system would be changed.Who is going to pay,who is responsible for ensuring our children are not affected by the toxin of child poverty in America?We all are, and we’ll pay the price of neglecting to build strong children.’’ Dave suffered from toxic stress after a poor childhood in which,he said,“my over— disciplining,yelling,cursing mother ripped me apart.”Dave,3 1,a security supervisor at a Philadelphia business,requested that his last name not be used because he feared losing his j0b.A single father who lives in Philadelphia with his two children,ages 4 and 1 8 months, 。 Dave was a participant in a parenting workshop 14.hipp。campus海马体,大脑与记忆 run by Witherspoon. “My mother would always . 有关的区域。 tell me I’d never amount to anything,”Dave said. ≮15.impair损害。 “1 was depressed.” 16.cholesterol胆固醇。 Fearful that he’d pass along toxic stress like l7-ex【raP。1a【e[eks"trmpoleit]推测,推 a malevolent加legacy to his children,Dave said, 知。 - “There are 0n1v two ways you come 0ut 0f a - 18・c。mpromise损害,危害。 s・i.t uati・ on … like ml・ ne ou r:Y ,: I e el一 mer a vlicCtil m ano Lt Iet. 9・m ury汞。 the bad experiences c。ntro1 you,0r y。u become . 20.malevolent『mo'levolont]有恶意 ^h ^h better in spite of it.” m 的,恶毒的。 -21.ex。 se[,eks3:saiz1驱赶,驱邪。 Dave believes that,in part by writing poetyr -and by drawing,he exorcised demons and @⑥叩@⑨@匡 ⑨06s晌 27 ◆1.卫生健康.1. 26・c。rre a e wi h与……相关联。 27・neuroscienti吼神经系统科学家。 ..・it.That knowledge can st。p the cyc1e. Parents need adv。cacy30 and supp。rt, said akin 。类 ’ 。Withersp。。n.That way they st。p taking their stresses 9.p er pe 30.adv0cacv拥护。 . 永存。 。out 。n kid .t To help ,”W ithers P n sai3ood…,lsaY 0n tne r K n —l sa 28 @⑨00@⑨③匡响⑨06s响